Sore throat when swallowing: symptoms, possible causes. Why the larynx hurts when pressed: what to do and how to treat


A sore throat when swallowing can provoke a variety of diseases of the larynx, pharynx or tonsils.

In addition, this condition can signal the development of dangerous infections, so if it occurs, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Let us consider in more detail what to do if the larynx hurts when pressed, and what factors can cause this symptom.

Larynx hurts: possible causes

If the larynx hurts when swallowing, it may be due to the following reasons:

1. Injury (bruise) of the larynx, which provoked a tear or fracture of the cartilage. In this case, a person may experience oral bleeding, coughing, shortness of breath and shock.

During palpation of the skin in the area of ​​the larynx, broken cartilage will be felt. This condition requires immediate treatment.

2. Laryngeal mucosa burn It can also cause severe pain when swallowing, excessive salivation, and vomiting of blood. Most often this results in the accidental use of acids and alkalis (ammonia, liquid for washing dishes and baths, carbolic acid, etc.).

3. Tonsillitis often causes pain in the larynx. With this viral disease in a person, tonsils become highly inflamed. The reason for this is pathogenic bacteria that multiply rapidly.

The tonsillitis virus is transmitted through the air from a sick person to a healthy person. Its treatment should be carried out with potent antibiotics.

4. Infectious mononucleosis causes not only pain when swallowing, but also chills, fever, fever and cough. According to scientists, more than 90% of all people on the planet have been ill with this disease at least once in their lives.

Mononucleosis is transmitted through saliva (during kisses). Usually adolescents with weakened immunity suffer from it. The duration of its course is 2-3 weeks.

5. Swine flu. It is slightly different from ordinary flu, as a person with this disease is affected by a special H1N1 virus. To date, this disease is effectively treated with antiviral drugs, so the prognosis after it is favorable.

6. Chronic fatigue syndrome. It develops in those people who work hard in a stressful environment and accumulate negative emotions and fatigue in themselves. As a result of this, their body is depleted and begins to show various symptoms, among which there may be sore throat, muscle pain, migraine, sleep disturbance, increased irritability and weakness.

It is not necessary to take painkillers or antiviral drugs in this state, since in fact the person is not sick. His problem is only in disruption of the nervous system, so he needs to be treated with antidepressants.

7. Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease that streptococcus bacteria provoke. In this case, the person will suffer from sore throat, fever, weakness, a rash on the body and fever.

In most cases, scarlet fever is diagnosed in children aged five to seven years. Her treatment should be comprehensive and aimed both at reducing symptoms and suppressing the activity of infection.

8. Chronic laryngitis. It also occurs with infections of the mucous membrane of the larynx. At first, this disease is very similar to ordinary sore throat, but then the patient develops shortness of breath, hoarseness and shortness of breath.

9. Phlegmon may develop as a complication from the flu. Symptoms include cutting pain when swallowing, fever, chills, and pain during speech. In addition, pain can sometimes be so pronounced that it will be difficult for a person to eat.

10. Laryngeal diphtheria. It usually occurs in children. In this case, the child suffers from terrible pain and intoxication.

11. Laryngeal tuberculosis. It can develop as a complication of pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, the patient will complain of sore throat, hoarseness and dysphagia.

12. Development oncological pathology sore throat is one of the most dangerous conditions. At the same time, a person will complain of pain when swallowing, oral bleeding, weakness, fever and malaise.

13. Allergy may cause a sore throat when swallowing. In this case, an allergic reaction of the body usually occurs due to exposure to dust, wool, the use of an allergen product, etc.

An allergy is manifested in the form of a severe cold, pain when swallowing, coughing, frequent sneezing, swelling of the face, tearing and redness of the eyes.

14. Dry indoor air can also cause soreness and pain when swallowing.

15. Gastroesophageal reflux - This is a disease in which gastric juice rises along the esophagus, thus causing irritation and burns of the latter. If a person has impaired sphincter contraction processes, then gastric juice can enter the larynx, irritating his mucous membrane.

16. HIV infection it can sometimes manifest as sore throat, which are not accompanied by additional symptoms. For this reason, with this symptom, you should consult a doctor and take tests.

17. Hit foreign object to the larynx can cause acute pain when swallowing, shortness of breath and even suffocation. It can be a fish bone, buttons, coin, bead or any other item.

If you do not remove the small part from the larynx in time, then it will fall into the trachea and cause its blockage, so it can be very difficult for a person to breathe. For this reason, under no circumstances should small children be played with toys with small parts.

Additional reasons that the larynx hurts may be:

• measles;

• viral flu;

• ARI virus;

• chickenpox virus;

• bacterial damage to chlamydia;

• gonorrhea virus;

• damage to the mycoplasma bacterium.

What to do when the larynx hurts when pressed: diagnosis and treatment

As can be understood from the above, the causes of the fact that the larynx hurts can be a variety of diseases and factors. As a result, after going to the doctor you need to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

1. A smear from the throat.

2. General blood test.

3. General urine analysis.

4. A blood test for HIV.

5. Fluoroscopy of the neck.

6. Examination of the throat.

7. Chest x-ray.

Drug treatment involves the intake of such groups of drugs:

1. Tablets for resorption (Faringosept, Gramitsidin).

2. Solutions for gargling (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine).

3. Antibacterial sprays for the throat (Oracept, Bioparox).

4. Anesthetizing sprays (lidocaine).

5. Anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Aspirin, Paracetamol).

6. Antibacterial tablets (Hexoral).

Larynx hurts: treatment with folk remedies

The most effective folk methods for treating pain in the larynx are:

1. Gargle a sore throat with a solution of salt and iodine (1 cup boiling water 1 liter of salt and 4 drops of iodine). It is necessary to gargle with this means at least three times a day.

2. Inhalation with potatoes:

• boil a few potatoes;

• cut them when they are still hot;

• shift the potatoes into a deep bowl;

• breathe a few minutes above the steam, covering your head with a towel from above.

3. Eat garlic daily, chewing a good clove in your mouth. This vegetable has a pronounced antibacterial effect, so in the shortest possible time it will relieve the focus of infection in the throat.

4. Cinnamon remedy:

• mix a glass of milk, a spoonful of honey and two grams of cinnamon;

• heat the mixture on fire;

• take this drug three times a day for half a glass.

Larynx sore when swallowing: tips

To reduce pain in the larynx and speed up the healing process, you should adhere to these recommendations:

1. Try to speak less so as not to irritate the laryngeal mucosa once again.

2. Do not eat too fatty or spicy foods that can cause pain and burning in the larynx.

3. Use special lollipops to reduce pain (it is important to know that most of them can only relieve pain, but they do not affect getting rid of the infection).

4. During the treatment period, it is better to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

5. You need to try to chew food very carefully so that large pieces of food do not injure an already sore throat.

6. It is very important not to eat too hot or cold food, as it will only increase pain in the larynx.

7. It is recommended to use humidifiers to facilitate breathing.


Watch the video: Sore Throat. How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat 2019 (July 2024).