The Montignac diet: how much can you lose weight on it, is it harmful? Montignac diet principles, detailed description and menu


Michel Montignac is a French nutritionist, the author of the method of nutrition, thanks to which he himself was able to lose weight.

These principles are used by those wishing to lose weight from around the world.

The power system is divided into two main phases.

The first phase is getting rid of excess weight and complex cleansing of the body, the second phase is fixing and maintaining the result. The Montignac diet, a detailed description and examples of the menu are a great way to forget about excess pounds without starvation.

Basic principles of nutrition on a Montignac diet

All food products are composed of components such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and ballast substances (fiber or dietary fiber).

Montignac believed that these elements can be divided into “good” and “bad”. It turns out, if you exclude the "bad" from your daily diet, you can not only improve the general condition of the body and lose weight significantly. The weight loss rate depends on the initial weight and averages 2-5 kg ​​per week.

This is the basic principle of the first phase of the diet. In the second phase, you can give yourself a little relaxation and delight the stomach with a small amount of products from the list of "bad" ones. However, this must be done carefully to keep the result achieved.

It is important to remember that the right combination of products is an important principle for both phases.

The Montignac diet, a detailed description and examples of the menu is a truly effective system. According to the French nutritionist, the most significant harm to the body is caused by increased blood glucose levels. It should be noted that it rises for each meal - more or less, it will already depend on the foods consumed. Excess glucose that is not spent on energy contributes to the deposition of fat. For example, a combination of fats and “bad” carbohydrates is an unavoidable weight gain.

Diet Montignac detailed description and examples of the menu: a list of "good" and "bad" products

The division into "good" and "bad" Montignac did based on the calculation of the glycemic index food. It is this indicator that makes it clear how much blood glucose levels will rise after a meal.

The higher the index, the worse the product. The French nutritionist concluded that in order to lose weight, you need to rid yourself of food whose GI is more than 50. These products are strictly prohibited during the first phase of losing weight.

Foods with an index of 20 to 50 are allowed, but they must not be mixed with fats. The glycemic index is less than 15 - the most “good” food that goes with any food, it is allowed to eat without restrictions because there is no harm to the figure.

The best products:

• mushrooms;

• tomatoes;

• green vegetables;

• lemon.

Products with GI from 20 to 50:

• dark chocolate;

• milk products;

• oatmeal and muesli;

• buckwheat;

• fruits;

• peas.

Products with a GI above 50:

• White bread;

• sweeteners;

• cookies, jam and other confectionery products;

• potatoes in any form;

• corn;

• rice;

• bananas;

• milk chocolate.

Knowing the glycemic index of the main foods that a person encounters every day, you can build your diet in such a way as to exclude "empty" calories and lose weight without resorting to starvation.

Diet Montignac detailed description and examples of the menu: phases of the technique

Michel Montignac tested the methodology by his own example. With its help, he managed to get rid of 15 kilograms, and then they did not return back.

The nutritionist has released a book called "I eat, then I lose weight," which has spread around the world and has become a real bestseller.

You can lose weight without exhausting hunger strikes, strictly observing the rules of the phases of the technique. The duration of the power system is 3 months. However, the methodology is structured in such a way that it has no contraindications, such a plan can be followed all your life.

The first phase - cleansing the body and losing weight

The effective result of the first phase of the method is due to the fact that you need to follow the basic principles of separate nutrition. Do not mix fats, carbohydrates and proteins during meals.

The rules of nutrition in the first phase

1. All foods whose glycemic index is more than 50 units are completely excluded from the diet.

2. You should forget about carbonated drinks and sweet water, only fresh juices.

3. Proteins can be combined with carbohydrates.

Sample menu for the first phase

Morning. Breakfast should be hearty. Be sure to include fruits, because they are rich in fiber, which saturates the body and starts the process of splitting fats.

Dinner. It is impossible to overeat strongly. This may include foods such as fish, lean chicken or beef, poultry, low-fat natural yoghurts.

Dinner. The last meal should not be taken later than 7 pm. Dinner should be light so as not to strain the stomach before going to bed. This can be a salad of green raw vegetables, buckwheat porridge on the water or low-fat yogurt without sweeteners.

We fix the result - the second phase of the diet

This is the final phase, the main purpose of which is to maintain the result. A person has already lost extra pounds, feels lightness and self-confidence. It will be much easier to follow the rules of nutrition, because you do not want the kilograms to come back.

Rules for the second phase

1. Tea and coffee are allowed to drink, but without the addition of sweeteners.

2. Sunflower oil is noticed by vegetable margarine.

3. You can add coarse bread and legumes to the diet.

4. It is strictly forbidden to mix fats and carbohydrates.

Useful recipes for the Montignac slimming technique

Diet Montignac detailed description and examples of the menu - this is an opportunity to achieve excellent results and find the figure of your dreams. The main advantage is that the list of allowed products allows you to diversify your diet and prepare interesting dishes.

1. Chicken: Provencal recipe

The following ingredients will be needed:

• chicken fillet - 3 pieces;

• Provencal spices;

• olive oil;

• tomato paste (approximately 350-400 grams).

Chicken fillet is cut into small pieces, pepper and salt are added to taste. Better use less spices. Boil the meat for 5 minutes and put in a baking dish. The goose bar is perfect. Provencal herbs, garlic and 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil are added there. Simmer until ready.

2. Delicious champignon casserole

The Montignac diet detailed description and examples of the menu is a system that allows you to eat mushrooms in unlimited quantities, because their GI is below 15.

Casserole Ingredients:

• fresh mushrooms (800-900 grams);

• lemon (2 fruits);

• egg yolks (3 pieces);

• olive oil;

• hard cheese (not more than 150 grams).

Mushrooms are well washed under water, legs are cut off. So that the product does not turn black, it is necessary to sprinkle it with lemon juice a little. Mushrooms stewed in olive oil no longer than 15 minutes. Yolks are mixed with sour cream until a homogeneous mass is formed, spices are added to taste. The resulting mixture is poured into mushrooms, everything is sprinkled with hard cheese and baked for another 20-30 minutes.

Important points of catering according to the Montignac method

1. Be sure to observe the drinking regime. During the day, a person needs at least 2 liters of fluid. And it should not be tea, coffee or juices, but namely water.

2. To achieve an effective result, physical activity is highly recommended. If it is not possible to attend fitness training, it will be enough to do exercises in the morning and take walks in the fresh air before going to bed.

3. Eat often, but in small portions, so as not to let yourself get hungry. According to the Montignac method, the required number of meals is 4-5 times a day.

4. Any diet involves mild dehydration. To get rid of excess weight, to maintain its beauty and youth, the health of hair and nails is recommended during the observance of the methodology to drink vitamin supplements. Now their choice is very large, so you can easily find the right complex for yourself.

The Montignac diet, a detailed description and examples of the menu is a system that has amazed people from all over the world.

An effective result is noticeable after the first week of following the basic rules. French nutritionist accounting all the nuances when developing the system.

For those who want to forget forever what overweight problems are, a Montignac diet is the best solution.


Watch the video: Characteristics Of A Good Diet To Lose Weight Fast: Michel Montignac Method Diet Plan (July 2024).