Nails on the hands flock - what should I do? What to do if the fingernails continue to exfoliate, even with proper care


Woman's hands are always in sight and are one of the most attractive parts of the body.

That is why hands need constant cosmetic care, manicure, the use of moisturizers for the skin and firming products for nails.

But what if the nails peel off on the hands?

This unpleasant condition can bring serious psychological discomfort to a woman.

Why are the nails on the hands folded: reasons

The causes of exfoliating nails are many. There are both exogenous and endogenous causes. First of all, external factors affect the nails: the effects of detergents, cold or sunlight.

Exogenous causes can also include various mechanical injuries, including those that were caused during inaccurate manicure and improper hand care.

There are many more internal or endogenous causes. Laminating nails can be associated with malnutrition, vitamin deficiency and a lack of trace elements, hormonal changes, endocrine pathologies and the development of fungal diseases. In addition, chronic overwork, stressful situations, and bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse can affect the condition of nails.

What to do if the nails on the hands exfoliate?

In order to bring your nails in order, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the causes of this phenomenon, as well as to ensure proper care for your hands. Faced with the problem of exfoliating nails, it is first necessary to eliminate external factors.

Cleaning and washing up should be done with rubber gloves. Any chemicals negatively affect not only the skin of the hands, but also the nail phalanges. It is not recommended to use coarse iron brushes, and you should also carefully handle metal graters during cooking.

To keep your hands well-groomed, it is recommended to use creams containing protein, keratin and vitamin C. They increase resistance to negative environmental factors and environmental influences. It is advisable to use moisturizers twice a day. In particular, applying cream to hands and nails is recommended before going out and at night.

Neat manicure is also of great importance. Improper manicure techniques can lead to brittle and folded nails. It is not advisable to use a high acetone polish remover. It is acetone that often violates the structure of the nail. In addition, most cosmetologists are against cutting nails with scissors. It is recommended to use a nail file during manicure, and it should have a glass base, and not metal. It is not advisable to file nails on the sides. During filing, movements should be made in one direction to avoid nail injuries and cracks. It is forbidden to square the nail plate. It is advisable to make them more oval, with rounded corners. The square shape is more prone to brittleness and lamination.

In addition, so that the nails do not undergo delamination, special care is necessary. The nail plate should be strengthened with special tools and oil solutions. It is recommended to carefully approach the choice of varnish coating, as well as use a base for varnish. If the nails on the hands are folded, it is forbidden to do manicures using acrylic extensions. Even in the case of healthy, intact nails, you should apply for similar procedures to a nail salon, to trusted professionals.

Hand nails are flaking - home remedies

In order not to spend a lot of money on the purchase of special products for the care of hands and nails, at home you can perform many useful procedures.

One of the oldest, but very effective methods for nail care is considered to be nutritious baths. Such procedures not only strengthen the nails, but also saturate them with nutrients, as well as eliminate inflammatory processes. The most common technique is baths with sea salt. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of crystals of sea salt in a glass of warm water. The duration of the procedure for taking baths should be about 15 minutes. Efficiency will be achieved if such baths for nails do continuously for two to three weeks. You can also use a simple salt solution, for the preparation of which you will need about 3 tablespoons of salt and one teaspoon of 5% iodine. The fingertips are lowered into the bowl with the solution and held for about 15 minutes. The potato broth also has strengthening properties, which can also be used for holding baths. Another proven recipe is a gelatin-based bath dissolved in boiling water. After the solution has cooled, the tips of the fingers fall into the bowl. The duration of such a procedure should be about 15 minutes, and the frequency of up to 2 times a week. Baths should be taken before bedtime. And to make the result more effective, it is recommended to wear special gloves after the procedure, at night.

Olive oil is considered a very effective means of nourishing and strengthening nails. It is recommended to add vitamin A and a few drops of lemon juice to it. The prepared mixture is applied to the fingers, wrapped in cellophane and put on cotton gloves on top. This is the so-called hand mask, which can be held up to several hours, and performed once a week.

Not only the nail plates, but also the cuticle need hydration and nutrition. Therefore, nail care also includes hydration of the cuticle. To do this, you can use not only masks with olive oil, but also the usual rubbing of vitamins A and E from the capsules.

Sealing with wax is considered an effective method of strengthening the nail plates, especially with strong lamination and brittleness. This is a more complex procedure, which will require wax itself, vitamin oils, a nail file and lotion for hot manicure. At the beginning, file the nails and lower the tips of the fingers into the bath with lotion. Then rub a mixture of vitamin oil with melted wax into the nail plates. The rubbing process is carried out using a soft suede polishing file. During the procedure, great attention should be paid to the tips of the nails.

At home, in addition to the above procedures, you can apply light pilling in the form of massage. Moreover, this procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant. Thanks to this procedure, the cuticle is renewed and nutrition and blood circulation in the nail phalanges are improved. Usually a nail massage is done in parallel with the application of a nutrient. It is recommended to massage with olive oil. It is desirable to carry out such a procedure once a week, lubricating the hands and carefully massaging and rubbing oil into the nail phalanges. Perfectly moisturizes, strengthens and makes the nail more elastic avocado oil. It can be combined with lavender, rosemary, lemon juice. A massage with nutrients will not only strengthen your nails, but also make them more elastic.

What should I do if my fingernails continue to exfoliate despite proper care?

Sometimes, even with proper hand care, the nails continue to exfoliate. In this case, you should immediately think about the diet. It should be as balanced as possible. After all, often the problem is associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body such as calcium, iron, silicon.

If the nails on the hands are folded, it is necessary to include fermented milk products in the diet. A large amount of calcium is found in cottage cheese. In addition, the use of fish, nuts, cabbage will also eliminate the lack of nutrients. In order for calcium to be better absorbed, it is advisable to use it together with vitamin D.

To supplement the lack of vitamins and silicon, fresh vegetables and fruits, green beans, parsley, spinach and Chinese salad should be included in the diet. Black currants, figs, dates and bananas are rich in useful trace elements. It is recommended to drink carrot juice in the morning, which is enriched with vitamin A.

If, in spite of proper nutrition and careful care, the nails continue to exfoliate, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Such changes can be caused by serious diseases. In any case, the doctor will prescribe a full comprehensive examination and give the necessary recommendations, and in case of detection of the disease, prescribe treatment.

The main thing to remember is that in order to get rid of the problem of nail foliation, it is necessary to carry out a full range of activities. It is recommended to get rid of bad habits, to avoid stressful situations and overwork. An integrated approach should include a proper balanced diet, the use of vitamin preparations, cosmetic procedures, careful nail care, homework with gloves will help restore health and beautiful appearance of nails and hands in general.


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