We cook cutlets with cottage cheese from any stuffing. Potato, fish, carrot and minced meat in cakes with cottage cheese


The effect of adding cottage cheese to the cutlet mass is quite difficult to compare with something.

Just as described.

But it’s worth a try, but not with one kind of cottage cheese, but with different ones.

Fatty home gives a subtle cheese-creamy taste.

Fat-free - "cream" and a completely inexplicable lightness.

If your guests are not aware of the composition of the stuffing, then there are an incredible variety of options.

And, of course, dessert dishes for kids. Curd cutlets with carrots and dried apricots are ideal for an afternoon snack. They are light, but, in addition to a wonderful taste, they stimulate appetite well.

Cutlets with cottage cheese - general principles of cooking

• With cottage cheese, you can cook not only meat, but also vegetable cutlets. They are fried in a pan in cooking oil, baked on a baking sheet in the oven or steamed.

• Cottage cheese is added directly to the stuffing. It is insensible in cutlets, but gives them a specific cheese flavor.

• For the final dish, the fat content of the cottage cheese does not matter. The percentage of fat contained in it affects only the total calorie content.

• The basic requirements for this product are freshness, consistency and uniformity. The less often the cottage cheese, the more difficult it will be to form cutlets, since the forcemeat will turn out to be liquid. If the curd is granular, then it will not disperse evenly over the cutlet mass, and its grains will be felt in it.

• Not only cottage cheese is added to the fish, meat or vegetable cutlet mass. Together with him often put semolina, flour, eggs, sour cream. Vegetables are added to meat and fish cakes for juiciness.

• To enhance the taste of dessert dishes, dried fruits are placed in the cutlet mass. Their appearance is determined only by the taste preferences of each.

• Cottage cheese minced meat, fish and vegetables seasoned with spices, selected to your taste. Often add greens and garlic.

• You can put cinnamon or vanillin in desserts with cottage cheese for flavor.

• If dessert carrot and vegetable (carrot, potato) cutlets with cottage cheese are served as an independent dish, then meat and fish only with a side dish. He is selected at his discretion.

Tender chicken cutlets with cottage cheese


• half a kilo of minced meat;

• 50 ml of 11% cream;

• onion;

• one fresh egg;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 200 grams of 9% cottage cheese;

• three tablespoons of chopped dill;

• corn flakes for breading (unsweetened).

Cooking method:

1. Minced chicken with cottage cheese and onions through a meat grinder with the smallest grate. Add cream, whipped non-foam egg.

2. Extrude garlic here, put chopped dill. Put salt to taste, season with ground pepper and mix thoroughly.

3. Mash the corn flakes slightly with your hands. Form semi-finished products with your hands moistened with water and roll them well in flakes.

4. On a small fire in a thick-walled pan, heat cooking oil. Dip the patties into it and fry, turning over after 5 minutes to the other side.

5. When frying, the pan should not be covered with a lid. If you close it, the crust will not turn out crispy.

Baked fish cakes with cottage cheese


• frozen pollock - 800 gr.;

• 250 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;

• a small onion;

• two chicken eggs;

• a small bunch of dill;

• three tablespoons of semolina (cereals).

Cooking method:

1. From the carcasses of pollock cut the fins, chop off the tail. Scrape each knife in the direction from the tail to the head. Cut the abdomen, remove the remnants of the insides and be sure to dark film. Wash thoroughly under a tap and wipe dry. Separate the meat from the ridge and small bones.

2. Twist the fish fillet with the onion in a meat grinder. If the curd is grainy, twist it too.

3. Add semolina and chopped dill. Introduce the well-whipped eggs with a whisk. To your taste, season with pepper and salt. Stir the mixture well until smooth and let stand for 20 minutes. During this time, semolina will swell well, and the dish will not work hard.

4. With well-moistened hands, form semi-finished products of the desired size and shape. Put them on a baking sheet and pour a little chilled water.

5. Place the frypot in a preheated oven for 20 minutes and bake the dish at 200 degrees.

Meat patties with cottage cheese in tomato sauce


• mixed pork and ground beef - 500 gr.;

• 18% cottage cheese - 100 gr.;

• a tablespoon of 15% sour cream;

• one and a half tablespoons chopped herbs, to taste.

For the sauce:

• large onion head;

• three teaspoons of thick tomato;

• a teaspoon of flour;

• greenery;

• ground pepper, boiled salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Mash the minced meat with your hands. Add the curd pulp and the onion grated on a medium grater.

2. Put sour cream, chopped herbs and eggs. Season with pepper, salt well knead, while beating the minced meat on a bowl.

3. Fashion small round cutlets and brew them, roll in flour. Fry in preheated cooking oil until golden brown and transfer to a separate saucepan.

4. In the warmed fat, dip the onion sliced ​​in small slices and lightly passer. Pour in, stirring flour well, and fry for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Add tomato puree to the onion, mix everything well again and simmer for 4 minutes over low heat. Then pour half a glass of water and let it stew for 3 minutes.

6. Pour tomato sauce into a bowl with cutlets and simmer for five minutes at the very minimum heat. Pour chopped greens at the end of the stew.

Dessert carrot cutlets with cottage cheese - Olezhkin afternoon tea


• a pound of boiled carrots;

• 150 gr. semolina;

• eggs - 2 pcs.;

• 50 gr. dried fruits (dried apricots);

• two curd cheeses.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the dried apricots in several waters, put it in a colander and dry well. Cut dried fruit into small thin strips and transfer to cottage cheese.

2. Add lightly beaten eggs and a portion of semolina (100 g.). Rub the boiled carrot on the smallest grater here and stir everything well. Leave the curd mass to stand for half an hour.

3. Form small cutlets from the curd mass and roll well on all sides in the remaining semolina.

4. Fry over medium heat in vegetable oil until golden, beautiful crust.

5. Serve such patties with sour cream, condensed milk or honey.

Fried fish cakes with cottage cheese - "Fish for Alyoshka"


• minced cod - 550 gr.;

• 250 grams of fat homemade cottage cheese;

• one small potato;

• medium sized onion;

• a tablespoon of semolina;

• breadcrumbs for breading (white).

Cooking method:

1. Put the minced fish in advance for thawing. Do not use to speed up the defrosting process with water or a microwave. Leave it in a bowl on the table, and best of all put it overnight in the refrigerator.

2. Melt the thawed mass well with a fork or twist in a meat grinder. Here, grind homemade cottage cheese on a sieve.

3. Grate onion with raw potatoes with a fine grater. If too much liquid has formed, strain and transfer the vegetables into a bowl of minced fish.

4. Add a spoonful of semolina and salt and ground pepper. Mix all the ingredients well and set the bowl aside for 10 minutes.

5. From the standing mass of minced meat, form semi-finished products in the form of fish, up to one and a half centimeters thick. Bread the breadcrumbs well and fry them in lean, hot oil until tender. On each side for about six minutes.

Diet carrot cutlets with cottage cheese in the oven


• fresh carrots - 800 grams;

• two tablespoons of wheat bran;

• 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;

• half a cup of semolina (approximately 80 gr.);

• 30 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rub raw peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Put in a deep pan with a thick bottom. Add half a glass of drinking water and simmer over medium heat under a lid for 15 minutes.

2. Transfer the stewed carrots from the pan to the bowl, add the bran, semolina, oil and stir well.

3. When the mass has completely cooled, salt, add the cottage cheese and knead thoroughly until smooth.

4. From the cutlet mass, with your hands moistened in water, fashion small oval cutlets. Lightly roll each in flour and transfer to a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment.

5. Place the roasting pan in a warm oven and bake at 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove the baking sheet, turn the patties over and bring to readiness, baking for another 10 minutes.

Steamed chicken cutlets with cottage cheese and broccoli


• chicken fillet - 300 gr.;

• 250 gr. 1% cottage cheese;

• 250 gr. broccoli (frozen);

• one chicken egg;

• fresh herbs, seasonings and garlic to taste (can be omitted).

Cooking method:

1. Rinse frozen broccoli with water to thaw a little. Soaking in water is not necessary.

2. Scroll the fillet, broccoli and cottage cheese with a meat grinder with the smallest wire rack.

3. Add to taste salt, favorite spices, chopped garlic and chopped herbs.

4. Insert the raw egg into the cutlet mass and mix thoroughly.

5. Form round semi-finished products. So that the sticky meat does not stick to your hands, each time you form a new cutlet, moisten your hands in water.

6. Cook cutlets in a double boiler no more than half an hour.

Potato patties with cottage cheese


• potato - 8 small tubers;

• 150 grams of 9% cottage cheese;

• 1 chicken, fresh egg;

• a third of a teaspoon of ground black pepper;

• half a teaspoon of turmeric;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a small bunch of dill or curly parsley, you can mixed;

• wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l into the cutlet mass, plus for breading.

Cooking method:

1. Boiled peeled potatoes in salted water until tender. Strain the broth from the pan, and mash the potatoes.

2. When the potatoes have cooled, combine it with cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. This is best done by kneading and twisting in a meat grinder.

3. Add spices to the potato mass to your taste, salt and introduce the egg. Pour in chopped greens and mix well again.

4. To make the workpieces easier to shape and to keep their shape when frying, introduce the flour and knead well again. Wheat flour can be replaced with bran flour.

5. Pour flour into a deep, wide plate. Form small balls from potato cutlet mass. Put the balls one by one in the flour. Press lightly with your palm and sprinkle flour well on all sides.

6. In a thick-walled pan, heat the oil well, dip the potato patties into it and fry until the bottom is browned. Flip over to the other side and fry until golden brown.

7. Serve this dish with sour cream or fresh vegetables. You can put a little chopped greens and finely grated garlic in sour cream to taste.

Cutlets with cottage cheese - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If you want to cook a dietary version of the dish - take low-fat cottage cheese or with the lowest fat content. Cook not in a pan, but in the oven or steamed. Well, if you still wanted to fried - do it only in vegetable oil.

• Twist the grain curd with a meat grinder, beat with a blender or grind through a sieve. It will become homogeneous and its structure will not be felt.

• If you add semolina to the minced meat - be sure to let the cutlet mass stand for at least a quarter of an hour. This time is enough for the cereal to swell. Otherwise, the dish will turn out too dense and stiff.

• If cottage cheese is added to minced meat from boiled or fried vegetables - put it only after they have cooled completely.


Watch the video: Easy Potato Cakes - Aloo Tikki - Potato Cutlets - Vegan Spicy Cakes (July 2024).