August 10: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 10th.


Holidays august 10

Athlete's Day

In Russia, the holiday of health and sports is celebrated on the second Saturday of August. It became popular in the 20-30s, along with the introduction of the slogan: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind." One of the most attractive and popular people in the country are athletes. Without their participation, not one of the massive holiday demonstrations took place. The institutes and universities began to open the faculties of physical education, and later the future athletes were already preparing specialized educational institutions. And today Athlete's Day is widely celebrated in our country. Many Russian cities hold all kinds of sports holidays and events.

Ecuador Liberation and Independence Day

In 1809, the Spanish colonization of Ecuador was put to an end. The revolution began in the city of Quito and laid the foundation for national liberation wars and revolutions throughout Latin America. Admittedly, the capital of the state of Ecuador Quito is one of the most magnificent cities in South America, the very first city in the world, which UNESCO in 1978 declared a monument of world cultural heritage. School and military parades, as well as art and social events, are held in Ecuador on Independence Day.

Memorial Day of St. Lawrence

St. Lawrence is one of the seven ancient Roman deacons who were subjected to religious persecution and painful torture by order of the Roman emperor Valerian in 258. St. Lawrence collaborated with Pope Sixtus II, who was the first to suffer from the persecution of the emperor. After the death of the Pope, the Roman prefect demanded that Lawrence three days later pass on to him all the treasures and riches of the church.

Lavrenty immediately distributed church property among the poor to prevent an unfair takeover. For disobedience, the Saint was brutally tortured. On the night of St. Lawrence, those who remembered his torment can fulfill their every wish, making him a shooting star, saying: "Star, my little star, I wish that ...". A small chapel is built on the grave of St. Lawrence.

Honoring the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God

Since ancient times, the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been revered - the most common image of the Virgin and Child - Hodegetria. The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most important relics of the Russian land. Believers receive from her great gracious help. Celebrations in honor of the miraculous Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God were established on August 10, 1525, as a memory of the return of Smolensk to Russia. It is known that it was the icon of the Virgin Mary that appeared during the battle with Khan Batu and defended the Russian troops. On December 7, in memory of the intercession of the Virgin in the battle with Batu, and also on November 5, the expulsion of enemies in the war of 1812.

August 10 in the folk calendar

Prokhori Parmen

According to legend, Prokhor was a companion of the Apostle Peter, later became a bishop and suffered for Jesus Christ in Antioch. In Russia, the main rule of this day was not to engage in any barter. It was believed that on this day any trading endeavors would not work out, and the exchanged thing would either break or disappear. Prokhori-Parmeny Day was also a holiday of blacksmiths. This profession was revered throughout Russia at all times.

Blacksmiths were associated with skill and strength, in addition, they were credited with magical abilities - they know how to tame metal and fire. At Prokhori-Parmen it was customary to dig up tulip bulbs and pick ripened pears from the trees. If the potato tops began to wither - you could dig young potatoes and cook various dishes from it.

August 10th in history

August 10, 70 - The destruction of the Second Jerusalem Temple

After the Nativity of Christ, the army of Emperor Titus broke into Jerusalem and destroyed the Lord’s Temple. It burned for 10 days, and by the beginning of autumn, all of Jerusalem was a solid ruin. The Romans leveled the Temple Mount with the ground. Tradition says that with the destruction of the temple, all the gates of Heaven were closed, except the Gate of Tears. The wall remaining from the Temple was called the Wailing Wall, because here Jews shed tears, mourning their Temple.

August 10 1500 year - discovery of the island of Madagascar Diegou Diash

The navigator's ship Diego Diash, heading as part of the Cabral flotilla to India, lost its course, and on August 10 came across land. The first accurate information about the island of Madagascar, delivered by the Portuguese navigator to Europe, was used by the Italian cartographer Alberto Cantino. On his map, compiled in 1502, a fairly accurate image of one of the largest islands of the Earth is given.

August 10 1524 year - foundation of the Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent was built in honor of the capture of Smolensk in the war with the Lithuanians by decree of Prince Shuisky. Originally it had the name "Theotokos-Smolensky". The monastery was a fortress surrounded by a powerful wall with twelve towers. It was abolished after the October Revolution, and in 1922 was declared a museum. Since 1934, the monastery has been a branch of the State Historical Museum.

August 10 1792 year - popular uprising in Paris

New supporters gained the demand for the overthrow of the monarchy in France. The manifesto of the Duke of Braunschweig stated that the Prussian and Austrian armies planned to regain the king’s legitimate authority, putting an end to anarchy. This manifesto only accelerated the ripening popular uprising. On August 10, 1792, supported by detachments of the federals, the lower classes of Paris rebelled. The monarchy, which existed in France for almost a thousand years, was overthrown. The power in Paris after the victory of the uprising was concentrated in the hands of the revolutionary Commune of Paris, but after some time total terror began in the country.

Born on August 10

Oleg Strizhenov (1929) - Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, People's Artist of the USSR.

In the movie, Strizhenov played more than thirty roles, loved by the audience and certainly noticed by critics. Among his works are films "Mexican", "Forty-first", "Walking over three seas" and others. In 1988, Oleg A. Strizhenov was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Stepan Apraksin (1702 - 1758 years) - Russian Field Marshal.

Apraksin’s command is an example of the commander’s inertia during a major military success, as well as a symbol of the loss from inaction of a possible victory. Apraksin’s army went through East Prussia in the Seven Years War and could have developed a very powerful offensive at an accelerated pace. But this did not happen, because Apraksin, having set up camp, was inactive for a week.

Henry Nestle (1814 - 1890) - Swiss businessman, pharmacist, founder of Nestle.

Knowledge in chemistry and experience as a pharmacist brought Nestle great benefit. In 1867, he invented a formula for feeding infants, and soon became the first in the world and the best producer of condensed milk, cocoa and instant coffee and milk chocolate, loved by children and adults around the world.

Andrey Krasko (1957 - 2006) - Russian film and theater actor.

The sought-after and popular actor was a real favorite of fans of Russian cinema from the St. Petersburg school. However, the path of his work could not be direct - he gained his popularity already in adulthood - after 40 years. Andrei Krasko starred in more than 40 films, hosted the television program “Who is the boss in the house” and “Arsenal”.

August 10 celebrate their name day

Anastasia, Efim, Ivan, Irina, Antonina, Vasily, Pavel, Prokhor, Elena, Julian, Moses, Nikanor, Sergey.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).