Sri Lanka - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


The pearl in the Indian Ocean, beautiful and mysterious Sri Lanka - This is an island state, which is located near the southern coast of India on the island of Ceylon. The total area of ​​the country is 65.6 thousand square kilometers, on which more than 19 million people live. 75% of the country's population are Sinhalese, 16% are Tamils, as well as Arabs and Malays.

Sri Lanka is a Democratic Socialist Republic. The legislative body of the state is a unicameral parliament, the head of state is the president. The official language is Sinhala. The official currency is the Sri Lankan rupee. The main religions of Sri Lanka are Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity.

Sri Lanka - the capital and major cities

The capital and largest city of one of the most exotic and beautiful countries in the world of Sri Lanka is the city of Colombo, with a population of more than 1 million. Major cities of the country:
- Kandy
- Kurunegala
- Galle
- Ratnapura.

Sri Lanka - holidays and tours

Sri Lanka is one of the most ancient states, the history of which has more than 2 millennia. Sri Lanka is a territory of eternal summer. No other country in the world can offer its guests so much grandeur, uniqueness and wonder. This paradise is very popular among tourists from all over the world, and this is not surprising, since a trip to Sri Lanka is a fabulous reality that meets you immediately when you go down the plane. The beauty and wealth of Sri Lanka has fascinated and fascinated travelers for centuries.

Hundreds of kilometers of luxurious golden sand beaches and a unique underwater world make this country one of the largest and best world sea resorts. The exotic resorts of Sri Lanka are not only the most beautiful beaches with coconut palms, these are coral reefs with amazingly beautiful fish, these are sunken ships that attract divers from all over the world, these are chic lagoons with a habitat of rare marine animals, this is a great place with the best conditions for water sports.

All resorts in Sri Lanka deserve the praise of the most demanding tourists. Among them, the resort of Beruwela, which is a modern tourist area. There is everything for a perfect holiday and for exciting excursions.

The resort area of ​​Kalutara is famous for its sports clubs. This is a real paradise for fans of windsurfing, water skiing, spearfishing, diving, sailing.

Its ultramodern diving centers are famous for the resort of Kogalla. And Negombo is a resort area of ​​the country, which attracts not only with gorgeous beaches, but also with its rich history and culture.

All, without exception, the resorts of Sri Lanka - this is an amazing variety of types of recreation: - Exotic beach;
- the richest excursion;
- meditation;
- active;
- with Ayurveda programs;
- jeep safari;
- elephant safari;
- canoeing ...

In addition, Sri Lanka is very popular with newlyweds. Holding an exotic wedding ceremony and a paradise honeymoon is impressive and unforgettable.

The bewitching beauty of Sri Lanka, combined with its unique attractions, upscale resorts, the highest quality of services, affordable prices and a wide variety of recreation for every taste - all this allows this country to be among the best places in the world for recreation.

Sri Lanka - Attractions

The sights of this luxurious island are very popular in the tourist circles of the world. Ancient cities, ancient monasteries, gardens of indescribable beauty, royal palaces, forts, unique sculpture, painting, monuments of ancient architecture - all this will intrigue and impress history buffs. And the world of the tropical jungle, national parks, mountain waterfalls, a unique wildlife, will simply captivate lovers of natural beauty.

On this incredibly amazing island there are many values ​​that are protected by UNESCO, as well as many places associated with the name of Buddha.

The main attraction of the country is the city of Kandy, which is the main religious and cultural center of Sri Lanka. The city has the main shrine of the country - the temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic "Dalada Maligawa."

The majestic Mount Sigiriya is the pearl of Sri Lanka. On the top of the mountain, back in the 5th century, a stone fortress was built, which served as a reliable shelter for the king. Anuradhapura, an ancient royal city founded in the 11th century, deserves special attention.

Vivid impressions will be given by excursions in the capital of the country, Colombo, which was founded by Arab traders, and today it is the largest port city in the Indian Ocean. Excursions in the capital of Sri Lanka, with its beauties and sights, will bring only vivid and unforgettable impressions.

Peradeniy has the largest and most chic Royal Botanic Gardens in Asia. Its area is 67 hectares, it contains the largest collection in the world - 45 thousand species of plants.

It is worth a visit to the largest elephant nursery located in Pinnawel. Of particular delight and interest will be an excursion to the temple and cave complex in Aluvihara. And, of course, a trip to Sri Lanka is a visit to the largest and most ancient monastery complex of Anuradhapura - vihara Abhayagiri. In the courtyard of one of the temples is located behind the golden fence the sacred "Buddha Tree" (the oldest on earth).

And, of course, the guests of Sri Lanka are especially interested in the famous Ceylon tea plantations.

Sri Lanka - weather (climate)

The monsoon climate prevails in the country. The south and west are equatorial, while the north and east are subequatorial. Seasonal fluctuations in the country are insignificant, the average annual temperature is +26 - +29 degrees C. The best time to relax is from November to March.

Weather in Sri Lanka now:

Sri Lanka - cuisine

The national cuisine of Sri Lanka is a special part of the culture of the state. This is one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. National dishes are simply amazing with their unusualness, variety and amazing taste. Almost all national dishes are quite spicy. Rice and curry are the basis of the daily menu in Sri Lanka. Curry is not one, but a whole group of dishes from meat, seafood, fish, poultry, legumes and vegetables, all of them with a special combination of spices. Many foods include a component such as coconut pulp shavings and coconut oil and juice. The country has a special attitude to fruits, there are so many of them and such a variety that in the national cuisine most of them are used as vegetables.

Cows in the country are sacred animals, so relatively little meat is consumed, but there is simply no way to count fish dishes and seafood.

Sweets in Sri Lanka are a refined and simply amazing, unforgettable taste. “Kavum”, “copis”, “aluva”, palm sugar - all this is bliss for the sweet tooth. Of course, the national drink of Sri Lanka is tea, which with its excellent taste and healing qualities has won worldwide recognition, and coconut milk is very popular in the country.

Sri Lanka - interesting facts

- Sri Lanka is a world leader in the export of tea.
- The national flag of the country is the oldest in the world.
- Sri Lanka has the best education rate across South Asia
population (92%).
- Sri Lanka has the smallest number of road signs in the world.
- Indigenous Sinhalese eat rice only with their hands.
- There are theories that the island of Ceylon was inhabited about 500,000 years ago.
- One of the ancient names of Sri Lanka is Ratnadvipa, which means Island
treasures, and this is fully true.
- King Solomon sent his ships for incredible beauty
Precious stones for the queen precisely on the island of Ceylon.

Sri Lanka - Visa

Citizens of Russia to visit the country of Sri Lanka require an entry visa, which is issued very quickly if a full standard set of documents is provided, and, as a rule, is issued on the day of application. When applying for a visa at the embassy, ​​a consular fee of $ 31 to $ 64 is charged, depending on the type of visa.

Sri Lanka - Embassy

The Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in Moscow is located on ul. Schepkina, house 24.
phone: (+7 495) 688-16-20

Sri Lanka Map


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