Maldives - recreation, resorts, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Scattered across the Indian Ocean, like pearls, the islands of the Maldives will always be in demand among tourists. Because it is unforgettable bright beaches, snow-white sands, bronze tan, rich and colorful nature.

Maldives (Maldives) - two parallel chains of flat islands lying at a short distance from each other. They are located in equatorial waters, 700 km south of Sri Lanka. In fact, the archipelago includes more than a thousand coral islets (atolls), of which only 199 are inhabited. As a rule, they are not high, the highest point is 2.4 m above sea level.

The total area of ​​the Maldives (land area) is 298 square kilometers. More than 390 thousand people live on the islands. The main inhabitants are Maldivians (99%), speaking the state language - divekhi. Many of them also speak Arabic and English. The national currency of the republic is Rufia. By religion, the inhabitants of the country belong to the Sunnis - a traditional Islamic movement.

Maldives - the capital and major resorts

The capital of the archipelago is represented in the form of an island city - Male. In fact, this is the only city in the entire island complex. Its area is only two square meters. kilometers, which are home to about 100 thousand people. The small and densely populated capital, despite its miniature size, is the economic, cultural and political center of the republic.

Male can be compared to a peaceful, cozy, small town, lost among the vast ocean waters. Even if you want, you can’t get lost here, all the alleys lead to the central roads (there are only 3 of them). Small streets are traditionally sprinkled with sand, and the main roads are covered with asphalt. There is no airport in the capital for obvious reasons, it is concentrated on the neighboring island of Hulul.

Other resorts in the Maldivian archipelago include: Ari Atolls, Vaavu, Shaviani and Nunu, Raa and Baa, Laviani, Faafu and Daalu, Laamu and Taa Atolls, Miimu, Siinu Atoll.

Maldives - holidays and tours

Maldives How much meaning is in this phrase! Involuntarily you imagine summer, the sun, the sea, the beach, the refreshing breeze of the sea, affectionately gliding over the skin, exotic, tall palm trees, rich flora and fauna, romance and incredible adventures.

If there is paradise on Earth, then this is undoubtedly the Maldives! The islands are like pearl beads scattered in the vast expanse of the ocean, fragile and defenseless. I want to come back here again and again for a new portion of exoticism and happiness.

Tours to the Maldives are an opportunity to swim in the transparent, silk waters of the Indian Ocean, plunge into a fabulous underwater world full of life and wonders - diving is an integral part of relaxing on the islands. Everything is provided for surf lovers. Even special cruises to individual atolls are organized, where you can ride the waves, feel a powerful rush of adrenaline.

Tired of noisy and annoying civilization? Then a vacation in the Maldives is what you need. Here, away from the bustle and routine of the city, you can enjoy peace and tranquility, think about the meaning of life, immerse yourself in an exotic fairy-tale world, looking at the swaying turquoise waves. The sunset here is amazing! Comfortably settled down with a fishing rod on the ocean, you can enjoy the day.

Maldives Attractions

Rest in the vastness of the republic begins with a visit to Male - the most populated and cultural island of the archipelago. The most visited places here are: Good Friday Mosque with a towering golden dome, Presidential Palace, Burial of Saints, National Museum, Sultan Park.

It is also interesting to visit the local colorful markets, full of various products, and shops with extravagant accessories. Coral underwater caves will surprise divers with their mystery, extraordinary and rich underwater world.

You can ride on the bright streets of Ari on a bicycle or an electric car, admiring the pristine beauty, visit local shops and buy yourself a souvenir. They also come to Ari Atoll, or rather sail to enjoy an active water holiday.

Unusual nature, exotic plants, flowers and animals, tall palm trees, banana plantations - a picturesque pristine little world - the main attraction of the country.

Maldives - weather (climate)

The prevailing climate all year round is tropical marine. It is hot in winter and summer, due to the proximity of the equator. Even the night temperature does not fall below +24 degrees. The average daily temperature is from + 29 ... +32 degrees. Precipitation is mainly observed in the evening or at night.

The southwestern monsoon, which dominates from May to the end of October, can bring with it small storms and high humidity. But the changes are so insignificant and intangible that they do not cause any inconvenience to travelers. The temperature in the ocean is also stable + 24 ... +28 degrees.

Weather in the Maldives now:

Maldives - national cuisine

Local cuisine combines Indian and Arabic culinary traditions, but in some places you can find Asian, Italian and European cuisines. So, what can you enjoy in the Maldives?

Most of the traditional dishes are complemented by marine life, namely fish in any form. The basis of the table is rice dishes with tuna, seasoned with signature curry sauce with the addition of coconut milk, pepper and lime. Fish is stuffed, fried, boiled, smoked, even made barbecue from it. The traditional fish cake, which is supplemented with coconut and onions, is also delicious. You should definitely try fish soup, baked fish with chili paste, tuna and ghula cutlets, fillet with pepper and garlic and fish roll.

Maldivians' favorite meat is chicken. It is also added to various dishes. For the preparation of most foods use rice. It is boiled in coconut milk, adding various ingredients: vegetables and fruits, fish and marine arthropods, spicy herbs, spices and so on.

And for dessert, friendly Maldivians will offer you coconut in all its variations, sweet casseroles of rice and fruits. You will certainly enjoy coconut sticks - bondi, milk, puddings, a variety of pastries and a raa drink - boiled palm juice.

Maldives - Traveller's Note

Despite the country's liberalism, guests must carefully abide by local laws. You can not make contact with girls - residents of the islands; do not forget that the inhabitants of the republic are Muslims, so adhere to certain rules; flaunting the capital in a half-naked form is obscene, summer trousers and skirts, light blouses, shirts and t-shirts covering intimate places are welcome.

It is strictly forbidden to transport alcohol, narcotic substances, sexual videos and pork products to the country. Alcoholic beverages are available at designated resorts.

Maldives - do i need a visa?

When traveling for a period of up to one month, Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa. It is issued free of charge at the Maldivian airport after presenting the relevant documents: a passport, return tickets, a service voucher, it is also necessary to have an amount of $ 25 for each day of rest.

Maldives on the map


Ilze 01/19/2016
Traveling to the Maldives is for you. TripTropic's mission is to make unusual and exotic places more accessible to everyone. Travel agency TripTropic combines all the best qualities of a reservation system and a tour operator. A researcher and adventurer lives in each of us, and the TripTropic team is no exception. Your Holidays in the Maldives - //
