Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation? How to get rid of severe abdominal pain during menstruation and is it worth it to go to the doctor


Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation?

Maybe this is some kind of pathology?

The thing is that the muscle layer during menstruation is reduced, thereby provoking severe pain.

Many girls and women experience unpleasant menstrual symptoms.

Why does the stomach hurt during menstruation: causes and symptoms

In order to find out why the stomach hurts so badly, it is necessary to at least superficially understand what the physiology of the menstrual cycle is, because it runs a single day, and with it you can determine the period when a woman becomes ready for childbirth.

Menstruation is a physiological process in which the endometrial layer exfoliates. The role of this structure is to ensure the fertilization of the egg, as well as its development. If a woman’s pregnancy does not occur, then the cells can no longer exfoliate, this process is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.

Many girls and women complain that during menstruation, their stomach hurts very much, and the symptoms are sometimes pronounced, then they are slightly muffled. This process is due to many factors, which include the following:

1. Hormonal effect. With the onset of menstruation, the level of prostaglandins becomes high. Under the influence of these substances, the walls of the uterus contract, allowing it to better cleanse. Along with this process, pain occurs.

2. Anatomical features. As you know, the woman’s uterus is located in the pelvis, and her body deviates slightly backward. It is in this part that a large accumulation of nerve plexuses, on which she constantly presses, provokes pain.

Normally, the lower abdomen should pull with a little force. For every woman, these feelings should be tolerant.

The main causes of severe pain

In some cases, pain during menstruation occurs due to the presence of serious diseases. These include:

1. Endometriosis.

2. Postponed abortion.

3. The reproductive system is inflamed.

4. The presence of an ectopic pregnancy.

5. Women are too sensitive to any pain.

6. There are complications after a recent birth.

7. Passive lifestyle.

8. There are polyps in the uterus.

9. The body lacks substances such as calcium and magnesium.

10. Ovarian cyst.

In the event of severe pain, an important role is played by the way of life of a woman. Excessive physical exertion, anxiety, hormonal disruptions in the body can provoke this symptom. The risk of pain is increased in those who use spirals. Gynecologists also associate poor ecology and pain.

Additional symptoms

In addition to the fact that a woman has a severe stomach pain, a number of other symptoms may begin to bother her. So, for example, during the period of menstruation, severe irritability is observed, it is possible that vomiting and nausea will occur.

A few days before menstruation, the limbs may swell, severe heaviness will be felt in the legs. This process is easy to explain - fluid retention in the body. These symptoms disappear on their own right after menstruation ends.

It is not recommended to take any medications for nausea or vomiting, as the symptoms will not bother for a long time.

Why does the stomach hurt during menstruation: medications and procedures

You can get rid of the feeling of severe pain not only with the help of medicines, but also with various procedures that help the uterus to relax, thereby eliminating cramping.


Under the influence of heat, the uterus is completely relaxed, and its contractions become much smaller. If you experience pain during menstruation, you can attach a warm heating pad to your stomach or fill a bottle with warm water. Take a comfortable position and lie down with warm on your stomach for a while, until you feel relief.


An effective remedy for abdominal pain is a warm, relaxing bath. If you can’t take a bath, you can use a warm shower, directing it to the abdomen.


If severe abdominal pain occurs during menstruation, you can take one tablet of Ibuprofen or Analgin. Under the influence of drugs, the level of prostaglandin in the uterus will be reduced, respectively, and pain. Some experts advise starting taking the pill a few days before the onset of menstruation. It is believed that this way you can slightly reduce the pain.


If you have an excitable nervous system and you are prone to frequent experiences, then pain can be triggered by not calm in the nervous system. In this case, you can take the usual valerian.

Birth control pills

Some birth control pills can help relieve pain or muffle it a little. A few months after the start of their intake, you will notice that the pain is not so pronounced. But before you start taking them, you should consult with a gynecologist. Such drugs should be selected based on the results of tests and examinations.

Why does the stomach hurt during menstruation: when you need to see a doctor

Persistent abdominal pain during menstruation can be the result of many serious diseases. If you do not treat them on time, more serious health problems may arise in the future. Therefore, you need to contact a gynecologist in the following cases:

• for seven days or more, menstruation continues, and with them severe pain;

• abdominal pain is so severe that even drugs do not help;

• along with pain, the volume of secreted blood increases;

• body temperature rises to the level of 38-39;

• pain arose for the first time, previously everything went well;

• There are suspicions of a possible pregnancy.

It is necessary to be treated. If all the actions taken at home do not help you, be sure to visit a medical facility. In the presence of diseases, the pain will continue until it is cured.

Why does the stomach hurt during menstruation: folk remedies

Pain during menstruation is a normal part of growing up, especially if a girl becomes a woman. However, you can not tolerate very strong spasms. It is useful to know at least some of the most effective folk remedies that help well. Many home remedies can work real miracles, but the most important thing is that they do not cause side effects, since all the ingredients are natural.

Useful home remedies:

1. Take parsley juice (half a cup), then mix it with carrot juice and drink. The blood flow is normalized, pain becomes less.

2. If you have anemia during your period, then this is quite serious. Take a few tablespoons of sesame seeds, mix with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Leave for a few hours, then strain and drink twice a day.

3. Useful is considered papaya. It not only eases the general condition, but also restores the menstrual cycle. That is why, if you have the opportunity to purchase it, you should definitely do it.

4. You can soothe severe pain with a banana.

5. Separate a few coriander seeds and mix them with water. For one cup of boiling water, 15 seeds are taken. Put on a fire, while the water should boil for half, let the mixture cool, then drink it. Perhaps the taste will be bitter, so you can add sugar. The tool not only relieves pain, but also reduces bleeding.

6. Drink as much water or herbal teas as possible.

Useful Tips

1. The last week before the menstrual cycle should be unloading, try not to eat a lot of fat and fried.

2. It is not recommended to eat dairy and meat during menstruation.

3. It is recommended to do yoga.

4. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right.

5. In the period of menstruation, discard products such as pumpkin, potatoes, and eggplant.

And the last, but nonetheless important: rest as much as possible. Due to this, the symptoms of the menstrual cycle will be under full control. If you adhere to a monthly bed rest, you can avoid severe pain. Take all medications only after studying the instructions or consulting a doctor.

Take care of yourself, do not lift weights, and most importantly, take care of your health!


Watch the video: Period pain? Try these remedies (July 2024).