Pleurisy - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Pleurisy involves inflammation of the pleura, which covers the outside of the lungs, and also lining the inside of the chest cavity. The thoracic and pulmonary part is also called the external and internal pleura. During the violation of the pleura there is a violation of the formation of a lubricating secretion, while its composition changes. As a result, pleura rubs, which causes pain.

Causes of Pleurisy

In young people, pleurisy can last from several days to several weeks. Pleurisy is rarely observed as an independent disease or as a secondary manifestation of extrapulmonary infections.

As for the causes of pleurisy, this can include various injuries of the chest, penetrating wounds, as well as fractures of the ribs. In such situations, the disease is often combined with pneumothorax, tuberculosis, and a lung tumor.

Symptoms of Pleurisy

Symptoms of this disease are manifested by certain pain in the chest. They are characterized by a sharp onset and prolonged difficulty in breathing. Directly the pain itself in most cases is observed on one side of the chest. Sometimes they can be carried to the shoulder or stomach. Pain during pleurisy may be aggravated by coughing, sudden movements, or sneezing. The pain is relieved, in turn, during rest, with holding the breath. To avoid pain, patients very often try to breathe superficially.

Everyone should know that similar chest pains can also be observed in other conditions that are in no way associated with pleurisy. This may include intercostal neuralgia or painful tension of the intercostal muscles.
If pleurisy was formed as a result of viral infections, then the patient may experience headaches, muscle pain, fever.

Diagnosis of Pleurisy

There are many conditions that lead to pleurisy, so the doctor at the beginning will need to determine its cause. It will be mandatory to conduct a general examination, as well as a chest x-ray. A blood test is necessary, and in some cases other other studies that will fully determine all the causes of pleurisy. Such causes include all kinds of viral infections, tuberculosis and pneumonia, blood clots in the vessels of the lungs and others.

If, according to the doctor, pleurisy was caused by autoimmune diseases, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, then the main emphasis will be on blood tests.

If an effusion was found in the pleural cavity, then a puncture is performed, both for medical and diagnostic purposes. The resulting fluid sample is sent for analysis to determine the possible causes of the disease.

Pleurisy Treatment

As for the treatment of pleurisy, its choice is based on the reasons for its occurrence. If the causes were bacterial infections, then the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Quite often, to relieve the pain that accompanies this disease, the doctor may suggest the use of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To relieve very severe pain, painkillers and cough medications may be prescribed. Among other things, to relieve well-being will help a reclining state on the sore side with a soft pillow under your head.

If effusion is observed, then pleural cavity drainage may be necessary, which consists in installing a tube that removes fluid.

Pleurisy is quite realistic to prevent, depending on its causes. For example, in cases of heart or lung disease, managing the underlying disease will help to some extent prevent the direct accumulation of fluid.


Watch the video: What is Pleurisy? Lungs & Chest Cavity Lining Inflammation (June 2024).