5 years old child


Child development at age 5 (what should be able to)

At 5 years old, the child has grown both physically and psychologically. It is important for him how he looks, what he is wearing. He already perceives himself as a person, understands that he is different from others. He has his own opinion and defends it not by whims, but is trying to explain, giving arguments. Children at the age of five are physically hardy enough. They can run, without stopping, 200-300 meters at a fast pace. If there are obstacles in the way, they cleverly jump over or run around them.

Children have well-developed movement coordination. With their eyes closed, they easily reach with the finger to the tip of the nose, ear, crown, knee. Five-year-old children are pretty dexterous, they throw up and catch even a small ball, without oversight, as if they were kicking it. They can run on a thin board, jump back and forth, through obstacles - pits, grooves.

A child of five years old is able to contact not only with children, but also adults - neighbors, friends of the family. Can approach unfamiliar peers, start a conversation, take part in the game, share toys. Most of the day is in a good mood, optimistic, not capricious, not stubborn. Tries to help adults in everything - parents, grandparents. For example, bring slippers, glasses, set the table, cover with a blanket. If a conflict is brewing, I’m ready to make concessions in order to reach a compromise solution.

A five year old child has a good memory. He is able to memorize new words, both Russian and foreign, voluminous poems, the meaning of which he does not even understand. Trying to figure out the meanings of new words. He has a rich vocabulary - 2500-3000 words. He manages to express thoughts quite easily, to accurately convey his feelings or impressions in words. It is not confused in terms of "yesterday" and "tomorrow", "dinner" or "breakfast". If an error occurs, he immediately corrects himself.

Of five or six words, reasoning logically, he easily finds an extra object. For example, he will realize that from the words "spoon", "plate", "pan", "chair", "cup", "glass" - the object is "chair". If the picture depicts objects incorrectly, it will find an error and explain what is wrong here.

5 year old child care

By the age of five, the child is using a toothbrush more confidently. He drives her teeth in the right direction, cleaning out the interdental spaces. He knows how to thoroughly rinse his mouth, so brushing your teeth can already be done using children's toothpaste (without fluoride). From the age of five, you can try to accustom children to the morning soul. This will help to quickly get rid of the morning nap and get a boost of vigor. This procedure will not only keep the body clean, but also has hardening properties. After the shower you need to wipe dry and rub with a towel.

Parents should teach their children to fold their clothes in a high chair. Usually at this age, children themselves take it off and put it on. Firstly, in this way they are accustomed to tidiness, and secondly, clothes are not wrinkled, and they will not have to be searched all over the room after sleep.

From the age of five, you can teach your child to wash his face with soap. Closing the eyes, with light movements, without rubbing the skin, apply a soap solution. You can use good soap or special mild cleansers. It is not worth it to abuse soap washing, enough once a day. If his skin becomes dry or weathered in the cold, it is smeared with a thin layer of baby cream before bedtime.

5 year old baby food

By the age of five, the growth of the child's body slows down somewhat compared to previous years. Therefore, the need for additional calories is reduced. The amount of animal protein consumed is reduced, but the proportion of vegetable fats and proteins is increasing. The calorie content of the daily diet should be approximately 2000 kcal. Proteins and fats should be in one part, carbohydrates - 4, i.e. the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be 4: 1: 1. Such a diet will allow the child not to feel hungry, at the same time not to overload the digestive system with fatty and heavy foods. It is necessary to ensure that enough vegetables are present in his diet, as a source of many irreplaceable trace elements. The daily diet should be supplemented with raw vegetables and fruits seasonally.

The regimen of a child's day at 5 years

From the age of five, a child can already be accustomed to restoring order and cleanliness in an apartment. You don’t need to force many children, they themselves will gladly help to wash the dishes, wipe the dust, clean up the bookshelf or in the box with toys. Therefore, in his daily routine, special time should be allocated for this. The schedule will have to be compressed a bit, it is possible to reduce the time allotted for games. If a child attends additional sports sections or creative circles, this also needs to be taken into account. The time spent on the road should not be wasted, but used properly. Along the way, you can learn poetry, count, learn something new. The rest of the day is similar to the one at 4 years old: four meals a day, one daytime sleep of 1.5-2 hours, games, walks.

Lessons with a child at 5 years old (how to develop)

For the development of speech with children, it is useful to memorize tongue twisters and counters. Saying them at first slowly, then at a fast pace, the child develops a clear pronunciation and good diction. There are special mathematical calculators, repeating which, children additionally learn to count and simple arithmetic operations. If a child has just started memorizing the alphabet, you can play lotto with him. Large letters are written in a row on a wide strip of paper. The child is given tokens - paper circles or small squares. An adult calls a letter, and the children look for it on their paper and, if found, cover it with a token. The game continues until the entire row closes. Instead of letters, you can write numbers.

Well develops logical thinking game where you want to find an extra object. The child from the proposed pictures should choose one that is different from the others. For example, among the pictures with flowers, there is one with a mushroom. Or on all cards musical instruments are drawn, and on one - a hammer. You can make improvised didactic material yourself, buy in a store or print pictures from the Internet.

To acquaint children with numbers, you can buy decorations in which, in order to get the outline of a picture, you need to connect the points with numbers in order. When the drawing is ready, it can be decorated. At 5 years old, you need to show your child how to use the phone and learn how to make calls yourself. Explain simple traffic rules, tell why a traffic light is needed, what each color means and what actions are performed when they light up.

Games and toys for children in 5 years (how to entertain)

From the age of five, the child prefers the company of peers more and more to solitary pastime. Together they are very interested in playing role-playing games - a school, a hospital, daughters, mothers, a war game, a store. They set their own, sometimes quite complex rules, introduce the calculated currency in the form of candy wrappers. Children are so passionate that their game can last several hours. Moreover, boys can also play with dolls. For five years of age this is quite typical.

If a child has abilities or desire, he can be recorded in sports sections. From the age of five you can already do gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, chess, hockey, some types of martial arts. It's time to give the child to ballroom dancing, drawing, teach the piano. Just do not force children to coax or persuade, they themselves must show a desire.

One of the favorite entertainments remains reading fairy tales, children's books, modeling, drawing, designing, collecting puzzles, cubes. They also like to listen to children's songs, often singing along. Sometimes children are fond of collecting. They collect postcards, candy wrappers from sweets, inserts on a specific topic. Many modern children mastered a computer at the age of five; they like to play games on it. Parents need to monitor the duration of the pastime behind the monitor, limiting it to half an hour a day.

Raising a child at 5 years old

Five years is still quite a child's age, but the child must understand that he does not live alone. Therefore, it is necessary to obey certain rules both in your apartment and in public places. He needs to be explained so that he understands everything correctly. Then it will be easier for him in life and parents will not have to blush for him.

Often, five-year-old children can dare to mom, not obey, try to establish their own rules. Do not shout at them, curse, it is better to show restraint. It is necessary to talk with them, explain that they hurt mom and disappointed her. She suffers from this, her heart aches. It is necessary to cause the child a sense of shame for his act and repentance. He should not be forced to admit guilt, he should get to this himself. Parents need to show by their example what relations should be between close people. Therefore, if there are quarrels and abuse in the family, the father screams, and the mother hits the dishes, it is useless to demand decent behavior from the children.

The child must also be taught the rules of decency. He should appeal to "you" to adults, not to get into their conversations. When meeting friends, say hello, including peers. It is necessary to teach him the basics of sociability: control aggression, politely seek help, thank, say goodbye when leaving. Do not be greedy, share or share toys. During education, it is not forbidden to use both methods of encouragement and punishment.

Useful Tips for Parents

Five years is the first little anniversary. You have noticed how your child’s interests, habits and behavior have changed. At each stage, its own difficulties and incomprehensible moments arose. There they are now. Therefore, it is worth knowing about them, at least some, in order to behave correctly in a particular situation. For example, many children at the age of five have vigorously developed imagination. Sometimes they themselves cannot determine the boundary between truth and fiction. Therefore, if you notice that your child has surpassed Baron Munchausen himself, you should not scold him and convict him of a lie. After all, he himself believes in what he says. Dream and dream with him. And then direct the conversation in the right direction and explain that these are invented actions and heroes, but in life everything is different. If you find that the child is fantasizing in order to avoid punishment, timely measures must be taken. Carry out educational work, and tell that it is not noble and cowardly to hide the truth. And for wrongdoing and bad deeds it is necessary to answer, and, even, be punished.


Watch the video: Life As A 5-Year-Old Transgender Child. NBC Nightly News (June 2024).