Wonderful pills with beneficial bacteria will help you lose weight


Already in the near future it will be possible to lose weight without exhausting yourself in gyms or resorting to strict diets. It is enough to take pills containing beneficial bacteria and the problem of extra pounds will no longer worry you. The idea with miracle pills was born while studying the results of operations aimed at weight loss. Gastric bypass, in which the cavity of the stomach decreases, changes the intestinal microflora. A person ceases to feel hunger and feels a craving for healthy food.

American scientists conducted a series of experiments on mice. Data was recorded before and after gastric bypass surgery. Three weeks after shunting, the mice lost a third of their weight. Tests showed that there were fewer bacteria in the intestines of thinner rodents compared to their obese counterparts. Moreover, even minimal physical activity led to the burning of more energy.

At the next stage, the researchers planted "good bacteria" to slender rodents. As a result, even in the complete absence of a diet, mice lost 5% of their weight. The effect is impressive and scientists believe that it can be enhanced by transplanting beneficial bacteria to overweight rodents.

Researchers believe that bacteria that colonize the digestive system after shunting are able to produce certain chemical compounds that accelerate metabolic processes and promote weight loss.

Scientists have plans to develop innovative methods to combat obesity. And pills with bacteria can take their rightful place among them. Of course, a miracle pill is not a panacea, but it seems that the researchers are ready to offer an alternative to gastric bypass surgery, and this is a very important step forward.


Watch the video: Weight Loss Pills: Fact Or Fiction? (July 2024).