Evening makeup for blue eyes: step by step


Blue-eyed girls are real lucky girls, because their eye color is considered one of the rarest. Is this not a reason for classroom experiments with their appearance, especially if we are talking about evening make-up?

Features evening makeup for blue eyes

To make an elegant and flawless evening makeup, owners of beautiful blue eyes need to follow certain rules. Only competently executed make-up will emphasize the depth and expressiveness of the look, advantageously presenting the best aspects of your appearance.

So k features bright makeup for blue eyesintended to be released in the evening include:

  • The use of high-quality decorative cosmetics with a predominance of pigmented shadows. Such cosmetics allows you to achieve rich colors, and their intensity you adjust yourself;
  • Brightness does not mean a combination of flashy acid shades. You can add expressiveness to your eyes with just one color, if you know the basics of visage and know how to apply them in practice. Blue eyes are usually bright enough by themselves, so you should not allocate them so that the makeup looked forced. At the same time, do not refuse shimmer shades and colored mascara: moderation is the key to elegance;
  • Even the most beautiful blue-eyed girl does not look good if her skin condition leaves much to be desired. Defects and irregularities are masked by corrective cosmetics (primer, concealer, foundation, etc.);
  • In addition to the previous point - do not layering tonal means, and apply them carefully, using as much of the composition as necessary. Otherwise, the light tone of the iris will be lost against the background of an excess of cosmetics, and in order to highlight the eyes, you will have to apply a large amount of decorative means of make-up;
  • If the evening makeup focuses on the eyes, the tone of the lips is selected in a neutral shade. If you ignore this rule, you can get an image in the style of the film "Corpse Bride." For the same reason, do not brighten the tone of the face too much.

If you want to make a spectacular winning makeup for blue eyes, then don't be afraid to experiment with textures and shades, but always follow the basic principles of visage to find a middle ground.

Smokey Ice

You can add even more magical appeal to blue eyes with the help of smoky shadows. Smoky eyes make-up technique has been at the peak of its popularity for many years, as it is the surest way to visually open the eyes, giving it romantic mystery and depth. The classic way to perform make-up "Smokey ice" involves applying a dark tone to the upper part of the color, which gradually stretches to a lighter transition. To properly make a smoky makeup, follow our instructions.

Step 1. Powder the eyelids a little. You can apply a base and / or primer.

Step 2. Draw your eyes with a pencil or shadow. Avoid liquid eyeliner, as a very sharp contour in this case is undesirable. Pay attention to the drawing of the outer corner.

Step 3. Shade the outline so that it has a thinner line along the lower eyelid.

Step 4. Apply to the upper eyelid 2 - 3 shades of shadows to create a smooth transition. Their color is combined with the color of the pencil, with the darkest shade being applied to the outer corner and gradually lightening closer to the inner one.

Step 5. Emphasize the arc in the eye socket and the eye contour with darker shadows.

Step 6. Do the same stretching of tone from dark to light shade by drawing the lower eyelid.

Step 7. Complete the development of the eyelids, causing light shades (white, grayish, pearl, etc.) on the upper eyelid upward to the eyebrows from the fold.

Step 8. Paint your eyelashes, paying attention to the area in the outer corner of the eye.

Makeup for blue eyes with arrows and shadows

Such a make-up, depending on the saturation of the shadows and the intensity of drawing details, can be an excellent addition to the day or evening look. To create a make-up, take a black or gray eyeliner, base under the shadow, mascara, primer, shadow with a matte texture of white, silver and dark gray.

Step 1. Apply a base under the shade to the area of ​​the moving eyelid, blend well and powder lightly.

Step 2. On top of the prepared layer, apply tight white shadows.

Step 3. Mark the upper eyelid fold with silver shadows and carefully blend the line so that it is as thin as possible closer to the corner of the eye.

Step 4. Type dark gray shadows with a beveled brush and draw a neatly arrow, stretching its tip to the temple.

Step 5. Bring the lower eyelid.

Step 6. Duplicate the arrow line with gel liner to give it clarity. Try to draw it close to the roots of the eyelashes.

Step 7. Apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye.

Carefully mask the defects with a sponge and brush off the remnants of the makeup with a large brush.

Light but spectacular makeup with blue eyes is ready!

Bright makeup for blue eyes

Make-up of bright contrasting shades for blue eyes is a win-win option if you need to give the look even more expressiveness, making the image most luxurious. The color scheme for bright rich makeup is selected very carefully.

In determining the color palette, make-up artists advise, first of all, to take into account the shade of the iris - rich blue, transparent blue, aquamarine, cold bluish, aquamarine, azure, etc.

You can highlight blue eyes not only with the help of color, but also with the original eyeliner line

Also pay attention to the skin tone of the face: girls like "winter" will need a make-up of a completely different kind than the owners of the skin of warm tones (peach, pale pink, etc.). Accordingly, bright makeup for blue eyes is performed differently, if its owner is a blue-eyed brunette or a platinum blonde.

Do not forget to shade the eyeliner line, this will allow to achieve smooth transitions

Blue iris goes well with makeup pink, gold, silver and lilac / purple hues. In some cases, you can use bronze and emerald shades. This palette is suitable for a variety of color types, but when applying cosmetics, be careful about the intensity, otherwise you will give an excessively theatrical effect. However, with the right technique of visage, you can get a bright effective make-up, which makes the look deep and expressive.

If you have large bright eyes by nature, the eyelashes on the lower eyelid can not be painted: this will enhance the effect of the “wide open” look

Helpful advice: The latest trend in makeup for eyes of light shades (not only blue, but also green) is the rejection of too dark shadows. This technique is dangerous because it visually weights the eyelids and gives fatigue to the eye. For the same reason, do not use black eyeliner in combination with light blue shadows.

When is a bright blue eye makeup appropriate? Of course, this is any solemn occasion - a party, wedding, birthday, corporate party, etc. If you want to try on a similar image, then you should not forget that it should be combined with the rest of the stylistics, including outfit, hairstyle and accessories.

Bright makeup can look elegant and discreet at the same time.

If the festive event is scheduled in the evening or at night, feel free to use the most contrasting shades of shadows, eyeliner or eyeliner - orange, azure, purple, pink etc. It is permissible to apply them separately or to combine several shades, performing the outline of the eyelid in one color, and the makeup of the eyelashes or the corner of the eyes - in the other.

Bright artistic make-up

It is worth remembering that such an artistic make-up can give your appearance an unforgettable charm, but it can also destroy the whole image, if the colors are badly combined with each other or the make-up technique is lame.

To create a bright blue eye makeup, it is allowed to use additional decorative elements - glitter, sparkles, rich pigments, false eyelashes. This make-up will be the perfect solution for brunettes and brown-haired women.

Blondes, fair-haired and red-haired girls should observe the principle of moderation and use a maximum of 2 bright shades in the palette.

If a bright make-up is required by a blue-eyed beauty for a wedding look, the concept of make-up should be thought out with the utmost care. Bright does not mean defiant: To make the image look catchy but elegant, use gray-brown, silver, golden or pale pink shades. The bride should look tender and feminine, so give up the thickly pointed arrows and intense smoky eyes.

Major mistakes

There are several techniques that allow to "spoil" the image of the owner of even the most huge and beautiful blue eyes. Let's not be naive: many girls, trying to achieve similarity with celebrities or simply emphasize the beauty of their eyes, impose kilograms of cosmetics on eyelids and eyelashes, without really going into the combination rules of make-up. As a result, the look really attracts attention, but not at all what the young lady would like.

How to properly make up blue eyes, so that they attract only admiring glances? Let's see what major mistakes can be tolerated with a blue eye makeup.

Error one. A selection of shadows that color perfectly match the shade of the iris. Such a technique does not enlarge the eyes, but, on the contrary, visually makes them smaller. Also, the shadows coinciding in hue with the iris of the eye visually “erase” the pupils from the overall picture, giving them excessive transparency.

When choosing blue eye shadows of the same color, give preference to cosmetics a few tones brighter.

Error two. Incorrectly picked up color of ink. It is chosen in accordance with the shade of the applied shadows. If they have a light texture and light tone, you should not use black rich mascara for blue eyes - this will make them less expressive. For a daytime make-up, a mascara of gray or blue hue, as well as blue or purple colors, is suitable. When this tool is applied in one layer. Black mascara is applied if there is a rich make-up of bright colors on the eyes. For make-up with shades of brown, choose mascara of the corresponding tone.

The correct shade of mascara can make blue eyes more expressive.

Error three. Another common mistake with blue eye makeup is improper staining of eyelashes. Not every girl has huge eyes, such as actress Emma Stone, so if you draw an arrow strictly along the line of eyelash growth, against the background of the transparency of blue eyes it will look unnatural and reduce the expressiveness of the look. To avoid this effect, make an arrow a little higher than the line of growth of the eyelashes, bringing its tip beyond the line of the corner of the eye (but not by much!).

Emma Stone Makeup

The actress Emma Stone has very big eyes by nature, so she is wearing makeup with a full look on her eyelids. But this make-up is not recommended for girls with small and deep-set eyes.

The fourth error. Blue eyes are "dangerous" in combination with shades of pink, reddish or brownish. This is not a general rule, but in some cases the transparent tone of the iris and the skin tone of the eyelids do not work well in tandem with such colors. It is important to find your correct shade of the shadows, so that the skin around the eyes does not look stiff and edematous, which will give you a painful look. You should not completely abandon the pink, red and brown shades, but you need to carefully select the favorable shade that suits you.

When choosing brown or bronze shades, make sure that the color of the shadows matches your color type.

Fifth error. Excessive love of the shadows with mother of pearl. If in addition to the blue color of the eyes you have a skin of light tone, this makeup can give you an additional pallor. To achieve the desired effect, when applying pearlescent shadows, do not forget to draw the eye line with a pencil or eyeliner.

Using pearl shadows, be sure to draw the line of the century

Error sixth. To circle the eye with a completely black eyeliner and a pencil is a good reception, if the goal is to resemble a thriller heroine. In reality, such makeup goes to girls (and then, if they are fortunate enough by nature to have huge eyes). The line completely describing the eye, connected by sharp arrows, will narrow its size and visually “plant” the organ of vision deep into the eye socket. Always observe moderation and do not forget to shade the mobile eyelid.

Too intense eyeliner visually reduces bright eyes

Error seven. Brown shades and a pencil go to girls with blue eyes (especially brown-haired women and blondes), but it is extremely risky to put it on the lower eyelid under the lash line. Only professional stylists can correctly make make-up in such a way, since color is considered difficult.


Watch the video: How To: Easy Smokey cat Eye. Jaclyn Hill (June 2024).