Slimming teas - which is more effective?


Any diets and special diet pills are powerless if metabolic processes are disturbed, and the processes of accumulation and synthesis dominate decay, causing the accumulation of fats. Guaranteed to help lose a few extra pounds of useful and at the same time tasty teas for weight loss. Such teas from special herbal preparations improve metabolism, helping to break down the fat contained in the body. Today, a wide selection of this product from various manufacturers is offered. Their use really gives a significant result for weight loss. However, this effect is often caused not by the process of splitting fats, but by the diuretic and laxative properties of such teas.

How to choose slimming tea

When choosing a phytosborder, it is necessary to carefully study its component composition. You can safely refuse a product consisting only of herbs that provoke diarrhea and dehydration. It will not bring benefits, and, moreover, can lead to disruption of the electrolyte balance, constipation and nutritional deficiency. In order not to worry about your health and be sure of the quality of the product, it is better to make slimming tea at home. To do this, you can use independently prepared medicinal herbs, or purchase them at a pharmacy. High-quality phyto-harvests will not only help to remove toxins from the body, but will also help to improve metabolism, suppress hunger and burn stored fat.

It should be remembered that tea for weight loss is not the main tool, but an auxiliary. You are unlikely to be able to get rid of unnecessary kilograms if you do not change your diet and increase motor activity. Tea for weight loss is recommended to drink without the addition of sugar, should also not snack on sweets or cakes. If you can’t get yourself to drink unsweetened tea, then you can afford to add a spoonful of honey, or eat it from a spoon without adding to the drink. Any tea should be consumed in courses no longer than two weeks, taking breaks of 5 days. A positive effect is achieved by drinking 3-4 glasses of such an herbal drink.

Slimming Tea - Side Effects

Before conducting the course, it is recommended to consult a specialist, since with regular use, slimming tea has some side effects, and uncontrolled intake of it can cause serious problems. The electrolyte balance is disturbed, there is a gradual dehydration due to fluid loss, along with toxins and toxins, nutrients are removed from the body that did not have time to digest. During the use of tea for weight loss, the body loses potassium, a deficiency of which can lead to muscle weakness, as well as impaired renal function.

Such a drink is a laxative, its long-term use provokes the loss of the body's ability to independently empty the intestines. In addition, some unsafe ingredients that affect the internal organs, and some addictive, may be present in purchased teas. Given the negative consequences of taking such teas for a long time, you should strictly adhere to the timing of the courses - no longer than 10-14 days, with mandatory breaks of at least 5 days.

Slimming Tea - Types

There are many recipes for self-made tea for weight loss. One of the most effective is a drink from ginger root. The main value of this oriental product in essential oil, which enhances the body's metabolic processes. In addition, ginger suppresses appetite by adding it to various dishes and drinking ginger tea, it will be easier to limit the amount of food. Like most spices, this product perfectly tones, so ginger tea can easily replace the usual coffee for breakfast.

Another species that gives visible results is the well-known green tea. This is the record holder for antioxidants that accelerate metabolism and actively burn fats. To achieve positive results, it is enough to consume about three glasses of a freshly brewed drink, but you should limit the intake of sweet and fatty foods daily in the diet. The bonus to drinking green tea is to improve well-being, as well as skin condition.

What weight loss tea is more effective

But not every green tea will have an effect on weight loss. Tea bags are not suitable for this, despite their palatability. It is better to give preference to a custard product without any artificial additives. Experts say that the most effective variety is oolong. With it, you can lose a few pounds in a month without strict diets. In addition to its fat-burning properties, green tea is rich in iron and calcium.

Herbal Weight Loss

Herbal teas are recognized as a traditional effective remedy. Their recipes are quite diverse and have a different effect. The easiest way is to brew individual roots or herbs. The most effective and safe are dandelion root and St. John's wort. The infusion is aged for about 10 minutes and is drunk throughout the day. For a complex effect, collections of different herbs are suitable.

To reduce cholesterol and reduce appetite, a collection of fennel, black elderberry, chamomile, peppermint and linden in equal amounts is recommended. The drink is prepared in a water bath and taken in 2 cups daily. Despite the natural origin, herbal preparations have quite serious side effects. Therefore, before using them, you should definitely get a specialist consultation.

Exotic Species - Chinese Puer Slimming Tea

Puer tea is gaining more and more popularity - this is one of the most valuable types of tea created by Chinese masters. Its value, in addition to its unique taste, also lies in the healing effect for the body, as well as its ability to reduce weight and tone the entire body.

Chinese people recognize puerh tea as a panacea for many diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, an excellent helper in the fight against stress and emotional stress. In addition, puer has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It is also an effective antioxidant, rich in vitamins, essential oils, amino acids that remove toxins and toxins from the body and contribute to the breakdown of fats.

Slimming Tea - Recipes

Herbal slimming tea with lemon balm

This tea has a pleasant taste, contains an essential oil that lowers blood pressure. In the cold, it tones, and in the hot it is used as a diaphoretic for colds. Due to its ability to accelerate metabolism, it helps with weight loss. To prepare it, you need to pour one tablespoon of lemon balm and mint leaves (crushed) with boiling water (about 2 glasses). Insist hour, cover, strain and drink throughout the day.

Green slimming tea with ginger

Green tea needs to be brewed for five minutes, then pour it into a thermos and add a little dry ginger. You can drink it in half an hour. Such tea helps to get rid of excess calories, in addition, improves complexion, helps with colds.

Raspberry Slimming Tea

Another simple and simple recipe. To prepare it, take a spoonful of raspberry leaves, previously chopped, and pour a glass of water. Then boil this composition and let stand for about a quarter of an hour. In the finished tea, add mashed fresh berries. Enzymes contained in raspberry leaves regulate metabolism, and berries reduce hunger, saturate with vitamins. In addition, such a drink regulates the level of hormones and sugar, gives vigor.

Apple slimming tea

In freshly brewed tea (black) you need to add one sour apple, which must be cut into very small pieces. Let it brew for about seven minutes. In addition to enjoying the wonderful taste of this drink, you can take care of strengthening the vessels, as well as get rid of excess cholesterol.

Water is essential for the quality of slimming tea. To maintain the fullness of the taste and benefits of such a drink in urban conditions, it is better to use purified water for its preparation. You can apply filters or boil it. Such simple recipes for weight loss tea help combine the enjoyment of your favorite drink and caring for your figure.


Svetlana Igorevna 04.04.2016
Very few shops or stores specifically with slimming teas.
I have to go to the Internet and look for something suitable for myself, both for delivery and for the quality of the goods, try to order, watch ...
The last time I take in the store, Chinese tea for weight loss sell good quality. Recently they began to sell Goji berries, sat down, eat every day.

Princess 03/24/2016
Slimming tea is a godsend for me. I drink herbal teas, I have already lost 2 kg. Both inexpensive and effective. I look forward to the opening of the bathing season, and at this time I go to the pool :)

Stella 03/24/2016
As in any business, the main thing is not to overdo it, in this case not to overdo it. I agree with the authors of the article in full: slimming tea will be effective when used correctly.

Dadli 03/24/2016
The first time I heard about Chinese tea for weight loss puer. I really didn’t think that I was such a tundra. Who drank this miracle cocktail of antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins. Is he so magical?

Marina777_85 03/24/2016
The herbal teas listed here are simply amazing. They are worth drinking, not only because of weight loss, but also because they are simply delicious and tonic. I advise everyone !!!


Watch the video: Fast Weight Loss with Green Tea. Green Tea for Weight Loss. Weight Loss Tea (June 2024).