Braised potato with ribs - an unforgettable aroma of tranquility! The best recipes for stewed potatoes with ribs: a step-by-step description


Fragrant, friable potatoes with ribs - a popular and favorite dish.

She is equally good, both in the daily menu and at special occasions.

Unique recipes and will be pleased and sophisticated in cooking, and just a novice housewife.

Braised Potato with Ribs - General Cooking Principles

The main ingredients of the dish are potatoes and ribs.

Both early and late potato varieties are used. Young potatoes are best laid on top of the ribs, so it does not fall apart, it turns out delicious and crumbly. But more mature fruits are left under the ribs - the potato is saturated with meat fat and juice, it will become soft and juicy. Peel the potatoes and cut them into large slices so that during the stewing the vegetable does not digest and does not turn into mashed potatoes.

The ribs for the dish are taken predominantly pork, they cook quickly, get soft and juicy. Lamb and beef ribs are acceptable. The ribs are thoroughly washed, if necessary, cut the film, and cut along the bones. There are also recipes where the ribs are not separated, but stewed whole, but then they need to be slightly separated from each other and put between them additional ingredients for juiciness.

If desired, onions, mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage and other products are added to the dish. As a dressing, tomato paste and sour cream are often used. Herbs, spices and herbs will give the stewed potatoes with ribs a special aroma and unique taste.

1. Braised potato with ribs


• kilogram of pork ribs;

• kilogram of potatoes;

• 60-80 g of tomato paste;

• two carrots;

• 5-7 branches of dill and parsley;

• to taste salt, black pepper;

• two cloves of garlic;

• onion.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the ribs thoroughly, divide them into pieces. Spread in a deep pan and fry on all sides until a pleasant golden blush (if the ribs are not very greasy, you can add a spoonful of sunflower oil).

2. Peel the onion and chop finely, also peel the carrots and rub into large chips, put both ingredients to the ribs.

3. As soon as the onion gets a slight blush, add salt and pepper, pour boiled water and, covering the pan with a lid, simmer until the ribs are ready.

4. We spread the potatoes, cut into large slices, pour a little more water, stew until half cooked.

5. Add tomato paste, chopped garlic and chopped herbs.

6. Bring the dish to readiness.

2. Stewed potatoes with ribs in sour cream


• 650 g of ribs;

• 800 g of potatoes;

• 200 g sour cream;

• onion;

• carrot;

• dried basil, laurel;

• salt and ground pepper;

• 30 g of mustard.

Cooking method:

1. We clean vegetables, we wash meat.

2. Cut the carrots into thin strips, onions into small cubes, and potatoes with medium-sized cubes.

3. The ribs are divided along the bone.

4. Fry in a red hot frying pan or in a saucepan for first a couple of minutes ribs, as soon as the fat melts, add the onions and carrots.

5. Fry all the ingredients for ten minutes, stirring constantly, until a slight blush.

6. Pour sour cream, add spices, salt and bay leaf, simmer for five minutes.

7. Put the potatoes, pour a glass of boiled water. After boiling, reduce the heat, simmer until ribs and potatoes are cooked.

8. Sprinkle the finished dish with dried basil, before serving, we insist for a while in a closed saucepan.

3. Stewed potatoes with smoked ribs


• 600 g smoked pork ribs;

• two onions;

• eight potatoes;

• carrot;

• to taste spices, salt, garlic, herbs, dried herbs.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into large cubes, leave them for 20 minutes in cold water to rid the vegetable of excess starch.

2. Grind onions and carrots and sauté on fat cut from the ribs.

3. The ribs themselves are cut along the bones, then each piece is cut into two or three parts, depending on the size of the ribs.

4. Spread the meat for passivation.

5. Pour a glass of cold water, cook for 10 minutes.

6. Add the potatoes, bring the dish to readiness.

7. Add salt, herbs, spices and herbs to taste.

8. We insist 5 minutes to soak the ingredients in the aromas of herbs.

4. Stewed potatoes with ribs and mushrooms


• a pound of calf ribs;

• 300 g of pickled mushrooms;

• a pound of potatoes;

• one onion and one carrot;

• butter;

• salt, spices.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the ribs, dry with a towel and cut along the bones.

2. Fry the ribs with chopped onions and carrots, adding a piece of butter.

3. We shift the prepared ingredients into the pan, add the medium-sized pieces of potato and pickled mushrooms.

4. Pour a half cup of boiled water, add salt and spices.

5. Stew the potatoes with ribs until the potatoes are ready.

5. Stewed potatoes with ribs and cabbage


• 700 g of ribs;

• three potatoes;

• onion;

• large carrots;

• a small head of young cabbage;

• salt, spices, sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the pork ribs, dry and cut into medium-sized pieces.

2. Cut the peeled onions into half rings, three carrots on a large segment of the grater.

3. Heat the sunflower oil, fry the ribs first until golden, then put the onions and carrots, fry until vegetables are ready.

4. Transfer the ingredients into a deep saucepan, pour a third of a glass of water, bring to a boil. Add salt and spices.

5. Put the sliced ​​potatoes and shredded cabbage.

6. Thoroughly mix all the components of the dish, simmer for twenty minutes.

6. Stewed potatoes with ribs and tomatoes


• pork belly (for 8-12 ribs);

• three meaty tomatoes;

• five medium potatoes;

• spices, salt, herbs.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the pork belly and cut from the side of the protruding ribs, while not violating the integrity of the piece. Grate pork with spices, salt and herbs.

2. Tomatoes are washed, dried and cut into semicircles. We spread the slices into the sections of the brisket. We pack a piece of pork in a bag, leave to marinate at room temperature for two hours.

3. Peel the potato, cut each tuber into two or four parts, depending on the size of the potato.

4. Put the pork on a baking sheet, lay the potatoes at the edges.

5. Extinguish, covering the form with foil, first at 200 degrees for 20 minutes, then reduce the gas to 170 degrees and cook another 1 hour.

7. Stewed potatoes with ribs, eggplant and sweet pepper


• 1.2 kg of pork ribs;

• two eggplants;

• onion;

• Bell pepper;

• three potatoes;

• 30 g grated ginger;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 100 ml of soy sauce;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• 30 g of starch;

• a tablespoon of salt;

• 80 ml of white wine;

• 30 g of tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the ribs and cut into not too large pieces.

2. Pour half the soy sauce in a bowl, pour in salt, sugar and pepper to taste, mix. Add starch, mix again. Spread the ribs in the marinade, leave for 30 minutes.

3. We wash and cut the vegetables: potatoes into cubes, eggplant slices, sweet pepper with large straws, onion quarter rings. Grind the garlic.

4. We heat two tablespoons of oil in a deep cauldron, spread the prepared ribs, fry from all sides until golden brown. Set aside in a plate.

5. In the same oil, fry the potatoes until half ready, and also take them out in a separate plate.

6. We treat eggplants in the same way: fry, remove.

7. The last to spread in the oil in a saucepan, onion, garlic and grated ginger, brown all the ingredients.

8. Add the tomato paste, the remaining soy sauce, the remaining oil, half a glass of water. Tom until thickened.

9. Once the passivation has thickened, put the ribs, potatoes and eggplant with pepper in a saucepan.

10. Stir, pour the wine, simmer for five to seven minutes.

8. Stewed potatoes with ribs in pots


• 350 g pork ribs;

• 700 g of potatoes;

• carrot;

• medium onion;

• sour cream;

• salt, pepper, greens.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the ribs, fry until a pleasant blush in a hot pan for five minutes.

2. Put the meat in a plate.

3. In the same pan, fry the onion rings and straws of carrots separately from each other.

4. First, put the ribs in the clay pot, then the onion, potatoes, carrots, salting each layer with a small amount of salt.

5. Pour the ingredients with boiled water, mixing it with the remaining fat from the frying, a pinch of salt, black pepper and sour cream.

6. Top with green leaves.

7. Stew an hour at 180 degrees, serve hot directly in pots.

8. If desired, potatoes with ribs can be sprinkled with grated cheese, then 10-15 minutes before cooking, you will need to remove the pots, sprinkle the ingredients on top with cheese and bring the dish to readiness, without covering it with a lid.

Braised potato with ribs - tips, tricks

• Before cooking, be sure to rinse the ribs, removing possible chips of the seeds, cutting out the film and tendons.

• Pre-pickled ribs are juicier, tastier and more tender. You can use not only the above fillings, but also, for example, sour cream, lemon juice with onions, mayonnaise and others suitable for marinade meat.

• Cut the potatoes better in large or medium slices, too small slices will boil and spoil the look of the finished dish.

• If at the end of cooking you add herbs, herbs and spices, then after removing the pan from the heat, soak the dish before serving under a closed lid for five to ten minutes, so that all the ingredients are saturated with the aroma of spices.

• To get a richer flavor and aroma, you can use broth instead of water.

• Vegetable passivation with tomato paste or tomatoes will give the dish fragrant bright notes, making the taste of the dish more interesting.

• If you do not even use spices in cooking, then do not neglect these two indispensable seasonings for stewed potatoes with ribs: laurel leaves and ground black pepper.

• If the meat sticks to the bottom of the pan during preliminary frying of the ribs, add a little boiled water only.

• The finished dish is ideally combined with greens, sprinkle potatoes with it before serving or serve in a separate plate, so that everyone can add the desired amount.

• Fresh or pickled vegetables, fresh white bread and sour cream are served with the finished dish.


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