Cranberries: properties, benefits and harm of a ruby ​​berry. Calorie and cranberry field of application: to whom it is useful, and to whom it is harmful


Evergreen creeping shrub, which grows mainly in swampy places - cranberries produce fruits of dark red color.

Cranberries ripen in April-October.

Berries are quite difficult to collect.

Ruby balls crumble abundantly in the place of plant growth.

Useful properties of cranberries allow you to use it all year round as jelly, jam, compotes, etc.

Composition, calorie content and cranberry use

Spherical berries are rich in fiber, pectins, organic acids. Cranberry is good for the body with its vitamin composition. It contains vitamins A, B, C, K.

In addition, the cranberry contains trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, etc.

Calorie cranberry is low and is 27 kcal per 100 g product.

Cranberry is a tasty and healthy berry, which has found its application not only in cooking, but also as a therapeutic agent.

1. In case of mental or hard physical work, they use cranberry drink, which is made from berries, wild rose and honey.

2. Cranberries are good for the body because of their ability to clean slags, normalize the bowels.

For this use a mixture of cranberry and beet juices (in equal proportions). Drink a drink three times a day for a few sips.

A mixture of juices is used for persistent constipation, hypertension, spasms of cerebral vessels.

3. Cure a cold or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract will help cranberry juice with aloe juice.

In addition, this composition is used healing balmconsisting of cranberries, lemon juice, onions, aloe, beets with added sugar, honey, alcohol (all in equal amounts).

Therapeutic mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Use it three times a day, just a couple of large spoons.

4. Cranberry juice is used by athletes after intense training. However, they do not drink it in pure form, but dilute it with water. Composition enriches the brain with oxygen, relieves spasms of blood vessels, restores strength.

5. Cranberry is good for health and is an excellent means of preventing diseases of the urinary system. Normalizes metabolism, protects the body from infections daily consumption of small amounts of cranberry juice (100 ml three times a day).

6. Cranberry wide used by diabetics. To maintain a stable state, it is necessary every day to prepare a drink from 2-3 tablespoons of berries, crushed in mashed potatoes, poured with a glass of hot water (not boiling water!). The composition is taken several times a day, 2 large spoons.

7. Daily consumption (2-3 times a day) of cranberry juice in a quarter cup effectively helps with some inflammatory gynecological processes.

8. Due to the beneficial properties of cranberries it is used. with tuberculosis. The disease is treated with cranberry juice with the addition of honey. In addition, you can use grated berries with liquid honey, adding a little flaxseed oil to the composition.

9. When problems with pressure, vascular diseases, as well as gastritis, colitis, metabolic disorders, use a healing composition that is prepared as follows: pour a spoonful of plant leaves and berries (10 g) with boiling water in a thermos (1 cup). Composition insist 4 hours, filter, diluted with boiled water and drink during the day in three doses.

10. Cranberries are good for the body suffering from diarrhea. In this case, mixed berries and leaves of the plant (in equal proportions). Then 2 large spoons of the mixture is poured with water (2 cups). It is important that it is not boiling. Just use hot water. The composition set for cooking on the stove. After 10 minutes, the container with the healing broth is removed, cooled, filtered. Drink half a glass at least 4 times a day.

11. Cranberries are used as an antiseptic. Infusion of 1 spoon of berries and a glass of boiling water is used gargle and washing open wounds.

12. Berry is indispensable for shortness of breath. The disease is easily treatable if you use cranberry infusion (1 spoon of berries per cup of boiling water) with the addition of honey.

13. To get rid of high pressure helps drink, which is prepared simply: knead the berries (2 cups), add to them sugar (half a cup) and water (1 cup).

The composition is put on the stove and not cooked, but only brought to a boil. Then filtered and diluted with water. Drink as a tasty and healthy drink.

14. Cranberries are good for health. during the cold season. In this case, use cranberry hot tea. At first, the berries are lightly ground with a spoon, then they are covered with sugar and hot tea is poured (green or black). Drink nourishes the body with vitamins, quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, gives vitality.

15. For radiation sickness and some inflammatory diseases, cranberry juice with the addition of honey is used as an additional therapy. The medicine is taken by courses 1 or 2 times a year. The first week they drink the healing composition in half a glass 3 times a day, the second - the same amount, but already 2 times a day, the third - half a glass only 1 time a day.

16. Cranberry juice is used as a natural soft febrifuge for fever.

17. To get rid of sore throats and other inflammatory diseases of the throat helps the composition of cranberry juice, beets with the addition of honey and vodka (in equal proportions). Mixture insist in a dark place for 3 days, after which they drink a large spoon before eating.

18. Useful properties of cranberries make it indispensable. with bedsores. The composition, which has antiseptic and drying effect, is prepared from freshly squeezed cranberry juice (20 ml), lanolin (40 g), vaseline (40 g).

19. Cranberries are widely used. in cosmetology. With her help make healing masks. The berries are crushed into a mush and impose on the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. The mask is left for 15 minutes, then washed off with water.

20. Cranberries are used for cooking, confectionery. It is added to sauerkraut, sauces, used as a seasoning for meat dishes.

Extremely tasty and healthy cranberry kvass. It is made from cranberries (1 kg), sugar (1 kg), yeast (25 g), water (9 l). To start the berries are washed, then fray through a colander, add water and sugar. All put on the fire and boil, then cooled and filtered. Separately brew yeast with warm water and combine them with a drink.

The composition is mixed and put in a warm place to infuse (day). Then everything is poured into a clean container, raisins are added and stored in the refrigerator. In a couple of days, the healing kvass is ready!

Cranberry: what is the benefit for the body?

Cranberry is the most useful berry for the prevention and treatment of colds. But not only. The list of its valuable properties is very long:

• It is able to resist the creation and spread of cancers.

• Cranberry contains antioxidants that fight the signs of aging.

• Cranberry is an excellent remedy for treating angina.

• Due to the high content of flavonoids cranberry helps to improve the elasticity of blood vessels.

• Berry - the best multivitamin remedy. And 100% natural.

• Cranberry improves appetite, combats constipation, enhances the production of gastric juice, has antibacterial and diuretic properties.

• Cranberries are good for health because of their ability to lower cholesterol and prevent plaque and blood clots from forming in vessels.

• It is indispensable for colds, fevers, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

• Cranberry relieves headaches, heartburn. It can enhance the action of antibiotics.

• Berries - a real storehouse of biologically active substances and mineral salts.

Cranberries: what is the harm to health?

Cranberry is certainly useful, but it also has its own contraindications. Berries are forbidden for use in gastritis with high acidity, liver disease (in acute form).

Cranberry not desirable for ulcers (especially the juice in its pure form), as well as with weak tooth enamel.

If you use the cranberries mindlessly, then it is more likely to cause harm than good. Even the most valuable product should be used with caution.

With existing chronic diseases, you need to consult a doctor about the use of miracle berries.

Cranberries for children: useful or harmful?

Cranberries are good for children. It improves appetite, strengthens defenses. Berry helps get rid of stubborn dry cough. In combination with honey or sugar, cranberries are good for colds and flu. Useful and tasty medicine fills the children's body with vitamins and microelements, improves digestion, relieves constipation.

Children give cranberries in any form. You can sprinkle the usual dishes with it or you can make juice, juice, juice, jelly from berries.

Very young children are best to give cranberries in the form of compote and jelly. In addition, babies up to the year will be served with cranberry sweets, which are made from 1 cup of powdered sugar, two egg proteins, a kilogram of cranberry and half a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

To begin with, the berries are washed, dried, then the powder is mixed with proteins, lemon juice is added and mixed. After that, a single berry (it is pre-dipped in boiling water) is dipped in the composition, dried and put in a jar for storage.

Cranberries are indispensable for children with colds and sore throats, itching and eczema. In the latter case, sore spots are smeared with a mixture of berries juice and vaseline.

Cranberries are allowed (in the absence of a tendency to allergies) for children from 6 months. Kids up to 2 years old are given only heat-treated berries, and older children can be given cranberries in any form.

Tasty and healthy berry has a lot of useful properties. The low calorie content of cranberries makes it possible to use it in various diets.

Kissels and compotes, jams and mousses, ice cream and cake additives - cranberries are good in any capacity for both adults and children.


Watch the video: The Cranberries - Linger Official Music Video (June 2024).