Dumplings with potatoes and cabbage: fast, tasty, inexpensive. A selection of the best recipes for diet dumplings with potatoes and cabbage


Vareniki - traditional dish of Slavic cuisine.

You can start the dough in different ways, but dumplings with potatoes and cabbage remain one of the most beloved options for a hearty and tasty dish.

It must be served hot, seasoning with onion, sour cream, mushroom or oil filling.

Serving options with mayonnaise and ketchup are also rare, but traditional Slavic sauces are good for dumplings with potatoes and cabbage.

Dumplings with potatoes and cabbage - general principles of preparation

There is nothing complicated in cooking dumplings with potatoes and cabbage. Dumplings dough and plain filling - that's all you need. Dough You can just buy it, although it’s cheaper and easier to cook it yourself. It will take water, salt, an egg and flour. Sift the flour, make a hole in the center of the flour hill, carefully beat the egg into it, then pour in water, salt and replace the dough.

Instead of water, dumplings can be made on potato broth or kefir. You get an original, soft dough. The test must be given time to rest after the batch, so that it acquires a pleasant elasticity.

Remains cook the filling and properly arrange the dumplings. For the filling, boil the potatoes, mash the potato with virtually no water, so that the filling is dense. Fried onions are usually added to the potato base - it tastes better.

Cabbage can be used fresh or pickled. Fresh must be washed, finely chopped and stewed in oil and water. Squash before stewing is squeezed from brine, washed with cold water if desired. Together with cabbage, you can stew grated carrots and finely chopped onions. At will, bay leaf, grated bell pepper is added.

Mix potatoes seasoned with onions with cabbage, add salt, pepper and mix if desired. Basic filling is ready.

You can cut dumplings for dumplings in two ways..

1. Roll out the dough sheet with a thickness of not more than two millimeters. Using a mug, cut out identical circles, fill each with filling and carefully fill.

2. Form a thin long block 3-4 cm in diameter from half the dough. Cut the "sausage" into pieces no more than one and a half to two centimeters thick. Dip each piece into flour, giving a rounded shape, and roll out.

Forming a dumpling, you need close the edges of the product carefullyso that the filling does not fall out during cooking. For cooking, you will need a large pan filled with water for half or two-thirds (dumplings should not be crowded in it). After boiling, put the dumplings in water, mix with a slotted spoon. After boiling again, cook for five minutes.

Dumplings with potatoes and cabbage "Homemade"

The simplest recipe for dumplings with potatoes and cabbage. The highlight of the recipe is the dough prepared on a potato broth. You do not need to put an egg in the dough.


• a glass of potato broth (two hundred milliliters);

• two and a half cups of flour (of the same volume);

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• some salt;

• five to six medium potatoes;

• a third of a large head of fresh cabbage (about a pound);

• two onions;

• sunflower oil for the pan.

Cooking method:

Boil potatoes until cooked.

Pour a glass of broth into a separate bowl and cool.

Mash potatoes.

Chop the onion.

Heat the oil well and fry the onions.

Mix mashed potatoes and fried onions.

Chop the cabbage finely.

Pour more oil into the same pan, put the cabbage in, fry for about ten minutes.

Pour into a pan half a glass of water or broth, cover, reduce heat and simmer the cabbage until cooked for another twenty minutes.

From a potato broth, salt, flour, knead the dough, achieving its elasticity. Leave to rest for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Roll out the dough in any way.

Put the filling, form dumplings and boil.

Arrange hot dumplings with potatoes and cabbage in plates and serve with butter, store or village sour cream, pepper and ghee.

Dumplings with potatoes, cabbage and mushrooms

Peerless duo surprise in one plate - at the same time a simple and effective option for lunch or dinner. Kefir-based dough is soft, juicy, very tasty.


• a pound of flour;

• two hundred milliliters of kefir;

• three chicken eggs (one for dough);

• a pinch of soda;

• a teaspoon of soda;

• five potatoes;

• four hundred grams of sauerkraut;

• three to five tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• two onions;

• three hundred grams of champignons or forest mushrooms.

Cooking method:

From kefir, flour, one egg, quenched with vinegar, soda and salt, knead the dough.

Boil the potatoes and mashed them for the filling.

Boil the two remaining eggs, cool and chop finely.

Wash the cabbage, chop finely (if necessary), fry in vegetable oil.

Pour a quarter cup of water into the cabbage and simmer.

Cut mushrooms, fry in a separate pan in vegetable oil.

Chop the onions, fry them.

Cook two toppings. First: potatoes, onions and mushrooms.

Second: onion and chopped egg.

Roll out the dough, cook dumplings with two types of filling.

Boil and serve with sour cream and garlic sauce or ghee.

Dumplings with potatoes, cabbage and bacon

The original recipe for such dumplings with potatoes and cabbage is usually kept secret. It turns out an incomparably tasty, original, satisfying dish that does not cause trouble for the stomach. Serve such dumplings better with sour cream or butter.


• two kilograms of ready dumplings dough;

• four hundred grams of fresh pork (a layer of fat and meat);

• kilogram of sauerkraut;

• kilogram of fresh potatoes;

• half a glass of flour;

• some salt.

Cooking method:

Twist pork meat with fat in a meat grinder.

Twist the washed cabbage.

Heat the pan, put the twisted fat and fry it until cooked.

Boil and mashed potatoes.

Squeeze excess brine from cabbage.

Mix the fried lard with melted fat, cabbage and potatoes.

Roll out the dough and cut into circles.

Put the filling in the middle of each circle, form a dumpling with a corrugated edge. To do this, use your fingers to make lateral wave pinches.

Boil some dumplings and serve with butter or sour cream.

Freeze remaining products.

Dumplings with potatoes, cabbage and cracklings

A very satisfying version of dumplings with potatoes and cabbage, served with crispy crispy cracklings.


• three glasses of flour;

• glass of water;

• a pinch of salt;

• egg;

• four medium onions;

• six potatoes;

• vegetable oil (three tablespoons);

• four hundred grams of fresh cabbage;

• 150 grams of lard without skin and meat veins;

• salt, pepper, herbs if desired.

Cooking method:

From water, salt, flour and eggs, replace the elastic dough.

Chop two onions and fry in hot oil until golden.

Boil potatoes and ceiling.

Mix mashed potatoes and fried onions, pour, if desired, pepper and season with a piece of butter.

Chop cabbage thinner and smaller, fry until cooked in the same pan where the onion was fried.

Mix potatoes with cabbage.

Roll out the dough, form dumplings.

Put water for boiling dumplings.

Slice the fat into small cubes and put on a dry hot frying pan.

While the fat is drowning, cut the remaining onions into half rings or cubes.

Throw dumplings into boiled water.

Fry the onions in melted fat without discarding the fry.

Arrange the prepared dumplings with potatoes and cabbage on plates and pour the melted pork lard with onions and greaves.

Dumplings with potatoes and cabbage under mushroom sauce

The rich taste of this option of dumplings is sure to be remembered by everyone who has tasted this hearty, multifaceted dish.


• a glass of warm water;

• two and a half cups of white flour;

• half a teaspoon of medium grinding salt;

• five potatoes;

• four medium onions;

• medium carrot;

• a pound of fresh cabbage;

• half a glass of olive oil;

• some fresh greens;

• a pound of fresh champignons;

• some pepper and salt;

• three cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

From flour, salt, water, knead soft dough and leave to rest for an hour.

Put the potatoes in salted water and cook.

Finely chop two onions.

Finely grate the carrots.

Heat oil and fry onions in it.

When the onion is a little browned, put the carrots on it.

Mashed potatoes.

Chop and fry the cabbage until cooked.

Mix mashed potatoes, cabbage, carrots with onions.

Chop greens.

Salt and pepper the filling, mix with herbs.

Form dumplings from dough and filling.

Chop mushrooms.

Chop two more onions.

In a preheated skillet, fry the onions first.

Ten minutes later, put the mushrooms, fry until tender.

Salt, add spices to taste, chopped garlic.

Set the mushroom powder to one side.

Cook the dumplings, arrange on plates.

Serve with mushroom frying.

Dumplings with potatoes and cabbage "Lazy"

The original recipe for dumplings with potatoes and cabbage will surprise you with an unusual tomato sauce.


• seven hundred grams of white flour;

• egg;

• 230 ml of water;

• a spoon of vegetable oil in the dough;

• a pound of potatoes;

• a pound of sauerkraut;

• two large onions;

• medium carrot;

• vegetable oil for the pan;

• a tablespoon of natural tomato paste;

• a little salt, a mixture of peppers.

Cooking method:

Knead the dough from flour, water, vegetable oil and eggs.

Finely chop one onion, fry until golden in oil.

Rinse the cabbage quickly under cold water, put in a colander or squeeze by hand.

Put the cabbage to the fried onion, bring to readiness.

Boil potatoes, mashed it.

Mix cabbage and potatoes, salt, sprinkle with pepper.

Cut the dough into large rectangles measuring fifteen by ten cm.

Put the filling inside each strip and form long "dumplings" that look like narrow pies.

Put water for the dumplings.

Grate the carrots.

Chop the remaining onions finely.

Sauté carrots and onions in oil.

After about five minutes add tomato paste, a quarter cup of water and simmer under the lid for ten minutes.

Boil dumplings in boiled water.

When serving, pour tomato and vegetable sauce.

Dumplings with potatoes and sour cabbage

A simple version of quick dumplings made from potatoes and sour cabbage.


• an ordinary glass of boiled chilled water;

• one egg;

• two and a half cups of white flour;

• one and a half glasses of sauerkraut;

• five potatoes;

• salt;

• one medium onion.

Cooking method:

Knead the dough with their water, eggs, flour and a pinch of salt.

Squash sauerkraut from brine.

Put the potatoes to cook.

Chop the onion as finely as possible.

Heat a frying pan and fry cabbage and onions on it.

Mash potatoes and mix with fried cabbage.

Form dumplings.

Cook them and serve with sour cream or ghee.

Dumplings with potatoes, cabbage and onion gravy "Ukrainian"

Many consider dumplings to be Ukrainian traditional dishes. In Ukraine, a dish is often served with onions fried in unrefined sunflower oil. Onion gravy - a visiting card of dumplings with potatoes and cabbage in Ukrainian.


• four glasses of white flour;

• one egg;

• an ordinary glass of water;

• two carrots;

• a pound of fresh cabbage;

• a pound of potatoes;

• a third of a glass of tomato paste;

• three onions;

• an incomplete glass of sunflower oil;

• to taste a little salt.

Cooking method:

Knead the dough out of water, flour, eggs and salt.

Boil and mashed potatoes.

Finely chop the cabbage and fry in vegetable oil.

Five minutes before the end of frying, put tomato paste, simmer until cooked over low heat.

Grate carrots.

Chop one onion.

Fry onions and carrots separately.

Prepare the filling of mashed potatoes, cabbage, onions and carrots. Salt and mix.

Form dumplings.

While they are boiling, prepare onion gravy.

Heat half a glass of oil.

Chop the remaining two onions with garlic or rings and fry.

Put the dumplings on a common dish.

Pour onion gravy, mix and serve.

Dumplings with potatoes and cabbage - tricks and tips

  • If the cooked dumplings turned out to be more than planned for cooking, the residues need to be laid out on a board sprinkled with flour and sent to freeze in the freezer. After 12 hours, when the dumplings are frozen, remove them from the board, put them in bags and store in the freezer.

  • If the edges of the dough do not pinch well, it means that there is a lot of flour in the dough. So that the edges stick together better, they need to be moistened with water.

  • While part of the dough is rolling, the other needs to be removed in polyethylene so that the dough does not lose elasticity.


Watch the video: How to make Cabbage patties (June 2024).