Pork and potatoes in pots - meat and side dish in one dish! Pork and potato recipes in pots with different additions


It turns out that in order to feed a family tasty and satisfying, one does not need to spend the whole day in the kitchen.

It is enough to stock up on pork, potatoes and get pots.

Exactly these clay helpers help out many housewives and save a huge amount of time.

In addition to meat and potatoes, they can add a wide variety of ingredients, sauces, spices. And each time the dish will play with new tastes.

Pork and potatoes in pots - general principles of preparation

In general, for cooking dishes in pots, you can use not only pork tenderloin, but also pieces on the bones.

This was done before, when large clay pots were used in Russian stoves. But today, portioned utensils are most often used, therefore laying large pieces is inappropriate.

Mainly used tenderloin or ribs.

Before cooking for the first time, new pots need to be baked in the oven. The meat is laid raw, pickled or fried. The potatoes are simply peeled and chopped. Young and small tubers can be planted whole.

Pot contents languish in their juice or add different fills. Basically it is sour cream, cream, tomato, mayonnaise and sauces based on them. You can add cheese on top, which is baked until golden brown.

Prepare dishes in clay pots relatively quickly. Usually 40-60 minutes are enough for a roast. But even if you overdo it, nothing terrible will happen.

Recipe 1: Pork with potatoes in pots "Juicy"

The recipe for a very juicy pork dish with potatoes in pots. You can use any pieces of meat, but it turns out especially well with ribs. The dish is prepared in its juice, without the addition of liquids and sauces.


• 400 grams of ribs;

• 5 potatoes;

• 1 carrot;

• spices, herbs;

• 1 onion;

• 1 tsp paprika.


1. Cut the ribs into pieces, fry in a frying pan on both sides, set the maximum mode. Since pork has enough of its own fat, oil can be omitted.

2. Cut potatoes into slices of 3 mm, carrots in circles, onion rings or half rings.

3. Vegetables are mixed with paprika, laid out in two portioned pots.

4. Put fried ribs on top, sprinkle with salt and pepper. You can add the remaining fat from the pan in which they were fried.

5. Cover and send for 50 minutes in the oven. Cooking at 200 degrees. Then we get it, sprinkle with herbs and you're done!

Recipe 2: Pot Roasted Pork with Potatoes

A variant of a very fragrant homemade pork dish with potatoes in pots. It is especially convenient because it allows you to immediately cook both the first and second.


• 700 g of pork pulp;

• 10 potatoes;

• 3 onions;

• 1 carrot;

• 5 tablespoons of oil;

• a spoon of flour;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 500 ml of water.


1. Cut the pork into small cubes or sticks, slightly finer than a barbecue. The meat should not be wet, you can dry with a towel.

2. Bread pieces in flour and fry. The oil in the pan must be heated to a haze. A golden crust will appear very quickly, and all thanks to flour. We take out the meat.

3. Cut the onion into half rings. Carrots can be chopped into strips or grated coarsely. Fry vegetables a minute after meat in the same oil.

4. Potatoes peeled from the skin should be cut into arbitrary slices, but it is better not to be large enough to fit more in the pot.

5. Vegetables are laid out on the bottom of the pots, add pork on top. Put the potatoes last.

6. Mix the water (you can take the broth, it’s better) with spices and chopped garlic, pour into pots.

7. Now you can put our billet in the oven and forget about it for an hour. Cook at 190 degrees.

Recipe 3: Pork with potatoes in pots under a golden brown

A recipe for a delicious pork dish with potatoes in pots with a delicious cheese crust. The amount of broth can be adjusted at your discretion, making more liquid or thick roast. The cheese used is a solid, processed product not suitable.


• 500 grams of meat;

• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• 150 grams of broth;

• spices;

• 1 carrot;

• 0.5 tablespoons of dried dill;

• 3 cloves of garlic.


1. Cut the pork into cubes, also peeled potatoes, season with spices and mix.

2. Cut into circles carrots, put on the bottom of the pots.

3. Top with potatoes and meat

4. Add dried dill, chopped garlic to the broth and pour into pots.

5. Close the lids and remove for 40 minutes in the oven.

6. We remove the lids, put grated or simply sliced ​​cheese and fry for another 15 minutes. If there is, then you can turn on the top grill.

Recipe 4: Creamy Pork and Potato Pots

For cooking, you need fresh cream of low fat content. 10% is enough. For this dish, it is better to use pork pulp without heavy layers of fat.


• 0.4 kg of pork;

• 0.4 kg of potatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 0.25 l of cream;

• a spoon of flour;

• spices;

• clove of garlic;

• 3 tablespoons of oil.


1. Oil needs to be heated in a frying pan, it is better to use ghee.

2. Add half the onion rings, fry until rosy color.

3. Pour flour, mix vigorously, fry for a minute.

4. Pour the cream and just warm it, add 100 grams of boiling water, salt, chopped clove of garlic. Turn off the sauce.

5. First we cut the pork into layers and slightly beat off with a hammer. So that the spray does not fly and keep the juice in a piece, you can do this through a plastic wrap. Then the layers are cut into cubes.

6. Peel the tubers, cut into small slices.

7. At the bottom of the pots put a little sauce, about a centimeter. Then spread the meat and potatoes mixed, pour the remaining creamy sauce.

8. Cover and keep in the oven for about an hour. Do not set the temperature above 200 ° C.

Recipe 5: Pork with potatoes and mushrooms in pots

To prepare such pork and potatoes in pots, we will use fresh champignons. We select small small mushrooms with closed hats. With them, the dish is more beautiful.


• 0.4 kg of pork;

• 0.2 kg of champignons;

• 0.3 kg of potatoes;

• 6 spoons of sour cream;

• pepper, salt;

• dill;

• 0.15 kg of cheese;

• 2 onions.


1. Cut the onion cut into half rings to the bottom of the pots.

2. Peel the potato tubers, cut into slices, preferably in cubes and cover the layers of onion, add salt and pepper to the vegetables.

3. Wash the mushrooms, each cut into 4 parts. If the champignons are large, then it is possible for 6-8 parts. We lay on top of potatoes, also salt, pepper.

4. Now the turn of pork. We cut it into strips, not very small, but also not in small cubes. Mix with spices, scatter in pots.

5. We spread the sour cream, on top slices of cheese and you're done!

6. Cover and bake in the oven for exactly 50 minutes. Then remove the lids and fry the dish for another 15-20 minutes. Before serving, decorate the cheese crust with sprigs of dill.

Recipe 6: Potted Pork with Potatoes and Cabbage

A mixed dish of vegetables with meat, which is very simple to prepare and help out if there is no time or desire to stand at the stove. You can use fresh or pickled cabbage. But in the second case, it is better to rinse and squeeze the vegetable so that it turns out not very acidic in the dish.


• 300 grams of cabbage;

• 300 grams of meat;

• 400 grams of potatoes;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• spices;

• 1 onion;

• a piece of oil;

• 1 spoon of tomato.


1. Take a piece of butter and lubricate the inside of the pots.

2. Chop the cabbage into strips, mix with tomato, put into prepared containers.

3. Put the sliced ​​potatoes on top. Sprinkle with spices and stack finely chopped onions.

4. Cut the meat into slices, slightly fry in a pan and send to the rest of the products. It is not necessary to salt it, so that pork does not secrete juice and remains dry.

5. Mix sour cream with salt, pepper, do not put a lot. And lay on top of the meat.

6. It remains only to close the pots and send for 50-60 minutes in the oven. Cooking at 180

Recipe 7: Pork with Potatoes and Potted Tomatoes

Another variant of homemade roast with pork and potatoes in pots. The number of products is designed for 5-6 servings.


• 700 grams of pork;

• 15 potatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 5-6 cloves of garlic;

• salt, peppercorns;

• mayonnaise.


1. Meat with onions need to be cut and fried in a pan until half cooked.

2. Cut the potatoes into cubes, tomatoes in half rings, just chop the garlic.

3. At the bottom of the pots we put pork, we throw peppercorns on a pea.

4. Then lay out the potatoes, layered with tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt, chopped garlic.

5. Top with a spoonful of mayonnaise. Cover and send to bake for an hour.

Recipe 8: Potted Pork with Potatoes and Prunes

A variant of an unusual and festive dish, which will require prunes. There is also another version of this dish, which will require mushrooms, but we will cook without them.


• 8 potatoes;

• 300 grams of pork;

• 1 onion;

• 3 tablespoons sour cream;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 1 carrot;

• 10 pieces of prunes;

• spices.


1. Cut into strips carrots and onions, potatoes into slices.

2. Soak the prunes in warm water, cut into 4 parts and combine with vegetables.

3. Pork cut into cubes, mix with chopped garlic.

4. First we put in the pots vegetables with prunes, salt and pepper. Then pieces of meat with garlic. Sprinkle with spices too.

5. Put sour cream on top, cover with lids and send to bake. Such meat is prepared for 50-60 minutes at 190 degrees.

Potato pork with potatoes - useful tips and tricks

• Preliminary frying of meat seals all juices inside and makes the dish more tender. But to put the pieces you need only on a hot pan and cook on high heat without covering the lid. Otherwise, pork will release juice and the effect of the procedure will be the opposite.

• Food in the pot continues to cook even if you turn off the oven. Therefore, if you need to urgently leave, hold the dish in the oven for at least half an hour at a temperature of at least 200 degrees. Then you can turn everything off and go about your business, the dish itself will reach readiness.

• Breading in flour allows the meat to fry quickly, acquire a beautiful crust and keep all the juices inside. And the particles of flour will make the sauce thicker and richer.

• If you need to pour liquid into the pot, then its level should not be higher than 2/3 of the height. Otherwise, when boiling, it will splash over the edge.

• If you like fried potatoes, put them on top and the meat on the bottom. Conversely, you can fry slices of pork by putting them on top. And so that the products are evenly saturated with each other's juices, they are simply mixed before laying.


Watch the video: Easy Home Made Meatballs. One Pot Chef (July 2024).