How to make makeup for a photo shoot?


When conducting a photo shoot, the photographer carefully selects the lighting, chooses the right angle, and the clothes and environment should also be in harmony with the model. Therefore, it is extremely important that the makeup also matches the image.

The main differences between the make-up for the photo shoot and the usual one are that you only need to use a matte concealer for the photo. Also in the make-up should be drawn clear lines and carefully shaded shadow, tone and rouge. Another important difference is the complete lack of sculpture in the make-up for a photo shoot.

The main rules of makeup for a photo shoot

To do your own makeup, you will need a magnifying mirror. With its help, the smallest flaws are visible, and to get high-quality photos they must be masked.

The main stage in makeup for a photo shoot is the perfect skin. Therefore, even if you have it in good condition, the tonal framework is still needed. It will make the skin matte, smooth and even. However, you should also not overdo it, as you can get the effect of a thick mask. Experts recommend choosing a shade that is half lighter than the skin, as over time the cream darkens, further application of powder or corrector will darken the face.

Before the photo shoot, test your makeup using the camera. In the photos you can see how it will look, whether it will change. This way, you will understand whether you will get the photos you want or not.

The basic rules of makeup for the photo shoot:

  • The upper lashes are painted in several layers so that they look brighter than the lower. You can draw thin lines of arrows along the ciliary edge, so that they appear thicker in the photo. If you have very rare eyelashes, you can slightly paint over the inside of the eyelid;
  • Carefully shade your eyeliner and shadows, as these defects will be highly visible in the photo;
  • Nacreous shadows will look beautiful only in a professional studio with special lighting;
  • Apply lipstick to moist lips.

One of the basic rules is the use of cosmetics matte texture. Even the smallest glare in make-up can ruin the look and make the face untidy.

Make-up for a photo shoot in stages

The ideal makeup for the photo is the one in which the accents are correctly placed, while the image is not without individuality. The main thing is that regardless of the location of the shooting, the subject matter, make-up should be appropriate and attractive, in order to be combined with the image, clothes and accessories.

For a long time, not only women want to hold a professional photo session. Children's and men's photo shoots are ordered. Men are also encouraged to do an easy make-up. It is fundamentally different from the female and is aimed at getting good and high-quality photos, without gloss on the face and significant temporary rashes on the skin.

Skin preparation

The main tool in preparing the skin for makeup is a moisturizer. For dry skin, use a cream containing an essential oil, and for oily creams with a lighter consistency. Makeup artists recommend choosing products with SPF. Such creams will simultaneously care for the skin of the face and protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Apply the cream in a circular, massage movements.

Next, you will need to additionally take care of the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. Prefer creams with a vitamin C content, they protect the skin from free radicals. Creams with vitamin K contribute to the elimination of dark circles under the eyes. Apply them with lightly patting movements, it helps to improve microcirculation.

It is important that the makeup at the photo shoot was excellent and did not become blurred over the course of the shooting. Therefore, be sure to use a primer. It contributes to the perfect tone, and also slightly illuminates the skin, creating a fashionable and natural glow effect at the photo shoot. When choosing a primer, it is recommended to pay attention to whether silicone, which badly interacts with oil-based products, does not form its composition. If your foundation and water-based moisturizer, silicone-based primer is contraindicated.

It is not recommended to use micellar water before applying makeup. Since it absorbs not only dirt and grease, but also particles of makeup, which can lead to an uneven coating.

We put a basis

Apply the foundation can be in several ways:

  • spongem:
  • fingertips;
  • brushes.

Each of the methods has its pros and cons. If you have several days left before the scheduled photo session, you can test each of the methods and choose the most suitable one for you.


When applying a tonal base with a sponge, a thinner and even coating can be achieved with perfect shading. If the photo session takes place in the evening, the application of foundation sponge is considered the most suitable. Sponge layers on the tonal base on the skin are somewhat denser than other methods.

When applying the foundation sponge there is one significant drawback - it is consumed in large quantities.

Before using the sponge, soak it in plain water and squeeze. Due to this trick, due to the absorbed moisture less cream will be consumed, while its surface will be as soft as possible. This will help even shade the foundation.

Then type the base first on the hand and distribute the points in the T-zones. In this way, you can control the amount of foundation on the face, and evenly distribute it over the entire face.

Spread the foundation over the face with light patting movements. Direction - from the center to its periphery, try to avoid contact with eyebrows and hairline.


The advantage of this method is that the natural heat of the hands warms up the tonal framework, making it more plastic. It is considered the most economical in terms of expenditure of funds. However, it is much more difficult to apply beautifully and evenly with your fingers than with a brush or sponge. Therefore, if you do not have practice, it is recommended to use a more proven method when creating an image for a photo session.

To apply the foundation with the finger pads, type the tool in the right amount. Then dots distribute it over the entire face. Use literally a pair of drops on each of the zones - cheeks, nose, center of the forehead, chin.

It is extremely important not to smear the foundation, as this will only emphasize the texture of the skin. It is necessary to drive the remedy into the skin of the face, starting from the center, gradually moving to the edges. Carefully work each centimeter of skin so that there are no untouched areas and undrawn borders.


The advantage of using a special brush for foundation is that it allows you to act as carefully as possible. It is also considered the most convenient way to apply the product - hands remain clean and no need to wash out the sponge from the foundation (the brush is cleaned by a simpler method).

To apply a tonal basis with a brush, type it on your hand so that it warms up a little from the warmth of your hands. Spread a small amount of funds over the entire face and start brushing with rubbing movements. As the rubbing, add cream. Perform a circular motion, if the brush is flat - linear. At the same time you should not press on the brush, it should be light movements, so the foundation is applied more accurately and evenly.

We make eyebrows

It is not recommended to radically change the shape, but some correction and fixation of the eyebrows will give your look a zest. You can slightly tweak the shape to make the facial features softer at the photo shoot or, on the contrary, brighter and more expressive, depending on the subject matter of the photo shoot. When making eyebrows, remember that if you change the natural lines of the eyebrows, the architecture of the face will change.

Step one. Comb eyebrow hairs with a special brush, thus giving them a neat shape.

Step two. Using a highlighter or a light corrector with reflective particles in the composition, lighten the sub-edge area, as well as the area above the eyebrow.

Step three. For making eyebrows with shadows, you will need a beveled brush. The hue of the shadows should match the color of the hairs, usually the palette of shadows includes three close colors. Highlight the corner of the eyebrow with the darkest shade, paint the tip with an average shade. Be sure to keep the feathering as soft as possible, especially at the base. Next, highlight the bone under the eyebrow with a light shade; this will make your look more open and expressive at the photo session. At the final stage, once again, swipe the eyebrows with a brush to remove excess shadows.

If you want to look more natural with your make-up in a photo shoot, a pencil that emphasizes the natural shape of the eyebrows is more suitable for this. Drawing eyebrows begins with the base. If the hairs grow in the upward direction, the movement of the pencil should also be directed; if the hairs grow downwards - vice versa. Then lightly mark the contour of the eyebrow. If you want to emphasize the upper border of the eyebrows, comb them down. Blend the outline of the pencil.

Step Four. To keep your eyebrows in perfect shape throughout the entire photo session, fix them with special mascara or eyebrow gel. The tool should be applied in zigzag movements, this will give the hairs additional volume. If you are expecting a portrait shooting at a photo shoot, it is recommended to slightly tangle the hairs at the base. With this trick, eyebrows in photos will look naturally thick and voluminous.

Eyebrow shaping for a photo session: before and after

How do we paint eyes?

The eyes are considered the most expressive part of the face in the photographs, so you need to think in advance exactly how they will be made up. Regardless of the technique of applying shadows and the color of make-up, the upper eyelids are covered with a special base under the shadows. It is preferable to use the shadow of a matte palette. Different types of rhinestones, sparkles and mother of pearl are suitable for creating an image for a thematic photo session. In other types of photos, they will look unsuccessful and inappropriate.

It is not recommended to choose shades of red, pink or brick shades. They visually make the eyelids more plump and swollen.

Suitable shades for photosession:

  • olive;
  • emerald;
  • beige in combination with other shades of a similar range;
  • brown;
  • chocolate;
  • the black.

Vertical technique of applying shadows. Most suitable for girls who have narrow eyes. The technique can be used both in day-time and evening make-up, depending on the time of the survey and the color gamut of the shadows. For vertical technology, there is one rule - the outer corner must always be the darkest.

Horizontal technology. This method is suitable for girls whose eyes have a round shape and bulging eyes. This will help to visually lengthen and stretch them. Shadows should be applied and shaded horizontally. Also with such a technique look neat arrows beautifully.

Classic or mixed technique. This method involves applying shadows on the eyelids and vertically and horizontally. As a rule, shades of the same color range are used.

Pencil technique. With this technique, you can visually adjust the shape of any kind of eyes. Depending on the individual characteristics, a kind of frame is made with a soft pencil for subsequent blending. The brush should be more rigid and dense than usual, and the surface - flat. You can also darken the eye mucosa.
At the final stage mascara is applied on the eyelashes. To the eye "not lost" in the photo, eyelashes should be voluminous, dyed in several layers. You can use false eyelashes.


With a photo shoot, every detail of makeup is very important. Blush should be chosen in such a way that it does not stand out, but almost blends with the skin color. The palette of blush should be selected depending on the shape of the face, skin color and lips.

For very light and pale skin, peach and beige shades are considered the most appropriate color of blush, as well as the color of powdered rose. When using such a range, you can achieve the perfect makeup that will look glossy on a photo shoot.

Blush for fair skin

If you are the owner of light skin, but warm shades, for example, olive, the ideal option for blush is considered to be peach-pink, coral or blush amber shade.

Blush for a light skin of a warm shade

If the model for the photo shoot - the owner of a cold skin tone, the girl should use the rouge berry and olive flowers. This will help make the makeup as natural as possible.

Blush for cold skin tone

In order to emphasize the cheekbones in a photo shoot, girls with dark or tanned skin are advised to give preference to light pink and orange blush, as well as to the color of fuchsia.

Blush for dark and tanned skin

Apply blush should be careful, since it is with this tool that the most problems arise. After all, to determine where and how to apply them, only an experienced makeup artist can. If you, nevertheless, decided to do your own makeup for a photo shoot, before you begin applying the blush, determine your face shape.

Applying blush depending on the shape of the face:

  • Oval shape (heart). To emphasize the face, apply blush on the upper lines of the cheekbones, blending them towards the temples. First of all apply on the protruding parts of the cheekbones, then with light, barely touching movements blend the rouge to the earlobe. Spread the remedy slightly over the temples;
  • Round. In girls with this form, as a rule, the most noticeable part of the face is puffy cheeks. To visually stretch a face for a photo shoot, apply blush on the “apples” of the cheeks and blend them under the zygomatic bone. In order to determine the location of the "apples" - smile, the most prominent part of the cheek is the "apples" on the face;
  • Square. Also on the "apples" of the cheeks in a circular motion, apply blush. Sweeping movements help visually smooth sharp facial features, drawing attention to the cheeks. Blush will make them more round and voluminous;
  • Rectangular. Walk down with a fluffy brush with blushed diamonds along the upper line of the cheekbones, blending them towards the temples. Then emphasize the cheekbones with a highlighter or monotony with a metallic sheen.
Applying blush depending on the shape of the face


Usually with lip makeup for a photo shoot there is no difficulty. The main thing is to choose the right shade of lipstick, which will be in harmony with the color of skin and hair, with clothes and accessories, as well as with the image as a whole. As a rule, during a photo shoot they refuse shiny and pearly lipsticks only if the shooting is not thematic.

Girls with fair skin are recommended to prefer lipsticks with soft coral shade, caramel, terracotta, rich pink. If you have dark skin, lipstick berry shades - cranberry or crimson will look beneficial.

In order to keep the lipstick perfect and not smeared during a photo shoot, before applying the lip you need to cover it with a tonal tool and carefully shade it. After that, make a contour with a pencil that matches the lipstick tone. Only after this lipstick is applied, at the same time, it is better to use a special brush. On top of the main lipstick, in the middle of the lips, put a little white pencil and shade it, it will visually increase the volume of the lips.

The classic way of applying lipstick. You will need a brush made of artificial lint. Apply the first layer of lipstick, then duplicate it to get a richer color. To make the lip contour even, first outline it with a pencil, and then correct it with the help of concealer. Type on a clean, flat brush a little bit of tool and correct the contour of the lips, if necessary.

Gloss. As previously noted, this type of technology is more often used in a thematic photo shoot. To do this, you need to cover your lips with a transparent gloss over the main lipstick. The color will become several times more intense, and the lips more voluminous.

"Kissed" lips. This way of lip design is a new beauty trend. Paint your lips with lipstick of the right shade straight from the stick. After that, follow their contour with a clean cotton swab or fingertips. So you can remove the clear contour of the lips.

Nude. To achieve a natural effect, moisten the lips with a balm before applying lipstick. Then remove the remnants of the balm with a cosmetic cotton pad or stick. Finger-rub lipstick in your lips with your fingertips. You can also use a natural fluffy brush and shade it over the surface.

Lip gradient At the first stage, lipstick is applied the same way as in the classic version. Then a dark pencil is added to the corners, then it is shaded with a brush.

Makeup secrets for a photo shoot or basic mistakes

Как ранее было отмечено, фотомакияж отличается от обычного. Мэйк-ап на фотосессии должен выглядеть безупречно, так как на фото будут видны даже самые мелкие дефекты кожи. Если вы решили сделать макияж самостоятельно, в первую очередь надо заблаговременно позаботиться о состоянии кожи лица. Она должна быть хорошо увлажнена, без покраснений и шелушений. За сутки до фотосессии рекомендуется отказаться от употребления алкогольных напитков, так как они способствуют появлению темных кругов под глазами.

Используйте основу с желтоватым оттенком, при вспышке камеры кожа приобретет холодный и матовый цвет.

На фотосессии рекомендуется выделять что-то одно - или губы или глаза. Один из главных секретов - не использовать в макияже пудру с добавлением бронзатора. В обычной жизни это придаст естественное сияние коже, а на фото будет выглядеть как блеск жирной кожи. Чтобы продлить стойкость макияжа обязательно по его завершению используйте фиксатор-спрей.

Идеи макияжа для фотосессии

Макияж для фотосессии по значимости можно сопоставить со свадебным, когда даже самые мелкие несовершенства недопустимы. Хорошо подобранный макияж помогает создать нужное настроение, модель себя чувствует комфортно, что способствует легкому и непринужденному проведению съемки.

Макияж зависит от темы фотосессии и бывает:

  • естественным (натуральным);
  • ярким;
  • необычным (арт);
  • креативным.

Также на интенсивность нанесения макияжа и палитру влияет время года, в которое проводится фотосессия. Мягкие и теплые цвета будут вносить в образ тепло, что свойственно для летнего и осеннего времени года. Зимняя и весенняя съемка нуждается в холодных и более ярких тонах цветовой палитры.

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Watch the video: Photo Friendly DRUGSTORE Makeup Tutorial! My Engagement Photo Shoot Makeup Look. Casey Holmes (July 2024).