Pomelo - description, useful properties, use in cooking. Recipes with pomelo.


Pomelo - description

Pomelo (or pompelius) is a plant of the citrus family. His homeland is China. In Europe, the fruit appeared in the 14th century, and with the help of navigator Captain Sheddok, he came to the West Indies. The English captain brought seeds to the island of Barbados in the Caribbean, precisely because of this, citrus got its third name "Sheddok" by the name of the navigator. Many consider pomelo a relative of grapefruit, in fact it is not. There is rather a reverse relationship: many reference books give information that the grapefruit is almost a degenerate pomelo.

Today, pomelo fruits are valued and loved almost all over the world, but this citrus holds a special place in Chinese culture. It is considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth, is a good gift for the New Year. Also pomelo is popular in Thailand. He is presented as a gift to the spirits during religious rituals by the Chinese living there. Exotic citrus is used in cooking to prepare a variety of dishes. In addition to Thailand, from which fruits are exported to different countries, it is grown in Taiwan, southern Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Israel, and Tahiti.

The fruit of this plant in length reaches 16-18, and in diameter - up to 30 cm. Inside it contains large slices and seeds. It has a sweet and sour taste and is very juicy, the flesh has a pleasant aroma. Pomelo plant is suitable for cultivation in spacious, bright and cool rooms. Reproduced by grafting. At home, growing a pomelo is quite difficult, it requires a lot of space and needs high humidity.

Pomelo - useful properties

Pomelo helps with fatigue, weakness, insomnia, diabetes, with sore throat, stomach and other infectious diseases. Citrus contains pectin, which is effective for lowering blood pressure. Fruits are also useful for lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and the heart. Pomelo rind also has beneficial properties. It is rich in bioflavonoids, which helps in getting rid of excess estrogen.

Pomelo helps to improve digestion, as well as effective enough for losing weight. It contains a special enzyme that absorbs fats, reduces sugar and starch in the body. Therefore, it is recommended for regular use by people suffering from obesity or having a slight overweight. In general, this exotic fruit will relieve depression, apathy and bad mood, give energy, joy and good mood.

Pomelo - calorie

Calorie pomelo is 32 kcal.

Pomelo - use in cooking

The exotic fruit is actively used in cooking of various cuisines of the world. Its flesh is used to make gourmet and fruit salads, decorating desserts and pastries. Pomelo juice tones and invigorates the entire body, has a pleasant refreshing aroma and unique taste. In addition to the pulp, it also uses its skin in cooking (in the preparation of marmalade, candied fruits and desserts).

In Chinese cooking, rind is used to flavor soups and desserts. In Thailand and the Philippines, ripe fruits are consumed fresh, first dropping pieces of pulp into a mixture of salt, chili pepper, black pepper and sugar. Nutritionists recommend using pomelo for fasting days or mono diets, as pomelo is very useful in losing weight.

Recipe 1: Shrimp with pomelo

Easy, but at the same time very nourishing exotic salad. It is very easy to prepare, but it will certainly delight you with its amazing taste.

Ingredients: boiled egg, pomelo (1 pc), shrimp in sauce (can be replaced with crayfish necks or krill meat) - 150-200 g, sauce.

Cooking method

Disassemble the pomelo into slices, peel off the membranes and disassemble into small pieces. Shrimp cut into pieces. Stir the shrimp with the pomelo, let it stand for about 10 minutes. Egg mash with a fork, add to taste the sauce. Mix everything. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: Fruit salad in a pomelo salad bowl

In Latin pomelo - Citrus maxima. A huge citrus is enough for a large company. If you make a salad bowl out of it, then it will hold at least four servings of a very bright and tasty fruit salad. And this is exactly what is perfect for a festive dessert.

Ingredients: Pomelo (1 piece), half a lemon, kiwi (4-5 pieces), orange, pear (1 piece each), maple syrup or honey (2 tbsp. L.), Blueberries (1 horst.), (1 horst. ), orange (1 pc), orange liqueur (2 tbsp. l.), lingonberry or cranberry pomegranate (1 handful).

Cooking method

Pomelo choose large and heavy. The heavier the fruit, the more the pulp in it, and the juicier it is. Top cut off the cap (about a third of the fruit). Take out the pulp, trying to leave the peel intact and not damaged. Peel the pomegranate and slice the orange. Pear and kiwi cut arbitrarily, thaw berries. Mix all ingredients, pour maple syrup (honey). You can add orange liqueur. Put the salad in the previously prepared bowl of fruit pomelo. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3: Pork roll with pomelo and blueberry sauce

An interesting and original recipe for juicy roasted meat with a delicate blueberry sauce and exotic pomelo flavor. It can be cooked at home, as well as on holiday on the grill.

Ingredients: pork (about 500 g), pomelo (100 g), 100 grams of fresh blueberries and Bulgarian red pepper, butter (30 g), teriyaki kikkoman sauce (4-5 tbsp.), green onion (1 bundle),
sugar (1 tbsp. l.).

Cooking method

We divide the meat into two steaks, it is better to take the neck part. Cut each of the pieces lengthwise and expand it like a "book". Cover with cling film and slightly repel. Marinate in marinade sauce for an hour. With pomelo remove the peel, peel off the films. Take two slices. Put the leeks on the meat, and the top of the pepper, chopped straw. Put a slice of pomelo on top. Fold the meat into rolls and tie them up with a string. We spread in the form and cover the top with foil. Put in the microwave for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees. Then remove the foil and cook another 10 minutes before browning.

These rolls can be cooked at home or grill over the coals in nature. Cook the sauce. To do this, mash the blueberries with sugar and add the juice from the form where the meat was cooked (about a tablespoon). Add butter to the sauce and heat it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. If you fry rolls in nature, then the meat is covered with a crust, which prevents the juice from flowing out, so the sauce can be prepared simply from the berries. Serve the rolls with blueberry sauce, sprinkled with freshly ground pepper. Enjoy your holiday!

Recipe 4: Eastern Princess Breakfast

Very tasty, bright and hearty breakfast, energizing and boiling energy and great mood. This is what everyone needs in the morning to wake up and start a new day in a good mood!

Ingredients: almonds (20 g), cardamom (on the tip of a knife), water (200 g), couscous (100 g), cinnamon, pomelo, one fruit each, orange, pear, mango, vanilla (on the tip of a knife), honey (1 Art. L).

Cooking method

Prepare the products: couscous steam with boiling water, add cinnamon stick, a little cardamom, orange zest and honey, as well as vanilla. Peel citrus, cut pear, mango slices. Pour citrus juice into couscous. Fry the almonds with ground cinnamon until bright and fragrant and brown. Take out the cinnamon stick from the cereal, mix a little and put fruits and me on it for years. Garnish with lightly chopped almonds and mint leaves. Dust on top with powdered sugar. A truly royal breakfast is ready.

Pomelo - tips from experienced chefs

The peel of pomelo is quite thick, but do not rush to throw it away. It is as useful as the pulp of this fruit: from it you can make extraordinary jam. It is necessary to wash and soak it in water for 5 days in order to get rid of bitterness. In this case, be sure to change the water 2 times a day. After that, you need to boil the rind, filled with water, twice. Water to drain after each time. Let the crusts cool, cover with sugar (3 cups), pour 300-320 ml of water, leave to infuse overnight. Peel jam cooked in several stages. It is necessary to bring the mass to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Cool the jam and repeat the procedure 3 more times. It turns out surprisingly tasty and healthy jam.


JAVA 10/29/2016
Peel preserves:
1) Cut the peel into 1cm strips, and then thinly cut / peel the bitter skin (dry for tea). Cotton wool cut into cubes.
2) Pour into the jar without condensing, pour cold-boiled water to hide the “cotton wool”. We insist day 3-4 is done extracting excess bitterness ... pour out the liquid and squeeze "cotton wool" (milk for lotion).
Note: To get a slight bitterness, you need to re-extract (bath milk)
3) It turned out raw materials, "berries" for jam. Fill the "berries" with water and add sugar. Stirring, bring to a boil, close the lid and turn off - to cool and swell. Liquid and sweet - to taste. This cooking procedure can be repeated up to 4 times - to taste. It turns out amber, candied jam.
We shared a pomelo, a lot of us, it is one.
This slice is for a hedgehog, this slice is for chizha.
This segment is for ducklings, this segment is for kittens.
This slice is for beaver, and for wolf-skin: D


Watch the video: What Do I Do With. .Pomelo? (July 2024).