Sesame seeds: the benefits and harm, composition and calorie content. Ingredient of the Ancient Greek Elixir of Immortality - Sesame Seeds


It is so pleasant to buy white bread or a fragrant bun with white seeds on top and eat them exactly, leaving the bakery product unremarkable and unleavened.

And what kind of seeds are so amazing, you know?

Sesame! That is the name for sesame seeds in Latin. Do not deny yourself the pleasure to learn all about sesame seeds, their benefits, possible harm and calorie content.


Sesame is a herbaceous plant of the Pedaliev family. The name from Latin is translated as “oil grass”. North Africa is considered its birthplace, but sesame is growing everywhere: Transcaucasia, Southeast Asia, all continental Europe, and America. Sesame seeds are in the pods, with a light touch they open with cotton. Now you can explain the origin of the phrase "Sesame, open up!".

Sesame seeds: composition, caloric content, application

The ancient Greeks so believed in the healing properties of sesame that they even included it in the recipe for the elixir of immortality, which, according to legend, the gods ate! This is not surprising, because the composition of sesame seeds is unique.

Calorie content sesame seed 565 kcal per 100 g:

  • Fat - 48, 7 g

  • Proteins - 19, 4 g

  • Carbohydrates - 17, 8 g

Indeed, the divine composition and legendary use. By the way, despite the high content of fats, there is absolutely no cholesterol in sesame.


In Russia, sesame seeds have found application mainly in cooking. The unique gastronomic properties of this plant are used for sprinkling bread, biscuits, desserts. Sesame oil is popular as a seasoning for a side dish, it also roasts meat, fish, vegetables. With these seeds, meat is fried or pasta is made of them: the seeds are rubbed until they are homogeneous and tahini is obtained - a pleasant spread with a delicate nutty flavor. Sesame added to salads, make it halvah, or used as a breading. Sesame salt is a tasty and healthy spice. Even these seeds are added to milk and dairy products in order to normalize weight.

In medicine Sesame powder and oil are used for poisoning and indigestion. The beneficial properties of sesame help with inflammation of the mammary gland and mastitis: apply a mixture of sesame powder and vegetable oil to the breast. When hemorrhoids helps decoction of sesame seeds, which you can and drink, and wash them "distressful" area. The use of sesame oil is recommended for arthritis, neuralgic and rheumatic problems. Also ointments, emulsions and patches are made from it, diathesis and other skin diseases are treated.

In cosmetology the use of sesame is used in all sunscreens, because sesame does not transmit ultraviolet rays. The face mask from this powder will relieve acne and redness, clean the pores, help the skin regeneration, perfectly moisturize. Applying sesame oil to the hair will return shine, softness, activates growth and recovery, fights gray hair. Also used as massage oil.

Sesame seeds: what is the benefit for the body?

The beneficial properties of sesame seeds are powerful anti-aging effect. Important fatty acids (don't be scared by the words “fatty”, organic fat is really useful) are cancer prevention and reduce blood cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Trace elements of sesame promote growth and development, purify the composition of the blood from heavy metal ions (which we receive with vaccinations) increase its clottingare indicated for anemia.

Regular consumption of this product improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, restores eyesight, prevents cataracts.

A large supply of calcium in these seeds provides bone health and joints and is the prevention of osteoporosis. Athletes eat sesame to build muscle.

Active ingredients of sesame seeds bear intestinal benefits, promote digestion and full absorption of nutrients and fight obesity. Also, this product is an excellent laxative and dulls the feeling of hunger and restores the mineral balance in the body.

The use of sesame seeds - phytoestrogen - a unique natural substance, is used as a substitute for the female hormone. This element fights against many chronic inflammatory processes and benign neoplasms. More seeds relieve pain during menstruation, as they contribute to the outflow of blood.

Sesame seeds improve immunity and help with colds and flu.

Sesame seeds: is there any harm to health?

The beneficial properties of sesame are so many that it is hard to believe in the possible harm of sesame seeds to the body. And he is:

• Sesame seeds are contraindicated for thrombosis and increased blood clotting;

• With urolithiasis;

• It is forbidden to use this product in combination with oxalic acid, aspirin - insoluble compounds may be deposited in the kidneys;

• Excessive consumption of seeds will disrupt the stomach and intestines, and constipation will occur. The recommended seed rate is 2 teaspoons per day;

• Individual food allergies also eliminate the consumption of sesame seeds - skin redness, itching, or anaphylactic shock are possible;

• Excess calcium (and sesame is rich in calcium) causes malaise, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and great thirst.

• Harm of sesame - in its caloric content. Unlimited use of these seeds for dietary nutrition, it is not suitable.

Sesame seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is an ancient misconception that sesame seeds are harmful to a pregnant woman, ostensibly because sesame is a “hot” product that causes miscarriage. Medical research proves the opposite! Sesame Seeds Extremely helpful to expectant mother:

1. Sesame contains calcium, which is very necessary for the fetus, and protects the woman from the deficiency of this mineral;

2. Iron prevents low hemoglobin during pregnancy and promotes an increase in blood;

3. Vitamins of sesame seeds promote growth and development of the tissues and organs of the baby, and protect the woman herself from infections;

4. Normalize the stool and urinary frequency, relieve constipation (pregnant women will definitely appreciate this wonderful property);

5. Stabilize hormones;

6. Relieves pigment spots on the skin;

7. Calm the nervous system, relieve anxiety.

Potential harm of sesame during pregnancy: do not overeat him. Possible contractions of the uterus, premature birth. Useful rate - 1 tsp 3 times a week.

When breastfeeding sesame seeds are also helpful. They saturate milk with vitamins and healthy fats, protect the baby from bacteria and infections, helps the child with diathesis, skin rashes and redness. Stimulate the growth of brain cells and bone tissue, stimulates stool. Contraindications: individual intolerance and allergies.

Sesame seeds for children: useful or harmful

Sesame seeds are three times richer in calcium than milk. A child is what is needed for proper growth and development, strong teeth and bones. The benefits of sesame seeds in the diet of children is obvious: they contain only healthy fats, vitamins and minerals necessary for a child. Bar of sesame seeds - a healthy alternative to unhealthy sweets.

Sesame can be harmful to children up to three years old. A small body has not yet learned to fully digest and break down fats. Therefore, a small child may be upset stomach.


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