Soy sauce: the benefits and harms, the calorie content that it is. The Chinese know about it: the true benefits of soy sauce!


Soy sauce is a wonderful and very useful gift to the whole world from residents of Asia, namely the Chinese and Japanese.

This product is traditionally prepared as follows: beans and wheat are fermented with molds, after which the resulting mass is heated under sunlight. In Japan, such a product is called "koji".

To obtain a full-fledged product, it will take several months to insist.

Soy Sauce: Benefits

Soy sauce is made from soybeans, so it will depend on them in the first place how high-quality raw materials will be. Soya can be of different quality, so when buying soya sauce, you first need to pay attention to the composition displayed on the label, so it is recommended to give preference to brands that have been well-known for a long time and have proven themselves well.

The cost here will also be of great importance, since the manufacturing process of the product is rather complicated. High-quality soy sauce must undergo an important fermentation procedure, akin to wine, so its low price can tell the consumer that the product is not too high quality. It is likely that an inexpensive sauce was made from genetically modified soy, which is very harmful to human health, while a quality product contains many valuable substances.

Soy sauce is useful because it contains a huge amount of amino acids that perform the function of very effective antioxidants - substances that can remove free radicals and other toxins from the body. Free radicals are decay products, and a small amount of them are required by the body, as they help it get rid of various bacteria and viruses. At the same time, their excess can lead to premature aging, a lot of diseases and even the development of oncology.

Soy sauce has many useful properties, it perfectly cleanses the body of excess free radicals, which allows the tissues to return to their former strength, rejuvenate the body and improve the functioning of all organs. Soy sauce is good for health, its regular consumption will help control all harmful substances, preventing them from multiplying and harming the body. For comparison, here is such an illustrative example: in soy sauce contains 150 times more antioxidants than in any citrus.

Soy sauce is useful because it has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improving blood circulation by 2 times. Thus, the peripheral areas of the body are better supplied with oxygen and blood, which ultimately avoids stagnation of lymph, numbness, pain and other troubles. This feature also positively affects the process of fat deposition - the process of burning them accelerates, and a person begins to lose weight. As the metabolic process accelerates, the new fats that come into the body quickly turn into energy. However, there are not so many calories in the product itself, 100 g contains only 70 calories.

The product also has phytoestrogens, these substances will be very useful for women during menopause, PMS and painful menstruation. Soy sauce is good for the body, it can calm headaches and remove insomnia.

Soy sauce has differences in its taste, as well as in smell and texture, it all depends on the shape of the mold and the preferences of Asian manufacturers. Its main taste is hidden in the naturalness of the product and depends on monosodium glutamate, produced naturally during fermentation.

The main types:

  • dark - a long fermentation procedure of soy, salt and sugar (aging) gives the product a density, a darkish color and an amazing aroma. It is used, as a rule, for meat dishes and for pickling;
  • light - has a pronounced brackish taste and a liquid consistency. Wheat and soybeans are taken as the basis here; it is best suited for salads (greens, vegetables, and so on).


Soy sauce is good for health, its composition is very rich in various vitamins and minerals and has many useful properties, among which the following should be noted:

1) the amount of antioxidants is 10 times higher than in high-quality red wine;

2) a lot of amino acids - their product contains about 20 species (such a quantity is not found in any other product);

3) the presence of glutamic acids gives the dishes an amazing taste and aroma, making them more spicy and piquant;

4) The composition also contains vitamin B essential for the body, iron, zinc and other trace elements and minerals.

Health Impact:

  • many useful substances accelerate the flow of blood, which will positively affect the cardiovascular system: the process of rushing blood through vessels is simplified, natural prevention of heart disease is carried out;
  • antioxidants will help rejuvenate and regenerate the skin, slow down the aging process, and also protect the body from the occurrence of cancerous tumors;
  • effective sedative properties - relieves severe headaches, helps with insomnia, relieves pain with pain, sprains and swelling;
  • helps to fight excess weight thanks to an impressive mineral and vitamin composition;
  • the presence of phytoestrogens is especially important for menopausal women. They help rejuvenate and refresh the skin, strengthen bone tissue and reduce pain during menstruation. According to scientists, constant consumption of sauce will significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer in women.

Soy Sauce: Harm

There are no preservatives in a quality sauce, so it is very useful and can be stored for a very long time. But, despite the mass of advantages, soy sauce can be harmful. Each sauce always has a lot of salt, and it is better to refuse it if you have kidney problems or are on a diet. Despite the small number of calories, the product has water and the weight of this can increase.

Also, the sauce can harm people with individual intolerance to vegetable protein or soy, as well as with impaired protein metabolism in the body. For children under 3 years of age, the product is strictly contraindicated.

Firms producing the product are well aware of its importance and usefulness for the human body, therefore they do not hesitate to put an inflated price on it.

But do not forget that the natural process is quite long and complex, because a high-quality product will be expensive. If you saw a relatively cheap sauce, most likely it is a product made not by fermentation, but by the decomposition of soybeans in the field of hydrochloric acids and microorganisms. Such a product will only bring harm to the body, as it is carcinogenic.

How to avoid fakes?

This is quite difficult to do, but there are a few recommendations about this:

1) purchase the product exclusively in glass bottles;

2) read the composition on the label, there should be wheat, soy, salt, sugar (sometimes vinegar);

3) protein concentration - not higher than 6 or 8%;

4) manufacturing method - natural fermentation;

5) examine the contents of the bottle, turn it over. Inside should be a brownish consistency without any excesses, sediment and other particles;

6) cost. Quality sauce is not cheap, and it can not be purchased in natural markets or wholesale.

The product is not intended for consumption in large doses. It goes like seasoning for meat dishes and salads, the sauce can make them more piquant and healthy.

Soy Sauce: Calories

Soy sauce is very high-calorie and has the following content:

  • in 100 g - 50.7 k / cal;
  • the percentage rate per day is 1860. 0 k / cal:

Amount Weight (g) Calories (k / cal)

1 tbsp. spoon 18. 0 2. 7

1 cup (200 ml)


  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • post-stroke condition;
  • cholecystitis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • bowel problems (constipation);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • banned for children under 3 years of age due to the likelihood of allergies.

During pregnancy

  • Women during pregnancy often wonder: can they use soy sauce in their diet. The answer is unequivocal - it is recommended, both during and after childbirth, its consumption will be very useful. But with a small caveat: before using it, you should still ask your doctor about individual tolerance, and, of course, the sauce itself must be of extremely high quality.
  • The product will be very useful, as it contains many useful vitamins and minerals, which are especially important for a weakened woman in labor. An important point: soy sauce has no negative effect on breast milk. Moreover, it contains only 7% of salt in it, and its consumption will not affect the puffiness of the newly minted mother. The product is often prescribed even by doctors, because it contains a huge amount of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B and other very important elements to support the mother's body.
  • It's no secret that the Japanese are famous for their centenarians, and soy sauce plays a significant role here. In its composition there are many antioxidants that can delay the aging process of cells and perform their accelerated renewal. The product also helps to normalize the digestive system, which is very important for expectant mothers.
  • It should also be mentioned that some alcohol is present in the composition, but do not immediately refuse to purchase it. This is due to the fact that the sauce is prepared by natural fermentation, and alcohol in this case loses its properties. Alcohol in the sauce is as little as in the same kefir, so its presence does not harm the mother's body.


Watch the video: Is Soy Bad for You? (July 2024).