Russians approve of vegetarianism, but do not want to give up meat


Vegetarianism, the complete or partial rejection of animal proteins, has long enjoyed some success in the West. The Women's Opinion portal became interested in the attitude of Russians to life without meat and conducted a social survey: "How do you feel about vegetarianism?"

40.4% of the fairer sex responded that they were indifferent to it and did not see the point in vegetarianism. This category of women does not believe that a healthy lifestyle requires rejection of proteins and does not accept the statements of vegetarians about pity for animals. “But I really don’t understand this,” the ladies urged us. “All their arguments seem silly to me, especially about the fact that the animals feel sorry for them. But do you feel sorry for the plants? They are also alive,” the Russians were perplexed.

36.6% of women said they were positive about vegetarianism, but they themselves could not refuse meat. In this case, the so-called “non-interference policy” worked: I don’t care what exactly is on your plate, most importantly, do not look into mine. “I don’t care who and what eats,” Russian women said. “Everyone chooses what suits him. But I personally cannot refuse meat. I love him. And everyone in my family has meat-eaters,” others added.

15.8% of the beautiful half of humanity said that vegetarianism, in their opinion, is unhealthy and therefore their attitude to such food is negative. These ladies referred to the fact that to build cells, the body needs a protein of animal origin, which can not replace any other product. Important, in their opinion, was the fact that long, cold, Russian winters do not have to eat only vegetables and fruits. Particular indignation was caused by the facts of coercion to eat non-protein foods of young children and pets. A growing children's body, like the body of domestic predators (cats, dogs, ferrets), requires animal protein for proper development. Stories about children crying from hunger literally enraged Russian women: “Those who torment children with vegetarianism should be brought to justice,” they say.

4.3% of ladies surveyed, on the contrary, are so positive about vegetarianism that they plan to become vegetarian soon. True, no one specified when exactly their plans will come true. At the moment, these women are eating meat and chicken.

And 2.9% of Russians reported that they are already vegetarian. As it turned out, not everyone came to vegetarianism consciously and purposefully. Some people simply do not like meat, while others do not like fish, vegetables or dairy products.

The result of the survey speaks for itself: Russians do not mind vegetarianism, if it does not affect their families.

The survey involved 4490 people. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 128 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Full Day of Vegetarian Eating meat eater approved. Day In The Life VLOG (July 2024).