What women like men (survey results)


Whatever anyone may say, women have always sought to please men. When a woman realizes that she makes an impression on the opposite sex, she feels more confident, her mood rises and even, according to scientists, her ability to work and creativity. But in order to like men, you need to know what they consider attractive in girls, and what is repulsive.

Portal "Women's opinion" decided to finally turn to the opinions of men and find out what girls they like. To this end, we staged a biased interrogation of participants in various male online communities and collected the opinions of men aged 25-35 years. To be honest, in some cases the answers surprised us a little. However, about everything in order.

At the first stage, there were no surprises. Speaking about the preferences of women’s appearance, 60% of men agreed that they are attracted to slender and well-groomed women. And this would not seem surprising, because it is this image of beauty that is being shaped today by all the mass media.

However, to the clarifying question of whether the women in general met these criteria, we heard rather sharp opinions and assessments, of which clearly followed: the level of grooming and slimness of Russian women does not meet the expectations of a significant part of men. And this is despite how much time precious women spend on diets and beauty salons.

Among the main and most common flaws were identified: bad breath, sloppiness in clothes (and men say this to women!), Unkempt hair, poorly applied cosmetics, flabby non-athletic figures (again, who would say!). A separate line of men identified women who smoke. Smoking women in the opinion of the absolute majority of men make a repulsive impression. Even more negative assessment was received by women who use beer. In the eyes of men, a girl with a bottle of beer in her hands looks as unattractive as a woman with a cigarette.

Certain requirements for the breast expressed 40% of respondents. And here again without surprises. The chest should be big. But not too much. Most of those who are concerned about breast size found the 2nd and 3rd bust sizes ideal. At the same time, 20% were in favor of the chest, which is “the more the better.” Only 15% of men prefer small breast size.

About hair color - opinions are divided. It looks like the dominance of blondes is a thing of the past. Though they occupy the first place in men's preferences, but with a minimal margin from brunettes. In the minority are red-haired beauties and women with blond hair. As for haircuts, the "long-haired mermaids" are still preferable than girls with a "haircut under the boy."

Tanned or dark-skinned men are considered more attractive than fair-skinned ones.

Speaking about the use of cosmetics, 30% of men expressed a categorical position - the less, the better. And in general, the men were unanimous in the rejection of beauty “artificially obtained”: “A stylish girl should not… have anything added or glued” - this was the opinion, with which the majority of respondents agreed.

The conversation about the personal qualities of women also highlighted some unanimous positions. So, only 12% of men admit that they like independent, self-confident women (but honestly!). The rest of the men say diplomatically that they would rather prefer those who are modest, appeasable, conservative. From this we can conclude that the "home" girls are obviously more attractive to men than avid party girls or advanced business women.

Another point on which the men agreed was women's communication. Sometimes men criticize women for their "excessive talkativeness." However, they unanimously acknowledge that they are sociable girls, and not silent, to their liking.

But bitchy women do not tolerate all men without exception. Under the bitchiness of a man they understand the desire of a woman to always settle scores, find fault and scandals on any occasion, to regularly recall old offenses.

And it is not surprising, among other things, the survey fully confirmed the popular wisdom that the way to a man’s heart lies through his stomach. The absolute majority of men (86%) consider the ability to cook tasty is an important quality of a woman. We hope that Russian women do not disappoint our capricious modern men with this.


Vera Mishurina, psychologist, coach 26.12.2016
The main thing is to give a feeling of happiness to a man in a relationship with you, to understand what he is looking for. And do not run after him, let him conquer you! Download the FREE relationship book on my site www.secretilubvi.ru!

Julia 11/01/2016
Then, pardon me, when will they be in line with what they have preferred ??? Where is the survey for women?

Svetlana 10/24/2016
“I like women when they are against it that her lover is wearing her clothes and wearing beauty” - WHAT is ????????????????????????

Olga 08/24/2016
What a fool!

Valera 03/18/2016
I like women when they are ri against that her lover puts on her clothes and dazzles.


Watch the video: Relationship Survey Results: 58% of Men Want This From a Woman (July 2024).