Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem are waiting for the second baby


The famous Spanish film actress 38-year-old Penelope Cruz and her husband, actor Javier Bardem, will become parents for the second time. American media, citing authoritative sources, argue that Penelope is already in its third month. The first sensational information about the addition in the Oscar-winning family replicated NewYorkPost. Then the news was confirmed by UsWeekly magazine, which specializes exclusively in famous people, and the Internet portal E !.

The sex of the future baby is not voiced by the media, and star parents are in no hurry to officially confirm this message. It's funny that the information about Penelope’s pregnancy appeared literally a few weeks after Monica Cruz, the actress’s younger sister, announced that she was pregnant from an anonymous sperm donor.

Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz met eleven years ago during the filming of Ham, Ham, directed by Bigas Luna. In 2010, the couple married, and in 2011 their firstborn was born - the son of Leo. It is known that actors do not suffer from prejudice and love to act together. In November 2013, the world premiere of the new thriller "Counselor" Ridley Scott, in which Cruz and Bardem played the main roles, is planned.


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