Folk remedies for dry cough - what can alternative medicine? What are the folk remedies for dry cough effective?


Irritation in the airways caused by an allergic, infectious, viral pathogen causes a natural reaction - a dry cough.

With its help, the body is cleared of allergens, toxins, foreign bodies.

Dry cough, if taken separately, not an independent disease. This is a symptom of pathologies from the common cold to more serious ailments such as asthma, heart disease, oncology, etc.

As a rule, a dry cough persists for several days, then going into a wet one with sputum discharge.

There are varieties of this symptom:

• sharp

• protracted

• chronic

If the immune system works without failures, then the problem disappears in a few days and the patient is gradually recovering.

But if there are factors that aggravate the patient's condition, then a dry cough can be quite protracted.

These factors include:

• weakening of immunity

• bad habits (smoking and alcohol)

• dry indoor air

• insufficient fluid intake during illness

• some types of complications caused by poorly treated primary disease

Prolonged dry cough may indicate the presence of such ailments as pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, diseases of the nasopharynx, oncology of the respiratory tract.

Besides, this symptom can cause: allergies, asthma, certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, medication, reducing pressure, contact with household chemicals, and helminthic invasion.

The cause of dry cough that does not stop for more than 7 days, can only be established by a specialist on the basis of a study of the results of blood tests, sputum, as well as using X-ray, MRI, etc.

Traditional medicine, thanks to its centuries-old experience, knows many available recipesable to alleviate the condition of the patient, rid of harassing exhausting dry cough.

Folk remedies for dry cough - heat treatments

1. Compresses are considered a universal method of treating an ailment. They need to be done in the absence of elevated body temperature. Put compresses for about 4 hours, after which another 2 hours lie under a warm blanket.

Fundamental rules of use compresses:

• put a compress on your chest, bypassing the heart area

• if the compress consists of liquid honey or vegetable oil, simply rub the components first

• always put polyethylene on top and warm up

Most Popular components compresses used for dry cough:

• honey, flour, vegetable oil (make a cake)

• a mixture of components taken in the same proportions: dry mustard, honey, radish juice

• potatoes "in uniform", to which you can add quite a bit of vegetable oil and vodka

2. Inhalation - no less effective way to deal with dry cough. With the help of inhalations with antiseptic oils of wild rose, eucalyptus, peach, sea buckthorn, spasms are reduced, sputum is diluted. Inhalation is one of the best ways to treat dry cough.

3. Mustard plasters successfully used to treat the symptoms of a cold for a long time. They are usually placed on the chest or back, and when dry cough, it is recommended to put mustard plasters on the calves or feet (put socks on top).

Attention! Mustard plasters should not be used at high body temperature, as well as people suffering from asthma, oncology, allergies and some dermatological problems.

Do not use mustard plasters for more than 4 days; hold them for 5 to 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, drink tea with honey (raspberries).

Folk remedies for dry cough - medicinal plants

1. Rosemary marsh is widely used in traditional medicine in general and in the treatment of respiratory diseases in particular. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bactericidal action.

In addition, wild rosemary is widely used as a diaphoretic for various colds, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, cough, angina pectoris, etc.

Recipe An effective cough remedy is simple. Brew a tablespoon of a plant with a glass of boiling water, boil the mixture over low heat for just a minute, set aside to insist for half an hour.

Drink wild rosemary quite a bit (1 ordinary spoon is enough a couple of times a day), without trying to increase the portion.

Attention! Ledum is poisonous, therefore during reception it is important not to allow overdose.

2. Elecampane - The plant from "nine ills" has a strong anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiseptic, diaphoretic and antihelminthic action.

Elecampole is used (as can be seen from its name) for the treatment of a whole spectrum of diseases. He copes well with dry cough.

For cooking special healing tea from elecampane add boiling water (1 l) to the shredded roots of the plant (1 tsp). Set aside the composition for 15 minutes, then strain and drink a glass 1-2 times throughout the day.

For greater efficiency, add a spoonful of good honey to the infusion (of course, if you are not allergic to it).

A stronger folk remedy is alcohol. Crush (on a metal grater) the roots of the plant. It should turn out 2 glasses. Fill the raw materials with vodka (500 ml) and send to a place where the rays of light do not penetrate (10 days days).

After the allotted time frame, strain, squeeze and drink a tablespoon before meals (do not forget to drink water).

A course of treatment long, but with patience and effort, with the help of such a composition, you can not only defeat a dry cough, but also get rid of tuberculosis.

Nasty has its contraindications. It can not be taken by people with heart and kidney pathologies, with gastritis with low acidity, with hypotension, with heavy periods, during pregnancy.

3. Viburnum It contains a lot of vitamins, organic acids, pectin, carotene, tannins. Viburnum tea strengthens the immune system, helps to quickly defeat the disease.

For cooking healing drink you need crushed berries of the plant pour boiling water (in arbitrary proportions) and allow the composition to infuse (an hour or two).

Drink a dry cough mixture as an aid to the main therapy for half a glass a couple of times a day.

4. Use collection such medicinal herbs: raspberry, coltsfoot, oregano. All components combine in the same proportions, mix. Brew in a classic way and drink when you feel like drinking.

Folk remedies for dry cough - simple recipes

1. Has an excellent expectorant effect salt and soda solution. Drop half a cup of warm water with a half teaspoon of soda and a small pinch of salt. Stir and sip the whole composition. Use 2 times a day before breakfast and lunch.

2. Well proven in the fight against dry cough freshly squeezed cabbage juice, in which some honey is added (again, if there is no allergy). Drink a healing tool several times a day for a couple of sips.

3. A dry cough can be cured literally in 2-3 days if taken onions with milk. “A strange combination,” you say. By no means. Onions are famous for their anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, while milk softens the effects of onions and warms them.

So, prepare a healing mixture. Cut the medium onion smaller, put it in a saucepan and cover with a glass of milk. Put the composition on the stove, wait until it boils and, turning down the heat to a minimum, leave to cook for another hour.

To enhance efficiency after the time allowed for cooking, add to the mixture (slightly cooled) some honey.

Take this composition often (ideally - every hour) for a tablespoon (in the form of heat). Children need to reduce the dose by half.

Tip: so that each time you take a warm remedy, before using it, lightly heat the spoon on the fire. After that, you can pour onions with milk into it and drink it (carefully!).

Such a simple folk method of treating dry cough allows you to forget about the problem in a couple of days. Your cough will gradually begin to moisten, sputum will appear, and this is already the beginning of recovery.

Dry cough ... Who does not know him? A painful condition or symptom is much easier to treat if therapy is started on time.

Do not postpone the reception of effective means to "later." Use them as soon as you feel the first signs of illness. Then serious diseases and complications will bypass you.


Watch the video: Chronic Cough Treatment for Children - Mindy Ross, MD. UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital (June 2024).