Mushroom soup in the slow cooker - for those who appreciate delicious food. Cooking fast, nourishing and tasty mushroom soups in a slow cooker without the hassle


Mushroom soup in a slow cooker is a true delight for all who love rich aromatic first courses. Especially interesting and tasty are soups with forest mushrooms: honey mushrooms, chanterelles, white mushrooms and others. But even with mushrooms such as champignons and oyster mushrooms, the dish is delicious and tender.

Mushroom soup cooked in a multi-cooker is also good because the appliance at times makes the whole cooking process easier, the multi-cooker does almost everything for you, and you don’t need to worry about something that will burn or boil.

Mushroom soup in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

To cook a delicious mushroom soup in the microwave, you can use any favorite mushrooms. Some prefer forest mushrooms, knowing that the dish is incredibly rich and fragrant. Others prefer mushrooms grown in greenhouses - champignons and oyster mushrooms - they do not require long initial preparation and are safer. Usually, children up to seven years old do not recommend mushroom dishes, but in the diet of a four or five year old child it is already possible to add tender mushroom-mashed soups.

In addition to mushrooms, any vegetables, spices, cereals, greens, and much more can be part of the mushroom soups in the slow cooker. Usually, first fry mushrooms or onions and carrots in the Frying or Baking mode, then these ingredients are poured with water or broth, after which additional components are added and the dish is cooked in the Quenching, Soup or Cooking mode. .

Sour cream and thick cream are served to the finished mushroom soup. This soup is especially good with homemade croutons.

1. Mushroom soup in the "Classic" multicooker

• 300 grams of greenhouse champignons;
• five small potatoes;
• carrot;
• sour cream;
• large onion;
• 20-30 grams of fresh parsley;
• high-spin vegetable oil;
• salt;
• several feathers of green onions.

Cooking method:
• Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, lightly dry and cut into not too thin slices.
• Peel the onion and cut into small cubes, grate the carrots into fine chips.
• Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small pieces.
• Rinse parsley, separate and discard the twigs, leaving only leaflets for the soup. Shake the herbs to remove excess moisture, then chop.
• Chopped green onions cut into small rings.
• So, the most difficult thing is over, all the ingredients are ready, it remains only to cook a delicious and delicious mushroom soup in a slow cooker, turning on the "Frying" mode to start
• Pour two or three tablespoons of oil into the saucepan of the multicooker. As soon as it warms slightly, put the mushrooms, mix them with a special spoon, close the lid, cook the mushrooms, set the timer of the slow cooker for ten minutes.
• Add onions, fry both ingredients for five minutes and immediately put the carrot. Cook vegetables and mushrooms, not covering the cover of the appliance, until golden brown.
• Put the potatoes, pour cold water so that all the ingredients covered about three to four fingers. Salt the dish.
• Cook an appetizing first course on the “Soup” mode for an hour.
• Pour chopped green onion and parsley, stew the finished dish in the "Heater" mode for at least ten minutes.
• Before serving, fill the soup with sour cream.

2. Creamy mushroom cream soup in a slow cooker

• 300 grams of chanterelles;
• carrot;
• two potatoes;
• bow;
• two cloves of garlic;
• 120 ml of cream;
• butter;
• bay leaf;
• salt;
• 400 ml of water;
• ground pepper;
• dill, parsley and green onion - a few twigs.

Cooking method:
• Rinse the chanterelles, simultaneously removing all forest trash.
• Chop the mushrooms into two or four parts, depending on the size, fry until cooked in a multi-cooker bowl, adding cream butter, on the "Frying" mode.
• Add finely chopped onion, fry for five minutes, stirring occasionally.
• Add water, add carrots, cut into thin strips, and sticks of potatoes.
• Cook for forty minutes on the “Soup” mode.
• Add salt, laurel and spices as desired, pour in cream, sprinkle with chopped herbs and throw in peeled, but not chopped garlic cloves.
• Cook in the usual mode for about twenty minutes.
• Remove laurel and garlic from ready-made soup.
• Grind all ingredients with an immersion blender.
• Before serving, let the dish stand in a slow cooker with the lid closed for some time.
• Serve the crouton soup, sprinkle it with fresh herbs.

3. Porcini mushroom soup with cheese in a slow cooker

• a pound of fresh white mushrooms;
• carrot;
• salt, spices;
• three medium sized potatoes;
• bow;
• cream cream cheese tray (200 grams);
• 50-80 grams creamy. oils.

Cooking method:
• Set the "Frying" mode on the multicooker or on some "Baking" models for forty minutes.
• Melt the butter, put the onion into small cubes and fry until transparent.
• Add coarsely grated carrots. Stir fry for ten minutes.
• Put the mushrooms cleaned, washed, dried and cut into large straws. Stir, close the appliance lid, cook until the end of the set mode.
• Pour two liters of water, put the diced potatoes, add spices and salt.
• Set the mode "Quenching" for an hour and twenty minutes.
• About thirty minutes before being ready to add melted cheese, mix the soup well.
• After the beep indicates readiness, insist the soup for another ten minutes, after pouring it into plates.

4. Light mushroom chicken soup in a slow cooker

• two liters of water;
• salt, spices;
• 300 grams of chicken;
• 350 grams of mushrooms;
• vegetable oil;
• 100 grams of spider web;
• onion.

Cooking method:
• Pour water into the bowl, lay out the washed chicken, salt, boil for thirty minutes in the "Soup" or "Cooking" mode.
• Remove the chicken and cut into cubes, strain the broth.
• Switch the multicooker to the "Frying" mode.
• Pour some vegetable oil into the bowl, put crushed onion, fry until done.
• Add prepared mushrooms, fry all together for another ten to fifteen minutes.
• Pour in broth, put chicken and gossamer.
• Cook the soup in the “Soup” mode for twenty minutes.

5. Mushroom soup in the Solyanka multicooker

• 100 grams of fresh mushrooms;
• 130 grams of salted mushrooms;
• 130 grams of pickled mushrooms;
• two onions;
• spices, salt;
• two pickled cucumbers;
• olives;
• one and a half liters of water;
• dried greens;
• a few slices of lemon;
• 30-50 grams creamy. oils;
• 20 grams of tomato paste.

Cooking method:
• Put the butter on the bottom of the multicooker cup, turn on the "Frying" mode.
• After the butter has melted, put onion finely chopped.
• Fry the onions for a couple of minutes, then add the washed fresh mushrooms.
• Cook in the same mode for another seven to ten minutes.
• Add marinated and salted mushrooms, as well as diced cucumbers.
• After a few minutes of frying, add tomato paste, add spices and salt, pour in water.
• Cook all ingredients on the “Soup” mode for twenty minutes.
• After standing in the "heating" mode for another five to ten minutes.
• Serve the soups soup with mushroom soup, putting olives and lemon slices cut into pieces into a ready dish, sprinkled with dried greens.

6. Mushroom soup with lentil in a slow cooker

• 300 grams of any mushrooms;
• 150 grams of red lentils;
• salt;
• bow;
• thyme, black pepper;
• two potatoes;
• Bay leaf;
• carrot;
• greenery;
• three cloves of garlic;
• vegetable oil;
• carrot.

Cooking method:
• Wash mushrooms, cut into large cubes.
• Wash lentils thoroughly and fold to a sieve.
• Peel and chop carrots, onions and garlic.
• Sliced ​​peeled potatoes in small pieces.
• Pour vegetable oil into a multi-cooker saucepan, heat it in the Baking mode, add chopped onion and grated carrot, and fry vegetables until ready.
• Add mushrooms and potatoes, pour in water, throw Lavrushka. Cook on mode "Quenching" forty minutes.
• Add lentils, salt, pour thyme and pepper, put garlic plates.
• Set the previous mode to now for fifty minutes.
• Before serving, insist soup on the "heating" for ten minutes.

7. Mushroom soup in a curry multicooker

• half a kilo of mushrooms;
• two bows;
• a clove of garlic;
• liter of chicken broth;
• 100 ml of white wine (dry);
• 20 grams of butter;
• 20 grams of potato starch;
• 130 ml of whipped cream;
• 15 grams of curry;
• 150 grams of sour cream;
• 5 grams of saffron;
• 30 ml of lemon juice;
• salt pepper;
• dried parsley;
• two drops of white truffle oil.

Cooking method:
• Fry the onion until soft in the "Baking" mode in the bowl in butter, add the garlic and lightly fry.
• Put the mushrooms, half the curry powder, mix, cook in the same mode for fifteen minutes.
• Pour chicken broth, wine. Add saffron. Set the mode "Quenching", cook for twenty minutes.
• Dissolve starch in a cup in a little water.
• In the soup, put swollen starch, sour cream, whipped cream, lemon juice and the remaining curry, a few drops of truffle oil, salt and pepper to taste.
• Boil for "Quenching" for fifteen minutes.
• Serve sprinkled with dried parsley.

8. Mushroom soup with pearl barley in a slow cooker

• 350 grams of white mushrooms;
• onion;
• three potatoes;
• glass of barley;
• salt, spices;
• 50 ml of vegetable oil;
• carrot.

Cooking method:
• Peel and chop the bulb, grate the carrot.
• Pour oil into the slow cooker, put prepared vegetables, fry for ten minutes on the "Fry".
• Add thoroughly washed pearl barley, mix so that the vegetables and oil envelop each grain.
• Add diced potatoes, salt and pepper, and sliced ​​mushrooms.
• Pour all the ingredients with two liters of hot water, set the cooking mode, cook an hour.

Mushroom soup in the slow cooker - tips

• If dried mushrooms are used to make mushroom soup, they should be washed in warm water, then soaked in cold water for a couple of hours. By the way, water can be added to the broth for a richer aroma of the finished dish.
• Vegetables do not necessarily cut, according to recipes, you can chop them of any desired shape. The only thing that is worth considering is that the larger the vegetable is cut, the longer it will roast.
• Water for cooking mushroom soup can be replaced with broth: vegetable, beef, chicken.
• The spices used in the recipe can be added to your liking, and dried herbs and spices can also be added to the mushroom soup.
• If you want a richer and brighter taste of mushroom soup, add cheese at the end of cooking. It can be melted or solid, creamy or with additives.
• If you like thick soups, add a little flour, starch or grated potatoes to the broth.
• If you have only champignons, and you would like to cook a soup of wild mushrooms, ten minutes before the readiness, add ten grams of dried white mushrooms, chopped powder. Taste and aroma will be like soup cooked with wild mushrooms.
• Mushroom soup is not served immediately after cooking. For more flavor, the first dish needs some time for infusion.
• Prepare a mushroom soup at one time, reheated, it is not so tasty.


Watch the video: Growing and Foraging 100% of My Food - Day 200 Update (July 2024).