Independently to remove a stomach after childbirth - quite real! Exercises and tricks, completely removing the stomach after childbirth without surgery


It will look like the stomach after childbirth, depends on the physical shape of the woman during and before pregnancy.

Women who systematically pay attention to fitness or practice yoga, do not allow excessive weight gain, sometimes show a flat stomach already by the time of discharge from the hospital or after one or two months without additional effort.

Young mothers who paid little attention to their physical exertion, faced with a different situation. After giving birth, the stomach looks like a deflated ball due to the fact that the weakened muscles slowly return to normal. The stomach is relatively tightened only after three - four days, sometimes a little longer. This is not a deviation, but evidence of the unreadiness of the abdominal muscles and of the abs to the loads. To remove such a stomach after childbirth will require effort.

Features of the abdomen after childbirth

The first reason for the preservation of a large abdomen after the birth of a child is a distended uterus. In this case, the body will solve the problem on its own: the uterus will shrink to its original size after a couple of months, which will have to be calmly waited. Physical training of the girl before the birth provides a full recovery of the abdomen in a natural way immediately after the uterus is reduced to normal size.

The second reason - muscles. Pregnancy gives the abdominal muscles a strong load, which is why they stretch a lot. Exercise will be required to bring the abdominal muscles to a tone, which in addition will be removed fatty layerformed during pregnancy to protect the baby.

The third reason is stretched skin. Each child, developing in the mother's stomach for nine months, grows strongly. Human skin is elastic, and during pregnancy, the female body produces hormones, which additionally increase elasticity, for the proper development of the child. After birth, stretched skin can not immediately return to its natural state, it will take time.

The main ways to remove the stomach after childbirth

Popular ways to remove the stomach after childbirth include massages, exercise, proper nutrition and cosmetic procedures.

In the absence of allegri on herbs, brew infusions. Lingonberry leaves and burdock remove excess fluid from the body, flaxseed reduces appetite. Duration of the course and features of preparation, look at the packages Please note that these procedures are not allowed during breastfeeding.

Physical exercise occupy the first place among the means of cleaning the stomach after childbirth. Exercise does not necessarily imply exercise in the gym or at home. Walking upstairs, dancing and long walks also burn calories and strengthen muscles.

With a caesarean section, the girls recover slowly, in which case it’s impossible to remove the stomach after giving birth with common exercises, diets and massage, as for the first two months the girls recommend wearing a bandageand then carefully monitor your health. In this case, the problems of getting rid of the abdomen are solved with the help of doctors in order to prevent complications. Popular ways to remove the abdomen after delivery through caesarean section are swimming and massage with natural oils.

Breastfeeding girls should be balanced. weight loss diets allowed only to nursing mothers.

Help to return the stomach to its former form. wraps, creams and compresses. A half-hour wrap with warm honey will enrich the skin with microelements, increase blood circulation in the tissues, and nettle compresses will contribute to the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Pharmacies sell many modern cosmetics that help improve skin tone, among them it is recommended to choose containing vitamins A and E, aloe juice or olive oil.

Removing the belly after childbirth helps nettle compress. To prepare it, pour two tablespoons of dried nettle with a glass of water and then keep it on low heat for ten minutes. The cooled broth is wrapped in several layers of cheesecloth and placed on the stomach. Top tie with a towel and hold for half an hour.

The exercise system, designed to clean the abdomen after childbirth, is divided into time intervals from easy to difficult. At each stage, new exercises are added, if you feel that you are not ready for them, perform the previous ones longer than recommended in the example, remember that each organism requires an individual approach. You can start classes if there are no contraindications, complications and health problems.

Basic abdominal cleansing exercises

I. Five days after delivery

With natural childbirth. Exercise without getting out of bed.

1. Body in a horizontal position on the back. Relax, bend your legs, hands on the stomach. Perform a slow breath in with your nose, while at the same time drawing in the stomach. Slow exhalation by mouth is accompanied by complete relaxation of the body. Perform breathing exercises twice a day for five repetitions.

2. Turn to the side. Breathe in deeply, at the same time having arched your back and hollowed out belly, slowly exhale. If you do not feel the load, hold the belly in for three seconds before exhaling. Do three repetitions, lie on the opposite side and repeat the steps.

3. The body is in a horizontal position on the back, the arms are relaxed and lie flat along the body. Tighten the press and lift the pelvic section upward while inhaling, pressing the lower back strongly to the bed. Start with five repetitions.

4. Without changing position, strain your toes and pull in turns towards yourself and away from you. Perform seven movements with the toes clockwise and seven against.

5. Get out of bed, straighten your back, legs slightly apart. Rotate your shoulders, then release the accumulated tension by shaking hands.

For caesarean section, all exercises are performed in the prone position.

1. Slowly pull the socks towards you and away from you five times.

2. Press your knees against the bed for two seconds, and then relax. Perform five repetitions.

3. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks, hold in tension for up to three seconds, then relax.

4. Perform flexion and extension of the legs, right and left in turn. For each leg, do the exercise five times, take a break and do another five repetitions.

5. Take deep breaths and slow exhalations as you age to pull in the belly.

Ii. Up to six weeks

1. Sit on the chair. Spread your legs so that your knees are at a distance of fifteen centimeters, put your hands on top. While inhaling, draw in your stomach and arch your back, while relaxing as you exhale. Start the exercise with five repetitions, gradually increase to twenty.

2. Sit on a chair, hands resting on the back of the seat, elbows bent. Lean back 30º, round your back and strain your stomach, then slowly lift your left knee up. Gradually lowering the left knee, slowly lift up the right. Breathing is calm. Gradually, the load increases from ten repetitions to twenty. To increase the load, do not rest your hands on the chair, but pull it in front of you.

3. Stand level, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, place your hands on your waist. When inhaling, arch your back and strain your abdominal muscles; stand in this position for five seconds. First, perform no more than seven repetitions, gradually the load increases to twenty.

4. Sit on a chair, spread your legs wide. Bend over, lower your head and arms, feel the relaxation. Gradually rise: straighten smoothly the lumbar, shoulder section and lastly lift your head. Repeat the bend until complete muscle relaxation.

Iii. Six weeks - three months

1. Lie on your back with your knees bent. At the same time, tear off the head and the hip portion from the surface, straining the press. For complication - stop for five seconds. Do the exercise four times.

2. Being in the same starting position, strain the press and stretch your right hand to the left heel, then vice versa. Do ten repetitions.

3. Sit on the floor, knees bent and pressed to the chest. Stretch your hands forward and begin to gradually deviate backward while straightening your legs. When half way to the "lying" is passed, with the same speed, climb back. Repeat the exercise four times.

Iv. Three to six months

1. Exercise "Bicycle". Performed from a prone position, legs at an angle of 90º, knees bent. Perform movement with your feet in a circle, as when riding a bicycle. Start with ten repetitions.

2. Turn to the right side. The right arm is bent, the elbow rests on the floor, the palm props up the head. The left hand rests on the floor at the level of the abdomen, legs together. Perform lifting legs up, straining the abdominal muscles, and hold for four seconds. Perform five repetitions on each side.

3. Sit, bend your knees and press to the stomach, arms straight ahead. Lie on the floor, straightening your legs and leaning your back down. Lie for a couple of seconds relaxed on the floor, then proceed to the rise to the starting position, without increasing speed. Perform seven repetitions.

4. Get on your knees, stretch your arms forward, keep your back straight. As you exhale, tighten your torso muscles and slowly back away for five seconds. Tilt repeat seven times.

5. Lie on your back and bend your knees, hands in the lock behind your head. With an exhalation, lift your chin, strain the press and try to reach the left knee with your right elbow, without lifting your feet from the floor. Move slowly to work out the muscles. Perform five repetitions in each direction.

V. Six months

Please note that full load on the press are allowed only if there are no problems with the spine.

The main rule: the abdominal muscles constantly keep in tension, and each exercise is performed during exhalation.

1. Drop down on all fours, with an exhalation, bend your back up as much as possible and draw your stomach in, trying to “stick” it to the spine. Stay in this position for four seconds. Perform 5-10 repetitions.

2. Sit exactly, stretching your legs in front of you, resting on your arms from behind. Alternately lift up the legs, holding in a raised position for four seconds. Perform 5-7 repetitions.

3. Lie on the floor. Arms divorced to the sides, knees bent and pressed to the chest. Without extending your knees, lift your legs upright and alternately tilt to the right and left sides, touching the floor. Perform 7-10 reps.

4. Lying on the floor, raise your arms perpendicular to your body. The back is tightly pressed to the floor. Between the ankles, squeeze the book, and press your knees to the stomach. Without lifting your knees from the abdomen, lift your legs and perform circular movements, trying to increase the radius with each circle.

5. Lying on the floor, do the “scissors” exercise by moving the stretched legs in vertical and horizontal directions with cross movements.

6. Kneeling, raise your right hand up, pulling the body behind it. Do three tilts to the left. Then repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. Perform seven repetitions.

How to remove the stomach after childbirth? Useful tips:

1.Calorie consumption exceeds consumption. The body in a state of calorie deficiency consumes energy from the body's fat reserves, which leads to a gradual loss of weight. Calories are burned in the gym, and in everyday affairs: walking with a stroller and climbing stairs. The main thing is not to sit still.

2. Breast-feeding. The production of milk by the female body requires additional energy, 500 calories each day. When breastfeeding, the body produces the hormone oxytocin, which reduces the uterus and returns the stomach after birth to its original size.

3.Less empty calories.

Do not eat foods that do not give you energy: simple carbohydrates, sugars and harmful fats. Make the right diet based on whole grain cereals, brown rice and bran.

4. Lots of protein and vegetation.

Ensure the supply of vitamins and minerals with spinach and broccoli. Replace sweets with bananas and apples containing potassium, vitamin C and folic acid.

5. Eat less, but more often. Divide the daily ration into five well-balanced techniques.

6. Do not eat before bedtime.

7. Drink water. Water will help to recover from childbirth and will not confuse hunger with thirst, which will reduce calorie intake.

8. Proper nutrition must be combined with sports activitiesThis will allow to remove the stomach after childbirth three times faster.


Watch the video: Female Bladder Leakage: Solutions to Get Control. u200e. UCLA Obstetrics & Gynecology (June 2024).