Is it possible to dye hair during pregnancy: is it harmful? What to do with dyed hair during pregnancy: care


Hair during pregnancy is a sore subject for many women in an interesting position.

The thing is that during pregnancy a lot of processes occur in the female body, its work changes as a whole and this invariably affects not only the state of health of the woman, but also her hair, nails and skin.

Features of the state of hair during pregnancy

First you need to say that hair growth may stop. This is not scary, given that a hormonal surge occurs inside a woman. However, the phenomenon of hair loss will be much less, and this is without a doubt a plus.

Even if you do not resort to hair coloring, they should still be provided with more nutrients than usual. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, this is useful not only for hair, try not to use a hairdryer / ironing machine / ironing, so as not to aggravate the situation. Whatever one may say, but during pregnancy the hair is weakened, and therefore additional protection in the form of NATURAL masks does not hurt. It is recommended to rinse them with herbal broth.

But what if you used to dye your hair and even the period of pregnancy will not be an exception? In fact, it is not as scary as it may seem. Many rant about a strict ban on hair coloring at this time, but if you do not want to abandon this process, it can be a certain way to adjust to the situation.

Should I dye hair during pregnancy

Today, for many women, the question of dyeing or not dyeing hair during pregnancy is an edge. So is it worth the risk?

The first thing you want to dispel the myth / superstition that hair dyeing in some indirect and magical way may affect the child. Do not spoil the spiritual state of your future child or don't believe in such nonsense. About how the hair dye affects the child and yourself, we will tell below, and remove the signs from the head.

To begin with, let's see why this issue is so important for some of the fair sex. Some dye their hair just for the sake of diversity, but for others it is a real need. For example, ladies who once had replaced their brown or even black with white and acquired the desired blondness, do not want to part with such color. After all, the hair will not immediately turn brown again. They will grow back slowly, gradually, turn red, or even acquire an incomprehensible hue, oscillating between black and yellow. Agree, this prospect does not smile at anyone.

Consider this question in terms of the effect of paint chemicals on the body of a pregnant woman. Take a look at the composition of any hair dye and you will quickly see that there is not a single useful component. Exceptions are only cases where the manufacturer wants to strongly advertise their product and indicates the composition of the miraculous components, which are actually not. Everything is simple - if the aloe juice or rose petals were really in the shampoo, it would spoil in a few weeks or even days. And now look at the expiration date of the hair wash and understand everything yourself.

Some women stubbornly declare that their hair is colored in such a way that the substance itself does not fall on the scalp. In this case, an important message for everyone - here the role is played not so much by the ingress of chemicals on the scalp (although this, of course, is also harmful), as the fact that expectant mother breathes all these substancesthat affects her body is definitely negative.

Scientists equate the effects of hair dye chemicals with the effects of cigarette smoke. In the first trimester of pregnancy, staining should be abandoned.

Features of hair coloring during pregnancy

Do you know what determines the color of your hair after dyeing? Do you think only from your chosen paint?

And here and there, hormones play a very big role in this, because they form the structure of the hair. As everyone knows, hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy. This means that when painting hair, you can expect any surprises.

The result may not be just the same as you would like, but completely opposite. So, a few staining rules, which certainly should be followed.

Do not experiment with paints during pregnancy. Continue to use the same remedy as before, so as not to get unpleasant surprises in the form of a serious allergic reaction.

• Before applying the dye to the hair, test her on strands. Evaluate the resulting color and decide - do you agree to cover all your hair with this color? This may not be just the wrong shade, but generally the plymist.

In the first trimester, do not paint at all. And if absolutely unbearable, by all means consult with your doctor. However, at any time during the passage of the next consultation, ask the doctor about this aspect, his advice will be the most objective, because he will tell him after diagnosing your body.

• If you have observed toxicosis (no matter how long), painting will need to be abandoned. Also, if this is not your first pregnancy and you know that the body is prone to toxicosis, as it has been observed all of the previous times, you should not dye your hair.

Propensity to allergies also eliminates the possibility of dyeing hair. It doesn’t matter what kind of allergic reactions you have, even if your skin begins to turn red after eating a few spoons of honey and you think that it has no connection with hair dye, you shouldn’t risk it.

• Use natural hair coloring productsif there is such an opportunity. We will talk about this in more detail later.

• Before you buy paint, study its composition, and also be sure to pay attention to contraindications. Consult with a specialist.

Skin contact should be minimized with the scalp. No matter how a certain effect chemicals exert on the skin, we must avoid this in every way.

• Do not dye your hair yourself, entrust it to PROFESSIONALS. Today, hair dyeing in the salon is not cheap, this is understandable, perhaps you often trust an assignment to dye your hair to a friend or sister, but this is not the case. Pregnancy does not last too long, once or twice go to a beauty salon - you will not get poorer, but you will be confident in the safety of the procedure. It is important to choose the right salon. If you already decided to go on professional coloring, look for not the place where it is cheaper, but where it is done with the maximum quality.

A drastic change in hair color during pregnancy is far from the best option. Well, wait a few months, give birth to a child and then go ahead - for painting! In the meantime, take care of your baby. After all, he is not at all to blame for the fact that mothers have hormones changing and suddenly the idea of ​​changing the image came to her head.

How to dye hair during pregnancy

When to the question "To paint or not to paint?" the woman herself gave a positive answer, the next choice of paint. We have described above what should be guided when choosing a means for coloring. But here we recall another option - natural paints. This method of painting can be life-saving for many of the fair sex during pregnancy. Most often, it is resorted to by those who frankly do not trust modern chemical means and are in search of an alternative.

So, let's talk about what folk and natural remedies can dye hair during pregnancy. If you have red hair and you decide to strengthen it with paint, use henna. She can make any shade of red, up to a very dark, bordering on black. That is, if you usually paint in black, then during pregnancy simply replace the paint with henna of the desired shade. Dark brown hair coloring is easy to get with basma.

Girls with white hair who want to give them a golden hue can do it with broth of onion peel. Do not worry that the hair will emanate an unpleasant smell, even after the usual rinsing of hair, it instantly disappears. And if you want, you can apply your favorite essential oil to your hair to make the scent even more pleasant. With the same purpose quite often use a decoction of chamomile. However, remember that to get the color you need to wash your hair with such decoctions you need with regular constancy.

More to get a chestnut tone walnut shell decoction. This is a very effective method and is used not only for pregnant women. In ordinary life, a woman should also take care of the health of her hair, and therefore should be protected from all sorts of chemicals and try to replace them with appropriate natural substances. Natural dyes will not only not have a negative impact on the body and will not damage your hair, but also strengthen them and make them shiny.

Care for dyed hair during pregnancy

Quite often, a woman decides to use proven paint, which she used before the onset of an interesting situation. What then? In this case, the hair can very quickly become brittle and naughty, and perhaps vice versa, will quickly become greasy. This is because after staining they require special care, especially during pregnancy. Now we will talk about how to care for hair after dyeing.

• Do not interfere with vitamin complexes. Vitamins E, A and D most likely your body will greatly miss and to fill this lack of eating vegetables and fruits is not easy. It will also be great if you start taking calcium.

• Only healthy food. This affects not only the hair, so during pregnancy this item is required.

• Shampoo at this time most likely will need to be changed. The structure of hair changes quite dramatically, and it can change throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Buy shampoos in small tubes, so that if necessary you can buy a new one, with a different composition and purpose.

• Great thing - head massage. Firstly, it has a great effect on the growth and condition of the hair, and secondly, this massage relaxes the woman’s body, relieves tension. By the way, in such cases self-massage of the head is welcomed.

• Buy finally a wooden comb. Yes, it's possible to comb it a little harder. But so you save your hair.

• Do not use plexes and straighteners, as you completely destroy your hair.

Agree, adhere to the induced rules is very simple. But thanks to this, you will be able to keep your hair and even look gorgeous during pregnancy, which in turn is very important for a woman in position.


Watch the video: Pregnancy Myth Buster (July 2024).