Lemon cookies - for sunny mood! Recipes for delicious lemon biscuits: shortbread, biscuit, french


Lemon cookies can be prepared according to different recipes, but it will be united by one thing - a delicious aroma.

This is exactly the delicacy that goes well with coffee, tea, uplifting and energizing. However, it can be prepared very quickly. Only half an hour and you can serve fragrant cookies on the table.

Lemon Cookies - General Cooking Principles

Lemon cookies do not happen without citrus. The fruit should be fragrant, juicy, have a smooth and bright zest. She gives the taste of baking and is the main ingredient. Juice and pulp are used much less frequently. To remove the zest is easiest with the help of a grater, thereby obtaining small, fine chips and saving yourself from unnecessary manipulations with the knife.

Flour. The basis of any baking. Wheat is used for cookies. It must be sifted, mixed with ripper, starch and other bulk ingredients according to the recipe. If raisins, nuts, chocolate pieces are added, then for even distribution in dough, they are also recommended to be pre-breaded in flour.

Sugar. The basis of all desserts and it is indispensable in baking. You can use sand or powder. Despite the loose texture, thins the dough and quickly melts under the action of moisture. It is not worth much to increase the amount of sugar, otherwise the baking will be stronger to fry, burn, poorly baked inside.

Butter. It is mainly used cream, in the dough, it can be replaced with a good margarine with a fat content of at least 80%. Usually, the oil is softened, whipped with sugar or powder, less often melted to a liquid state.

Eggs Used only in raw form, play the role of a binder component, mixed with the ingredients to the flour. If the egg is small, for example, the second category, then instead of one you can put two pieces.

Cookies baked in the oven, on the baking sheet. You can cover it with paper, sprinkle with flour, brush with butter or use a silicone mat. Soft Lemon Cookies Can Be Baked in silicone tins.

Recipe 1: Gentle Lemon Shortbread Cookies

The peculiarity of this lemon biscuit is that it remains soft for a long time and does not get stale, it is excellent for several days at room temperature. The dough is crumbly, tender, fragrant.


• a pack of butter 200 grams;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 lemon;

• 300 grams of flour;

• 5 grams of ripper.


1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator beforehand, then whip it with sugar until fluffy. The mass should be white and airy.

2. Add eggs one by one, do not stop beating.

3. With citrus, remove the zest, squeeze the juice from the half and send it all together into the dough. If lemon is small, then you can add all the juice. Stir.

4. Sift the flour along with the ripper, pour it into the total mass and knead with a spatula. The dough will be quite soft, airy.

5. Using a spoon, lay out lumps of dough on the prepared baking tray at a distance of at least 3 cm from each other. Cookies will blur and grow in size.

6. Bake about 15 minutes in the oven at 190 degrees.

Recipe 2: French Lemon Cookies

A simple recipe for crumbly French cookies, which is prepared with the addition of starch. The finished baking is decorated with icing sugar.


• 160 grams of butter;

• 6 tablespoons of powder;

• zest from one lemon and 4 spoons of juice;

• 260 grams of flour;

• pinch of fine salt;

• 2 spoons with a mountain of starch.

Powder for dusting.


1. Beat the butter with the powder until it is completely dissolved.

2. Add chopped zest and juice, mix.

3. Pour the flour mixed with starch and salt.

4. Knead the dough, put it in the bag and put it in the fridge for an hour.

5. We take out the dough, roll out the sausage and cut into slices, half a centimeter thick.

6. Spread on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees from 10 to 15 minutes until cooked. Cool and sprinkle with powder.

Recipe 3: One Moment Lemon Sponge Cake

These cookies can be used in their natural form, used for assorted cakes and simply decorated with cream, icing, and various sprinkles. It dries out quickly enough, so it’s best to store in a sealed container or covered with a napkin. It is possible to bake such cookies both on a baking sheet, and in silicone forms.


• 3 eggs;

• lemon peel;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 150 grams of flour;

• 120 grams of oil;

• teaspoon ripper.


1. Beat eggs with sugar in a strong foam.

2. Add the zest, flour and ripper, mix.

3. Melt the butter and gently enter into the egg mixture. Mix gently with a spoon, moving from the bottom up.

4. Spread the dough in molds or squeeze out of the pastry bag on a baking sheet. It must be remembered that the cookie will increase by 2 times.

5. Bake at 180 degrees until cooked. The oven cannot be opened at this time. After baking, slightly open the door, let the heat fall and only then get the cookies.

Recipe 4: Poppy Lemon Cookies

This lemon cookie is impossible not to fall in love. The combination of citrus and poppy is one of the most advantageous, the pastries turn out to be incredibly aromatic and tasty. The peculiarity of this recipe is that if you make small cookies, they will be crisp. If, however, to form large products, they will be soft and airy. Experiment!


• 2.5 cups of flour;

• 150 grams of oil;

• a glass of sugar;

• ¼ cup of lemon juice;

• zest from a single citrus;

• ripper 1 tsp;

• egg;

• 20 grams of poppy;

• a pinch of salt.


1. Pour the juice into a small saucepan, boil a couple of minutes, it should evaporate a little.

2. Add half the butter and immediately remove from heat, stir until dissolved.

3. Separately whip the second part of the butter with sugar, you can take powder. Then add the egg, zest, salt and butter with boiled juice. All good whip 5 minutes.

4. We combine the flour with the ripper, if necessary, sift and knead the lumps. Add poppy and mix.

5. Pour the flour mixture into the oily mass, knead the dough. If it turned out too liquid, you can still pour a little flour.

6. Drop off the cookies with the help of a pastry bag. You can use the curly nozzle and make a form like kurabe, flowers or seashells.

7. Send to the oven and bake until lightly blush.

Recipe 5: Curd Lemon Cookies with Frosting

This pastry is a soft, lemon-flavored balloon. On top of the cookies are applied strips of sugar icing, but you can also use protein or melted chocolate.


• 0.2 kg of cottage cheese;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 2 yolks;

• 20 grams of honey;

• 250 grams of flour;

• 1 teaspoon ripper;

• zest from one lemon.

For the glaze:

• 4 spoons of powder;

• 2 spoons of water.


1. Cottage cheese whip in a blender with sugar.

2. Add yolks, soft butter, honey, whisk together.

3. Pour half of the flour, ripper, zest and mix. Then gradually add the remaining flour, perhaps leaving a little less. It all depends on the humidity of the curd. The mass should be thick, but soft, unbroken flour.

4. Hands roll balls, the size of a little more than a walnut. Spoon on the baking sheet.

5. Bake until done at 180 degrees, about 13 minutes.

6. Mix the powder with water. Frosting should be thick but fluid.

7. Cool the cookies and draw them with the glaze on the surface of the strip. This can be made a bag or just a spoon. We wait until the icing dries and you can serve a treat to the table.

Recipe 6: Lemon Lean Cookies without Eggs

Preparing this option cookies without eggs, in vegetable oil, odorless. Simple, fast, has a pleasant lemon scent.


• lemon;

• 3 cups flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• water;

• half a teaspoon of soda.


1. cut lemon into thin slices to remove all the bones. Then add the pieces into a blender and grind into mashed potatoes.

2. add so much water to a lemon to make 200 ml of the mass.

3. extinguish soda in the lemon mass;

4. Mix lemon with sugar, beat until dissolved.

5. Add vegetable oil, then flour. All mix.

6. We form small balls and bake at 180 degrees in the oven.

Recipe 7: Lemon Chocolate Chip Cookies

The explosive citrus flavor and the bitterness of chocolate are the flavor that is present in this delicious cookie. Prepares quickly, it turns out magically. For filling, you can use special droplets, or simply cut the dark chocolate into small pieces.


• 0.12 kg butter or good margarine;

• 0.22 kg of flour;

• 90 grams of sugar;

• egg;

• 60 grams of starch;

• teaspoon ripper;

• peel of 1 citrus;

• half a bar of dark chocolate or a drop.


1. Beat margarine (or butter) with sugar to white color, add egg and mix.

2. Pour zest, stir.

3. Combine flour with starch and baking powder, sift all together through a sieve.

4. Knead the dough of two masses.

5. Pour the chocolate droplets or pieces. If a tile is used, it must be held for half an hour in the freezer, then chopped with a large knife.

6. Put the dough on the food film, form a sausage and remove for an hour in the fridge to set.

7. We take out and cut circles, with hands we will give the correct form.

8. Put the blanks on a baking sheet, bake for 15 minutes in the oven heated to 180 degrees.

Recipe 8: Lemon biscuits from Julia Vysotskaya with coriander

Lemon coriander biscuits can be prepared in two ways: by adding flavored filler to the dough, or simply mixed with powdered and sprinkled on top. It is better to add spice inside, as in combination with lemon zest during baking, it will reveal the flavor, delicacies will be especially tasty.


• a glass of flour;

• half a cup of powder;

• 110 grams of oil;

• a pinch of salt, Julia Vysotskaya uses sea;

• lemon;

• small spoon of coriander.


1. Pour coriander in a mortar, rub with a pestle to a powder.

2. Remove the lemon zest and grind with coriander.

3. Beat the butter with a mixer or blender, leave a small piece to grease the baking tray. If a silicone pad is used, then put everything in the dough.

4. Add powder to the butter, beat for a few more seconds.

5. We send salt to the dough, mix it.

6. Pour out the zest with coriander and mix everything thoroughly.

7. Add flour and stir the dough at low speed. It should take the form of a crumb.

8. We form circles from the crumbly dough. Spoon on the baking sheet.

9. Put in a preheated oven, bake at 180 degrees for 12-13 minutes.

Lemon Cookies - Tips and Tricks

• The easiest way to decorate cookies is to sprinkle with powder. It can be mixed with chopped zest, cocoa, cinnamon, dry food coloring.

• In the dough, you can add not only lemon zest, but also other citruses: orange, mandarin, grapefruit. And each time pastries cooked according to the same recipe will delight you with new tastes.

• You can add any zest to the dough, optionally fresh. Dry fragrant crusts in season, use in baking and delight your family with homemade treats at any time of the year.

• If the recipe contains a ripper, then you should not replace it with soda. A special additive not only raises the dough, but also forms an even porosity, the product turns out to be loose and airy. Soda is more suitable for shortbread dough.

• If the biscuit is dry or overcooked, do not despair! It can be smeared with jam, jam, cream, chocolate paste and glued together, the halves will be softer. Or simply chop into a crumb, add cocoa, butter, condensed milk and make delicious cakes "potatoes", which will be with a pleasant aroma of citrus.


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