Diet on oranges: simple, tasty, effective, vitamin. All the details and exemplary menu of this trendy diet on oranges


The diet on oranges is one of the most effective, although quite strict diets.

Orange orange perfectly copes with fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs.

During the diet on oranges, you can lose weight quite seriously: for five - ten kilograms.

The main thing is to love the wonderful orange fruit and strictly adhere to the principles of losing weight.

Diet on oranges: why they?

The choice of an orange as a basis for the dietary scheme is not accidental. The fruit contains few calories and a lot of vitamin C. One hundred grams of juicy pulp accounts for only 70 - 90 kcal. Only one fruit more than meets the body's need for vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant, indispensable to the body. The vitamin composition of the fruit is diverse: B2, A, PP, B1, E, B9.

Orange contains other remarkable substances: folic acid, essential for the female body, and limonoids, biologically active substances that prevent cancer. Many in this fruit iodine, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, potassium, fluorine, zinc, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus. The number of amino acids (flavonoids and phytonutrients) is amazing: there are more than two hundred of them.

The huge amount of healthy fiber, contained under the orange peel, has a beneficial effect on the intestines, improves digestion, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the diet. Dietary fiber orange for a long time create a feeling of satiety, which helps to avoid starvation breakdowns.

The undoubted advantages of a diet on oranges:

• stimulation of metabolic processes;

• cancer prevention, kidney stones;

• cleansing the body of toxins, slags, salts;

• removing excess water;

• rejuvenating effect;

• normalization of pressure and cholesterol;

• strengthen the immune system;

• improvement of brain activity.

However, it should be remembered that the fruits of the orange tree can not be eaten with increased acidity of the stomach, ulcers, intestinal disorders.

Principles of diet on oranges

Diet options on oranges are many. There is a menu for three days, a week, two, and even three. It does not matter for how long you decide to replace the usual diet of orange. To be guaranteed to lose weight, you should adhere to some principles.

1. Eat regularly.. If you choose the option of three meals a day, you can arrange a snack: a small glass of orange juice, green tea with honey and lemon, half an orange. If you use the "quantity of ingredients per day" scheme, it is better to distribute them evenly for five to six meals. Fractional feeding in small portions ensures regular plumb lines.

2. Forget about alcohol completely. Keep away cigarettes.

3. Abandon serious physical exertion, full-fledged power and aerobic trainings. Replace them at the time of the diet breathing exercises, yoga, Pilates. The fact is that the intake of protein will be limited, so the body in the case of increased load will begin to use muscles instead.

4. Very important daily walks in the fresh air.

5. No matter how great the temptation, there are more oranges than the menu for the day, you can not. To reduce the amount of daily consumption of fruit is also not necessary.

6. Comply with water regimedrinking one and a half liters of water without gas. On the sweet carbonated drinks at the time of the diet you need to forget.

7. Do not use food supplements.: salt, honey, sugar, starch, gelatin, sugar substitute, flavor enhancers, etc.

8. Fully excluded the following products: flour and confectionery, butter, pasta, canned food, industrial juices, starchy vegetables (potatoes, radishes, carrots) and too sweet fruits (banana, figs, grapes, persimmon, dates).

The diet on oranges is unbalanced, therefore it is not possible to exceed the allowed period of dietary nutrition. If there is an allergy or pain, an upset stomach and severe weakness, accompanied by dizziness and depression, the diet should be immediately abandoned.

Diet menu on oranges for three days

If you are not sure of your ability to withstand a multi-week orange marathon, you should try the express version of the diet on oranges. This option is suitable for those who do not need to lose a lot of extra pounds. Three days is enough to reduce the volume of the waist and hips in order to get into a dress from the category of "on the occasion."

Eat will have three times a day, choosing one of the proposed options.


• An orange, a toast or a slice of bread, dried in a toaster, one hundred grams of oatmeal or corn flakes with the addition of a spoon of bran.

• Orange, egg, crackers, 5 grams of butter.

• Slice of melon, four croutons, 50 grams of Adyghe cheese, two spoons of butter.


• Orange, light salad from salted red fish and lettuce (no more than 150 grams), two slices of black bread, a glass of natural yogurt.

• Salad of boiled beans and leaf lettuce (150 grams of each component), dried slice of gray bread, a teaspoon of butter, orange.

• Vegetable salad with boiled beets, boiled rice (literally one spoon of each dish is not more than 75 grams), a fifty-gram slice of boiled beef meat, an orange.


• A portion of baked mushrooms and chicken (or any taste) liver - no more than 150 grams of total weight. The same amount of boiled green beans with wild garlic. One hundred grams of berries with 50 grams of natural yogurt, orange.

• 150 grams of boiled cabbage (white, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), a piece of boiled chicken (not more than 120 grams), an orange.

• Baked lean meat (80 grams) with one boiled potato and a portion of stewed zucchini (150 grams). A jar of natural yogurt, orange.

Menu diet on oranges for the week

Every day during the week breakfast consists of one orange, one dietary loaf (or toast), tea or coffee. Throughout the day, the menu includes eggs. They need to be boiled (hard boiled or soft-boiled).


• Lunch: an orange, egg, a jar of natural yogurt or a glass of kefir, two small loaves or crackers.

• Dinner: two eggs, two crackers, two tomatoes, leaf lettuce.


• Lunch: an orange and an egg, a glass of yogurt or kefir, two crackers or loaves.

• Dinner: 130 grams of boiled beef, a tomato, a toast, a cup of yogurt, an orange.


• Lunch: egg and orange, yogurt (kefir), crackers or bread.

• Dinner: 130 grams of baked chicken without butter and skin, a toast or a loaf, an orange, kefir (yogurt).


• Lunch: 130 grams of cottage cheese not higher than 2% fat, tomato, cucumber, toast or bread.

• Dinner: 130 grams of boiled or baked beef, two tomatoes, a toast or a loaf, an apple.


• Lunch: two hundred grams of boiled or baked fish, a tomato, a toast or a loaf, a salad leaf, a cup of yogurt or a glass of kefir.

• Dinner: egg, tomato, lettuce.

Weekends can be spent on the usual healthy menu: cereals, soups, vegetables, fruits. Do not get involved in butter, sweets, fatty and salty foods, mayonnaise, chocolate, alcohol.

The diet menu on oranges for three weeks

The most effective diet option on oranges promises weight loss of ten to fifteen kilograms. To withstand a three-week protein-free marathon is quite difficult, so for the time of the diet you need to completely give up physical activity. It is better to engage in active body care, because rapid weight loss causes skin sagging. Massages, daily hot baths, moisturizing the skin, a contrast shower and a positive attitude will help you to get out of the battle for a slim silhouette with honor.

First week - the most difficult. The daily menu consists of a kilogram of oranges, two eggs, two liters of water (non-carbonated drinking). It is impossible to add additional ingredients, but coffee should be replaced with green tea.

Second week transferred much easier. Every day we eat a kilo of oranges and any (preferably coarse) cereal in the form of porridge. Ideal - buckwheat, rice. Kashi can be eaten as much as you like. We still keep the drinking regime: we drink a lot of water.

Third week also get pretty hungry, if you do not have the habit of eating a single fiber. Daily diet: a kilogram of oranges, fruits and vegetables in raw or stewed form and in unlimited quantities.

Diet on oranges: how to get out of it

After completing the diet on oranges, you need to adhere to the principles of a low-fat diet. The body needs to adapt to the usual food after a long limitation.

It is necessary to limit the sweet, replacing them with dried fruits. Preference should be given to porridges on the water (instead of sugar by adding fruit), boiled or stewed meat and fish without fat, drink a lot of kefir, eat cottage cheese, white bread and rolls replaced with whole grain and bran bread. Oranges should remain in the menu, as well as one and a half liters of pure water.

Ideally, the exit from the oranges diet should take as much time as the diet itself lasted.

Important notes!

  • It is very dangerous to start a diet on oranges without consulting a doctor, especially if you decide on the longest three-week schedule. You need to make sure that citrus fruits are not allergic, otherwise a large number of oranges in the daily menu will lead to trouble.
  • The appearance of urticaria, peeling, burning, swelling of different localization - a signal of the development of an allergic reaction. Diet should be stopped immediately, consult a doctor, drink antihistamines.
  • For some people, three oranges a day (not to mention a kilogram) is very, very much. The body may not take a vitamin attack and react to it with a deterioration of health. An overdose of vitamin C can disrupt the hormonal system.
  • Oranges are sour fruits. Excess acid can believe the tender walls of the stomach. Therefore, you need to make sure that there is no ulcer, no gastritis, or other gastrointestinal diseases that make eating oranges impossible. Signal of trouble - pulling pain in the abdomen, heartburn, belching.
  • Daily consumption of eggs on one of the diet options is also a rather dubious affair. Cholesterol levels may rise.
  • You can not use any orange or any other diet for pregnant women, nursing mothers, adolescents. The radical way of losing weight must be forgotten by those who have diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, liver, intestines, heart, blood vessels, endocrine system.
  • All others are forbidden to exceed the three-week use of oranges for weight loss. Unbalanced diet, used for a long time, can be harmful to health. You can repeat the diet no earlier than three months.


Watch the video: Super Food: Oranges fight cancer and are heart healthy (June 2024).