The use of folk remedies for hair growth: our goal - the length! Folk remedies for hair growth, proven practice and time


What women just do not do with their hair - dye, iron, twist with thermo-methods, curl by chemical means - this and much more has to be regularly maintained by the hair.

And after the "extreme point", when the natural forces of the body can not cope with such pressure, the hair becomes thinner and drops out rapidly.

And here the proven folk remedies for hair growth come to the rescue, which quickly return the "soldiers" to the "system" and prepare them for new tests.

Broths and infusions for hair growth

A quick and easy way to improve the health of your hair is to use decoctions from medicinal plants.

Onions and his husks for hair restoration

In addition to the general opinion about the external use of onions in the form of a mask or broth, it should be consumed inside - only half of a raw onion will significantly restore hair and strengthen it.

With regard to external use, the beauties have long retained onion peel, to prepare her broths for growth, dandruff treatment and add hair shine.

The broth is prepared from a handful of dried onion peel, washed before use. The husks are poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled under a lid for ten minutes and allowed to cool completely. After each hair wash, they are rinsed with a barely warm onion broth. You can rub it in the hair roots.

In onion broth there is one nuance: it is capable of dyeing in a yellowish shade, this is especially necessary to pay attention to blondes.

Growth nettle infusion

Visible results when using nettle for hair growth can be achieved very quickly. To prepare the infusion, 3 tablespoons of crushed nettle leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew for two hours. Strain and rinse clean hair immediately after washing. You can use nettle up to three times a week, and if there is an opportunity to squeeze the juice from fresh nettle leaves, it should be rubbed into the roots of the head an hour before washing it.

Nettle helps women with oily hair - it normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

"Ambulance" for hair loss: burdock (burdock)

In addition to burdock oil, which is easy to find in every store and pharmacy, the root of burdock has a strong regenerating property. First of all, it is used to prepare a decoction: three tablespoons of chopped and dried burdock root are poured with half-liter boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Cooled and filtered decoction is used to rinse hair after washing, or rubbed two to three hours before washing your head.

Burdock serves as the main active component of the ointment. For burdock ointment 2 tablespoons of dry chopped burdock root pour a glass of boiling water, boil until half the water evaporates. You should get a concentrated decoction, in which you need to add 3 tablespoons of interior fat. Stir until fat is completely melted, put in a warm oven and leave there, covered, for another half an hour.

A couple of hours before washing your head, rub in burdock ointment 2 times a week. For oily hair, it is preferable to use a decoction, and for dry hair - ointment.

Deciduous and coniferous folk remedies for hair growth

Since ancient times, birch brew has been valued by Russian long-haired girls for its healing effect. Birch leaves give them shine, enliven the color and stimulate growth.

Collect the leaves during flowering. To make the infusion, the leaves are dried. 4 tablespoons of crushed dry birch leaves take 0.5 liters of boiling water. Pour, cover and leave for at least two hours. Rubbed into the roots and rinsed hair after washing.

Excellent effect on the growth of the use of juniper. It strengthens the thin roots, giving strength to all the hair. Dry juniper twigs (3 tablespoons) pour boiling water (0.5 liters), insist.

If you combine birch with juniper, the effect will be even better. Infusion is prepared in proportion to 3 parts of birch leaves and 1 part of chopped juniper branches.

Folk remedies: oils for hair growth

Burr oil

This is a very frequent component of the most common folk masks, as well as means to strengthen the hair of a variety of cosmetics manufacturers. The choice of burdock oil is not unreasonable: its stunning effect for maintaining an optimal hair condition has been proven by more than one study. Burdock oil stimulates hair growth during baldness, prevents their loss, strengthens and restores from root to tip. A stunning effect from regular use is noted by owners of dyed hair.

Apply the oil is extremely simple: on slightly damp hair for a couple of hours before the scheduled wash, apply warm burdock oil along the entire length. Be sure to lightly rub into the roots, and spread the oil over the entire length by combing the hair with a flat comb several times in all directions. Hair should be completely soaked. Cover with a plastic bag and wrap a handkerchief. Leave for a couple of hours, then wash your hair as usual.

You can use it with every shampooing. If the skin is oily, then you can apply burdock oil only on the length and ends of the curls.

Castor oil

Undeservedly deprived of attention compared to burdock, castor oil is not inferior to him in its useful properties for the hair. If you regularly rub castor oil into the scalp, the hair grows faster and strengthens strongly from the roots. The effect is due to the abundance of nutrients in the oil and trace elements. Thanks to castor oil, progressive hair loss stops, it becomes thicker and gain shine.

Use castor oil should be on the same principle as burdock, or add to the masks.

Olive oil

Despite its apparent thick fat, natural olive oil does not lead to fat and greasy hair. It softens the scalp and nourishes the hair, not allowing the hair to dry and split. Apply to the roots and distribute along the length of all the hair, press with polyethylene and wrap the head with a warm scarf. The effect will be only with regular use.

Masks - the most popular folk remedies for hair growth

The appearance of masks for hair growth is quite natural - you can mix all your favorite products in it and get an emulsion or a mass suitable for application and rinsing.

"The protagonist" for hair growth: mustard

The first folk remedy that comes to mind beauties who maintain the magnificent state of their hair, is mustard masks. Once tried, women bring it to their mandatory hair and scalp care complex. Mustard mask not only provokes hair growth and strengthens them, but also fights dandruff troubles, as it has a drying and antiseptic effect.

Acceleration of hair growth when applying a mask with mustard is provoked, to a greater extent, by burning, warming the scalp with hair follicles. Mustard in masks can be combined with other components that are well proven.

To get the maximum benefit from mustard, you need to know a few rules for its use:

• mustard must be in dry form, in powder, and not as a ready-made sauce, dressing for food - in addition to useful substances for hair, such products are also undesirable;

• can not be diluted with hot water, and even more so, with boiling water - you can get toxic oils. Water for cooking mass should be warm!

• dry hair must not be smeared with mustard, otherwise there will be irritation, the hair will become brittle and dandruff may appear. The biggest benefits of mustard are greasy hair. Normalization of the sebaceous glands, easy drying ensures regular (but not frequent!) Application of a mustard mask.

• Women with particularly sensitive skin should use mustard very carefully, starting with a small area of ​​skin.

The most famous and optimal mustard mask for hair growth is prepared from the following ingredients: mustard powder, sugar, warm water and olive oil are taken in the same proportion (two tablespoons), and one chicken yolk. Mustard is mixed with sugar, diluted with water, add the yolk, mix thoroughly, and at the end add oil (you can take burdock or castor). The more sugar put in the mask, the stronger mustard will warm.

Mustard mask is applied to the roots, carefully distributing, and lightly rubbed into the skin, covered with a bag and tied with a scarf. Keep at least 15 minutes - the skin should warm up well. You can do this mask no more than once a week.

Onion mask for hair growth

Legends about the effectiveness of onion gruel come from ancient times to the present day. Despite the inconvenience of use and the unpleasant smell that remains after onion juice, the onion mask for hair growth remains in the ranking of the most used.

The easiest, but effective way to use it is to spread all the hair on the head with finely chopped onion "gruel".

On the basis of onions prepare even more effective masks. First of all, it is a combination of onions with cognac and burdock. For this mask, 1 tablespoon of a dry burdock root is poured over 0.5 cups of boiling water and boiled for ten minutes. 6 tablespoons of cool and filtered burdock infusion mixed with 3 tablespoons of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of brandy. Carefully rub the mask into the hair roots and leave for an hour. Wash your hair as usual.

In order to reduce the intensity of the impact of the bow and make the mask even more useful, it is complemented by others, in particular, the products described above. Raw yolk, castor oil, honey, lemon juice and essential oil are used as additional components. The key to success is thorough mixing of the mask and uniform rubbing it into the hair roots.

Often the onion mask should not be used - a couple of times a month is enough.

But this folk remedy for hair growth has one major drawback: a persistent onion smell after the procedure. Experienced women know a couple of effective ways to get rid of it.

The first method, which will have an additional strengthening effect, is steamed henna. When the onion pulp is applied to the hair, you can begin to prepare colorless henna. Pour the powder with enough hot water to make it look like sour cream. After washing the onion mask off the hair, apply henna on the roots and leave for half an hour. Wash off first with water and then with the usual shampoo.

The second way: to the usual dose of hair balm after washing, add a tablespoon of liquid honey and juice of whole lemon. Apply to hair after washing off the onion mask and leave for 20 minutes. Wash your head. Use a balsam conditioner.

To hair grow on yeast

A yeast mask recipe that can be made up to two times a week:

• 1 teaspoon honey;

• 0.5 cups of warm milk or kefir;

• 1 tablespoon baker's yeast (not dry).

Mix everything quickly and place in a warm place for half an hour. Apply yeast mask on the roots abundantly, rubbing and spreading along the length. After an hour, rinse with shampoo and plenty of water.

Gelatin mask to support hair structure

Women who have tried gelatin on themselves, note its stunning effect - hair gets volume and density.

The mask should be done like this: dilute the gelatin with hot water (not boiling water) in a 4: 1 ratio so that there are no lumps, and leave for 15 minutes. Add a tablespoon of hair balm, mix thoroughly and rub into the roots, spreading over the entire length of the hair. Cover with polyethylene and a warm scarf, leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. Apply twice a week.

The above describes only the most common, proven folk remedies for hair growth, and the women of the world still know a lot of these "drugs". They really work. But do not succumb to frankly crazy ideas - do not smear your head with mayonnaise, because flavor enhancers on your head are of no use!


Watch the video: How I Grew My Natural Short Hair. My 7 Month Hair Growth Results (July 2024).