What does traditional medicine from cholesterol plaques offer? Cleaning vessels with folk remedies: surely it will not get worse?


Folk remedies that promise quick cleaning of all blood vessels forever, the doctors cause only an ironic smile, and in special cases - sarcastic denials.

People who independently “found” atherosclerotic plaques in their vessels, or patients with cardiovascular diseases, are looking for an explanation for the problems. Loud statements are often made from acquaintances on TV, from Internet publications: “All problems are from toxins, toxins and“ high cholesterol! ”And if the statement is supported by a famous name, then this is an undeniable truth.

If there is a problem, there will be a "solution". Having heard about harmful cholesterol and toxins, people quickly make a diagnosis and begin to be treated with all the means at hand, despite the obvious absurdity of most of them.

The most popular means of cleaning vessels of traditional medicine: what really works

Indeed, toxins of various nature exert a detrimental, often irreversible, effect on the body. There is an effect of cholesterol in the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, due to a number of concomitant factors, it really leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. World traditional medicine still cannot help patients with atherosclerosis get rid of "growths" on the vessels completely and forever. But there are folk remedies that promise 100% effect.

Lemon with garlic: "washing out" of atherosclerotic plaques

Folk recipe. Grind 300 grams of garlic, pour 24 lemon juice and insist 24 days in a cool dark place. Every time before use shake. Take at bedtime, dissolving 1 teaspoon in 100 ml of water. The course of treatment is two weeks.

This is only one of the least safe ways of countless recommendations for using lemon for cleaning vessels.

Will there be a cleansing. Vitamin C contained in lemon, which is emphasized in this product, neutralizes free radicals and prevents cholesterol from oxidizing, preventing the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Lemon, used in moderation, really helps the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. But daily excess of consumption is fraught with a number of unpleasant phenomena.

A daily intake of more than 1 gram of vitamin C can provoke:

• anxiety;

• impaired renal function;

• insomnia;

• increase in pressure;

• menstrual irregularities;

• sexual dysfunction;

• change in the exchange of electrolytes.

Please note that ascorbic acid is found not only in lemon, but also in all fruits and vegetables that should be included in your daily diet.

Side effects do not necessarily manifest - it all depends on the individual reaction of the body. In addition, citric acid together with garlic irritates the gastric mucosa, provoking or aggravating gastrointestinal diseases.

For two weeks of treatment according to the above recipe, the vessels will not be cleansed in any way, but most likely there will be no harm - the concentration of active substances is not too high. But if the recommended teaspoon of the lemon mixture in the water does not dissolve, then you can earn a burn mucous.

Cleaning vessels with tincture of garlic

How to prepare the product: Put 350 grams of crushed peeled garlic into a glass container, pour 200 grams of pure alcohol, tightly close the lid. Put in a dark cool place for ten days. After this, strain and set for another two days. The tincture is ready.

Take in diluted form: add 50 drops of the product in 50 grams of milk, drink 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Doctors offer to drink tincture before its end, and even made a dose adjustment scheme for every day. From what considerations the dosage is selected, it is not indicated in the product, but it warns that the kidneys may hurt from the tincture. Such a "cleansing" is advised to hold every five years.

The reception scheme is as follows: from the second day, each drop of “medicine” is added one drop (it turns out 3 per day), until their number on the fifth day grows to 15. From the sixth day there is a decrease according to the same scheme, on the 10th day there will be three drops again. Then until the end of the tincture use 25 drops three times a day.

Every day, during the treatment, drink at least two and a half liters of water ("so that the kidneys can cope"), it is better to add juice. Mandatory intense physical activity, as well as the exclusion of alcohol, fatty, spicy, salty and pickled foods, coffee and strong tea.

Does the method make sense? Definitely, there is a sense! But we are only talking about the second part of the method. Traditional medicine recommends, for prevention and the initial stage of treatment, namely increased physical exertion, the exclusion of potentially dangerous foods, an increase in the amount of fluid consumed, and the rejection of bad habits. Usually, these measures improve the general condition of the body and lower cholesterol.

As for garlic, it really helps to reduce cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. But the average person in a standard diet consumes enough garlic with food.

The amount of garlic, which the authors of the methodology offer, greatly exceeds the amount that is easily digested by the digestive tract. The main symptoms of "overdose" in this case are bloating, belching and gas. In addition, an allergy may well occur or intolerance to the constituents of garlic may occur. Heat-treated garlic does not have such "side-lines".

Does fasting mean cleansing?

Temporary complete or partial refusal of food in folk medicine is traditionally considered beneficial to the body. The method is argued by the fact that harmful elements constantly come from the outside from the stomach with food, and during the period of fasting, the body spends energy to cleanse all of the putative toxins. There are a lot of authors of the methods of different fasting schemes, and everyone insists on the advantage of their terms and principles.

What really is. The human body has a complete system of purification from unnecessary or toxic substances. Healthy kidneys and liver completely remove waste products outside without additional help. If there is no alcoholic or narcotic intoxication that disables the liver, then with proper nutrition and physical activity, the vessels will be perfectly clean without hunger strikes.

Fasting in chronic diseases can cause their severe exacerbation, especially with regard to the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

A true helper of atherosclerosis prevention: beets!

Folk recipe. Mix freshly squeezed beet juice with honey in equal parts. Take three times a day, 100 ml after meals. The recommended course is three weeks.

Does the remedy work. Beetroot contains a variety of substances vital for humans: folates, carotenoids, flavonoid antioxidants, betaine and glycine. From the point of view of the anti-thrombus effect and the prevention of atherosclerosis in beets, betaine is interesting. Thanks to him, you can protect yourself from peripheral vascular diseases and even myocardial infarction. The effect will be only on the freshly squeezed product, but the juice will not drink immediately - it should stand for about two hours.

What is dangerous. The nuance of the recipe in the amount of ingredients. Both 150 grams of beetroot juice and 150 grams of honey daily will not bring anything good to the body, especially over such a long period of use. Not only that, by the middle of treatment, an allergy is guaranteed, at least to honey, but such a volume of beet juice will significantly harm the body.

The drug is contraindicated in:

• hypotension;

• osteoporosis;

• urolithiasis;

• diabetes;

• diarrhea;

• gastritis with high acidity;

• gastrointestinal diseases.

Green tea - an innovative means of cleaning vessels?

Recently, many gourmets, fragrant and enjoyed by many gourmets, have been recognized by world doctors as a strong antioxidant that really fights toxins and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis. "Bad" cholesterol is significantly less produced in the blood of people who regularly consume green tea. But unfortunately, he is not able to clear the vessels of existing plaques.

None: it is impossible to remove the atherosclerotic plaque by either medication or folk remedy.

Scientists have been able to invent drugs that lower blood cholesterol. These are statins, fibrates and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is statins, when taken for more than two years, that can reduce the area of ​​the plaque in the vessels, but no more.

The only way to protect yourself from atherosclerosis is to have a healthy lifestyle: moderate physical activity, a balanced diet with a predominance of vegetables, fruits and fish, as well as a complete rejection of alcohol and bad habits.

Stick to these recommendations, and the question of cleaning the vessels with folk or other means will not interest you.


Watch the video: Home remedies for clogged arteries. Coronary artery disease treatment (July 2024).