A bruise on the arm is a common thing or a dangerous hematoma. Why do bruises appear on my arm and what to do with them?


Bruise is the most common ailment that occurs in both adults and children.

Due to burst capillaries, a hematoma appears, spoiling not only an aesthetic appearance, but also bringing pain and discomfort. The most common places where bruises can appear are hands, legs, buttocks or face, that is, those parts of the body that are most susceptible to various mechanical influences. To find out why bruises appear on hands, it is necessary to understand the cause of their occurrence.

How do bruises appear

Small blood vessels surround our entire body, starting from the head to the toes. Because of a blow or a fall, the blood vessels burst, blood gets into the subcutaneous tissues, this process is seen externally as the appearance of black, blue or purple spots. Bruise, as they say in people or hematoma - in medicine.

Most blood breaks pose no danger to the human body: in 3-9 days the blood is absorbed and there is no trace of the purple spots. However, there are also severe cases, for example, with a strong fall, an edema appears after an hour, the hematoma is visually much more common bruises and the hurt place aches and aches. In this case, it is urgent to see a doctor to identify the cause: it may be a fracture, dislocation, or even rupture of ligaments and tendons.

If a person leads an active lifestyle, is engaged in extreme sports and does not like to sit still, the usual bruises on his arm are his eternal companions. Not so jumped, accidentally hit, stumbled, fell - just do not list, so you do not need to pay close attention to such hematomas, just learn to be careful. However, if the bruise on the arm is painful or often appears in "quiet couch potatoes", you should consult a doctor to find out the reason for the appearance.

A bruise on the arm may occur after the dropper. At the wrong introduction of the needle, saline begins to accumulate on the internal tissues, and does not go through the venous vessels. First, the site of the wrong injection begins to swell, and the next day a noticeable bruise appears. This situation can happen because of the inexperience of medical personnel, and also if the walls of the vessels are too weak or it is very difficult to find a vein. Such a hematoma does not represent inconvenience, but just a little pain at times.

Hematoma may appear after surgery on the arm. For example, when stitching or other activities, the formation of hematomas. They dissolve gradually, you only need to lubricate the area with anticoagulant, which prevents the occurrence of bruises.

On average, a person has more than 150 billion capillaries, but such a large number should not give a reason to be wasteful about the health of your body. In addition, the bruise on the hand is not able to give you beauty, but on the contrary, it will only spoil it.

Varieties of hematomas. Common types.

There are such types of hematomas as:

Bruise during pregnancy - retrochorial Such a hematoma is very dangerous both for the fetus and for the mother. Due to the rupture of the connection between the ovum and the placenta, a hematoma arises, exceeding 10-15 cm in diameter. During this process, the baby’s nutrition stops, and if urgent measures are not taken, the fetus may die and the mother’s health will be greatly damaged.

Hematoma of the brain can declare itself a terrible pain in the neck or the frontal-temporal part. With a strong blow, not only the outer tissue, but also the internal organs can be damaged. An examination such as MRI will help identify pathology.

Epidural hematoma formed under the cranial surface. It brings a lot of trouble: headaches, increased eye pressure, general weakness of the body.

Subdural - the most dangerous for human life. Located between the hard and the archic surface of the head, the hematoma has a strong effect on the functioning of the brain, which may even cause a person to die.

The varieties listed above must be known in order to prevent themselves from terrible consequences in time. Even if you are interested in a bruise on your arm, information on the types of hematomas available will always be relevant and relevant.

Bruise on the arm. How to understand that hematoma is dangerous?

Even if two people get a bruise of the same degree, each hematoma will be unique. It depends on age, general health, the presence of vitamins in the body. An ordinary bruise on the arm disappears in about 4-5 days. During this time, the blood gradually dissolves and the bluish tint from the skin slowly disappears. The bruised place at the same time does not hurt, does not constrain the movement and allows you to do the same work.

However, a bruise is not always accompanied by such mild symptoms. A hematoma that can cause significant damage to the body is accompanied by the following signs of:

• intense aching pain

• Increase bruise in size

• Spasms

• Motion restriction

• General weakness

All of them fit the type of internal hematoma, that is, the internal organs are damaged, not the external tissues. Of course, they are not on the arm, but such complications as ligament ligament, joint dislocation, sprain, open fracture are possible, and bruising is also observed. Very often, people with impaired blood clotting suffer from the formation of blood clots. It looks very similar to a bruise, but their etiology is completely different. If you are worried about the compacted area on your arm, you need to contact a phlebologist.

If you are experiencing an indisposition or severe pain, an ambulance must be called in urgently. In case of these accidents, they will be able to provide qualified help only in a hospital under constant medical supervision.

Bruises on my arms for no reason. What to do?

Bruises on the hands without a cause, that is, without visible mechanical damage, are the basis for taking the state of your body more seriously. Bruises appear due to the rupture of small capillaries, their fragility and inconstancy, only in the absence of external influence on the skin. You need to know a few unexpected reasons because of which hematomas develop:

HIV infection. Representing a painful condition for the whole organism, small vessels did not remain aside. Bruises occur permanently with this ailment, appear unexpectedly, and also suddenly disappear.

Oncological diseases.

Lack of vitamins, especially vitamin C. This common is involved in the formation of all types of tissues, including capillary.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis. During this illness, the immune system begins to produce antibodies against the vascular system, causing hematomas to occur not only on the hands, but throughout the body.

Hormonal disruptions for example, in menopause, women can cause bruises on their hands.

Elderly age. The capillaries become thinner, and the possibility of bruising increases several times.

• Diseases associated with the violation blood clotting.

If you are tortured by unknown bruises on your hands, you should immediately contact a phlebologist, a doctor involved in the vessels. After carrying out the necessary tests, which necessarily include the analysis of clotting, ultrasound examination of blood vessels. After the results obtained, the doctor will prescribe suitable medicines or vitamins, but if necessary, he will refer you to another highly specialized doctor.

How to get rid of bruises on his hands. Homemade methods.

A bruise can ruin your appearance a lot. How to get rid of bruises on your hands? After all, no gold or diamond jewelry, expensive dresses and costumes will not be able to hide the hematoma, which "shines" on your hand. The best and most effective method is to immediately apply a cold object (for example, ice) to the place of the bruise. The blood will resolve more quickly only if these actions are performed immediately after receiving the injury. The cold provokes narrowing of the vessels, so the damage that has just occurred can either decrease or disappear altogether. However, it is worth knowing that the more time passes, the worse the result will be.

This method of dealing with bruises on the arm is not the only one. There are several more effective ways:

Iodine net. Old but good method. Being absorbed into the skin, iodine improves blood circulation and more quickly removes unwanted decomposition products.

Warm compresses. They can be used only for 2-3 days after the appearance of a bruise. Warming up contributes to the regeneration of tissues, helps to get rid of the "trouble" as soon as possible.

Apple vinegar. Lotion with vinegar should be applied 4-5 times a day - improves tissue regeneration.

Potato starch also helps to quickly get rid of bruise. It is necessary to mix water with starch and put this mixture on the bruise. The result will be noticeable after a few procedures.

Tincture of vodka and parsley. Popular method, known from the grandmothers, and very effective. 50 grams of parsley should be mixed with 250 grams of vodka. Moisten the bandage and bandage the injured place.

Cabbage and plantain have a magical property: "pull" the swelling and contribute to the speedy deliverance from the hematoma.

Juice of fresh wormwood. Explain the grass and the juice that appears, lubricate the bruise on his arm. And because of the special substances that make up the wormwood, the bruise diminishes right before your eyes.

Pharmacy inexpensive ointment. The most popular of them is heparin - a local anticoagulant. By rubbing in just a few drops of the drug, you will notice that the bruise begins to dissolve, since the active substance of heparin increases blood circulation and destroys the accumulation of burst blood capillaries.

Preventing bruises on the hands

The main cause of bruising is capillary fragility. In order to prevent the occurrence of hematomas, it is necessary not only to reduce the probability of getting various types of injuries, but also to take vitamins that help restore the capillary walls.

Preventing bruises on hand comes down to The following types of events:

• Regularly take vitamins of group B, C and K or include in the diet dishes with their high content: pepper, beans, peas, cheese, eggplants, raisins, pumpkin, cabbage, sea buckthorn, black currants.

• Reduce the use of aspirin and its derivatives. Due to the fact that acetylsalicylic acid dilutes the blood, with regular use of this drug bruises are very common. Take aspirin should only be prescribed by a doctor.

• Take folic acid, which is involved in the formation of tissue cells and support the entire body (most effective in combination with B vitamins)

• Be more cautious at home, at rest and at work.


Watch the video: What does it mean when bruises appear for no reason ? Frequently ask Questions on Health (July 2024).