Sore fingers joints - causes. Why fingers on hands hurt and what treatment is the most effective.


It is hard to imagine how our life would change if we didn’t have small nimble workers - fingers. They tirelessly print and write, carefully hold a cup of coffee, caress the baby's cheek lovingly and do all the small, and not only, work. It is because of their restlessness and mobility that they are subject to a variety of diseases. Do your fingers hurt - a sign of fatigue or something more? How to get rid of extremely painful sensations?

Sore fingers joints - causes

All diseases of the fingers have fairly pronounced specific symptoms, so the diagnosis is usually not difficult. Most often annoying afflictions afflict, and larger joints.

1. Rheumatoid arthritis

Although the disease can occur at any age, and in children too, beautiful ladies are the most susceptible to it after thirty. Stress, insidious flu, an infectious disease, or a common cold are complicated by inflammation of the metacarpophalangeal joints, which are treacherously swollen and severely sore. They are located at the base of the middle and index fingers, in the area protruding bones from the clenched fist. A feature of the manifestation of the disease is the strict symmetry of the lesion - if the fingers of the right hand hurt, do not lag behind the same ones on the left side. As the disease progresses, other joints are involved in the process - wrist, elbow and some others. Especially merciless pain appears after midnight and does not allow to fall asleep until the morning. During the day she becomes more tolerant. Painful symptoms accompany the accompanying symptoms - morning stiffness of the joints, chilliness and some numbness of the fingers, general weakness and fever.

2. Gout

Increased blood levels of uric acid is the main cause of gout. Usually, the first manifestation of it is pain in the big toe, however, with an atypical course of the disease and its rapid spread, the first metatarsophalangeal joint becomes inflamed, and the thumb on the arm begins to disturb. Bad habits and the consumption of fatty and salty foods are often to blame for the development of gout, for which reason men are more susceptible to the disease.

With the development of the disease, uric acid crystals - urates - are carried with blood throughout the body, depositing in organs and tissues. Cartilage tissue suffers most from them, through which urates penetrate deeper - to the joint and bone. The inflammatory process is activated by the destruction of bone tissue. The acute form is characterized by impaired motor function, swelling, change in skin color to dark purple, and besides, the thumb on the hand is unbearably sore. The affected joint is warm and painful, sometimes with a change in finger position, a characteristic crunch appears. The progression of the disease gradually deforms the joint and limits its mobility. Specific seals - tophi - are formed over the affected joints and are unconditional confirmation of the diagnosis.

3. Psoriatic arthritis

Approximately 15% of people with psoriasis have significant problems with the joints of their fingers. Acute "axial" inflammation that affects all the joints on one or several fingers at once, paints the skin in a bluish-red color and causes severe swelling. The affected finger becomes like a sausage, and the nail becomes cloudy and becomes like a thimble surface with dotted indentations. The fingers are almost unbent, and the symptoms of inflammation are not symmetrical - if the fingers of the right hand hurt, for example, the index and middle fingers, then the left finger or the ring finger will be affected. Another option is possible when the fingers of the right hand hurt, and on the left - the slightest sign of illness.

4. Osteoarthrosis

The disease affects more often people of old age. The reason is hormonal adjustment, occupational stress, heredity, age-related metabolic disorders, various injuries. The gradual destruction of cartilage tissue initially causes pain only after physical exertion, as the disease progresses, fingers hurt and at rest. At the onset of the disease, the nail joints are affected with the appearance of Heberdan's nodules on the dorsum or on the side. They are located most often symmetrically on two hands, so the index fingers of the hands hurt, or, for example, both little fingers. If the thumb on the arm on the right hurts, then the corresponding finger on the left side is necessarily struck. During the period of nodule formation, pain can be burning and quite tangible or insignificant, only in some patients the process proceeds without serious consequences. Swelling and redness of the joints is also not expressed at all. Sometimes the thumb on a hand is involved and noticeably hurts - a special form of osteoarthrosis, called risarthrosis, is to blame.

5. Rhizarthrosis

If your thumb hurts on your arm, the most likely cause may be risarthrosis. Its appearance is associated with a significant overload of the joint, infection, intoxication and trauma. Already during examination, the diagnosis is beyond doubt: a specific point of pain, increased pain with a characteristic load - turning the key, opening the covers, rotating the door handles. At the initial stage of the disease, the thumb on the arm hurts only after exertion, as the malady develops, the pain also occurs at rest. Gradually, the joint is deformed, active actions become impossible.

Other factors that cause pain in the joints of the hands include septic infections, syphilis and tuberculosis, diabetes, injuries, constant vibration, and hypothermia.

Sore fingers joints - diagnosis

In some cases, a visit to the doctor is necessary. You should not postpone the visit if:

- sore fingers joints after injury, there is swelling and deformity of the joint;

- the index fingers of the hands or other joints hurt, and the pain cannot be relieved with the help of ordinary painkillers;

- hurt the fingers of the right hand and there are additional symptoms - fever, rash appeared, and so on;

- sore fingers joints for more than a week.

When visiting the doctor are appointed:

- general and biochemical blood test, urine test;

- X-ray of hands;

- additional examination depending on the associated symptoms.

Based on the results of examination, visual examination and analysis of the manifestations, a diagnosis is established.

Sore fingers - treatment

Anti-inflammatory therapy can only be complex. It includes the elimination of pain, reduction of inflammation, improvement of blood flow, the return of motor function. Drug treatment is mandatory, painkillers and various anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In the presence of exudate, it is removed and hormones are injected. Infectious arthritis use antibiotics. Almost all of the above diseases are accompanied by destruction of articular cartilage.

The main reason for the development of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system is the decrease in the level of glucosamine and chondroitin, the natural components of the cartilage of the joint. Therefore, along with drugs that relieve pain, are used means restoring the cartilage of the joints. The optimal dose for assimilation of such components is included in the Glucosamine Maximum complex from Natures Product, which helps to restore and protect cartilage tissue from destruction. The tool is widely used in modern medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the joints.

Physical therapy is of great importance in the treatment if the joints of the fingers hurt. Laser treatment, electrophoresis, resonance therapy with microwaves, amplipulse therapy, magnetic therapy - all procedures of local or general action are very effective and contribute to a successful result. After the removal of acute inflammation, the use of therapeutic gymnastics, manual therapy, massage, mud therapy is indicated. If the joints of the fingers hurt, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine, but only in consultation with the doctor and not in return for the course of treatment prescribed.

Sore fingers - treatment of folk remedies

Many recipes of traditional medicine perfectly cope with the pain in the joints of the fingers and serve as an excellent supplement to drug treatment:

- put a few pods of red bitter pepper into a mixture of vodka with valerian tincture and stand for three hours in a dark place. Soak a cloth or cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the joints plaguing the pain. Even the strongest manifestations are removed within a month;

- boiled oatmeal mixed with kefir and attach to the sore area overnight. Instead of flakes, chalk powder can be added to the fermented milk product;

- chestnut or lilac inflorescences insist two or three weeks on vodka. Tincture rubbed sore fingers and kept warm. The pain recedes after half an hour;

- Pour boiling water over green potatoes, chop them and make compresses. A feeling of pleasant warmth indicates the correctness of the procedure. The pain disappears without a trace in a few hours;

- juniper's needles and crushed leaves of laurel mix with butter. A wonderful finger massage with a received ointment gives a wonderful effect;

- start a new day with a tablespoon of olive oil with a few drops of garlic juice;

- helps to cure sore joints and improve the general condition of the daily intake of birch sap;

- facilitate the condition of sick fingers of the bath for hands with essential oils - eucalyptus, sandalwood and others;

- A decoction of viburnum sprigs should be taken half a cup per day, divided into several receptions;

- insist on vodka walnut shells, take 1 tbsp. spoon before a meal;

- mix equal amounts of alcohol, olive oil, turpentine and camphor. Put on disturbing places and wear wool gloves. Shake well before use.

Sore fingers joints - prevention

If after reading this article you decide to avoid unpleasant manifestations and consequences of diseases of the joints of the fingers, take care of your hands and keep them warm. But when the first symptoms occur, heat is contraindicated, it will only aggravate the inflammatory process. Try to eliminate alcohol and cigarettes from your life, and instead of fatty spicy dishes, add more vegetables and fruits to your menu. Do not "peregazhivayte" colds and infectious diseases on the legs, remember about the possible complications. Control your weight and start playing sports. Replace coffee and black tea with herbal decoction, green tea - it is no less tasty, you just need to get used to it. Any water procedures, especially swimming, are extremely useful for joints. And the last thing - the sticky and unpleasant habit of “clicking” with fingers is fraught with injuries of the joints, loss of their mobility and increases the risk of arthritis.


Watch the video: Trigger Finger (July 2024).