Sore back in pregnancy - what to do. What are the reasons for pain in the lower back during pregnancy and how to get rid of them.


Quite often, pacified enjoyment of one's condition while waiting for a baby is clouded by unpleasant and painful manifestations in the lower back. On the one hand, this is understandable - the crumb is growing, and the load on the spine increases. But sometimes the expectant mother is seriously concerned, and since it is undesirable to worry about her, we will try to figure out whether back pains are safe during pregnancy and how to get rid of them most effectively.

Why pulls the lower back during pregnancy - non-dangerous causes

The most frequent and non-threatening cause of pain is a shift in the center of gravity due to an increase in the abdomen. Trying to take the most comfortable position, a woman bends the lower back, with the result that the lumbar muscles are constantly in tension. The unusual position of the body causes a nagging pain that quickly passes after even a short rest lying down. The situation is aggravated by high heels, too long standing, weak muscles.

If the future mom had orthopedic problems before pregnancy - scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis - there is no reason to be surprised that back pain during pregnancy is felt. Especially if the weight gain of the future mommy goes at a rapid pace and exceeds the norm. Hormonal restructuring and active production of relaxin contributes to a significant relaxation of the ligaments and the emergence of mobility of the sacral joints, which also causes trouble.

The backache during pregnancy hurts - when do you need the help of a doctor?

Sometimes the reason for the appearance of pain in the lower back during pregnancy can serve as more dangerous reasons:

- diseases of the genitourinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis. To the pains, which are often localized only on the one hand, added fever, cramps when urinating more frequent, turbidity of urine, nausea;

- the threat of miscarriage - hurts, and quite strongly, not only the loins, but also the region of the lower abdomen. The pain is accompanied by discharge;

- pancreatitis is possible, but it is not so common during pregnancy. The pain is not limited to the lumbar region, but is also felt in the hypochondrium, the epigastric region. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, flatulence, low blood pressure;

- A sharp back pain is quite capable of arising due to a sharp increase in the load on the back. Sometimes it is so strong that it makes it impossible to unbend, it is impossible to do without the help of a neurologist.

When such situations arise, an appeal to the doctor is necessary. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose the disease, prescribe the necessary treatment and relieve back pain during pregnancy.

Pulls the lower back during pregnancy - as diagnosed and treated

If you have low back pain during pregnancy, and you associate it with an exacerbation or the occurrence of these diseases, you need to contact a specialist - urologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist. In order to establish the diagnosis correctly, the doctor performs an ultrasound examination, prescribes urine and blood tests, prescribes antibacterial drugs, painkillers, if necessary, and recommends a sparing diet. The treatment takes place both in the hospital and on an outpatient basis, the choice depends on the severity of the disease.

Pulls the lower back during pregnancy - how to save motherhood

The aching and rather intense pain in the lumbar region can reliably signal the threat of termination of pregnancy or the risk of premature birth. They can appear at any time, against the background of psychological or physical exertion. Sometimes the pain spreads to the lower abdomen and is accompanied by frequent urination. In this case, it is extremely important to lie down, take Corvalol or valerian, it does not hurt the pill BUT-SPY. If the pain does not go away, or reappears after a short break, you should consult with the doctor and make an ultrasound.

Cramping back pain during pregnancy at a large magpie, recurring regularly, may become undesirable heralds of preterm labor. Confirmation is the seal of the abdomen. If the pain returns at regular intervals, urgent help from the doctor and an ultrasound examination are necessary. If there is a delay in the occurrence of contractions, when the expected delivery time is long enough, Mom will be admitted to hospital, and the prescribed treatment will be directed to the termination of uterine contractions. In this situation, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, you need to be able to recognize false contractions - they are not regular and their intensity does not increase with time.

The backache during pregnancy hurts - we help ourselves

Pulls the lower back during pregnancy? Try to use the advice of experts:

1. You should not linger in the same position for more than ten minutes, change your position. Long sitting and standing are equally undesirable.

2. Keep a straight posture. Pregnancy is not a reason to hunch. Straightened over the entire length of the spine reduces the load on the lower back.

3. While sitting, do not be lazy to put a pad under your back, which will help to relax the lower back muscles, and place your legs on a low stool. Your knees should be just above the waist level.

4. The orthopedic chair is a great helper for both future and already established mothers.

5. A long sitting at the computer will not bring either you or the baby any benefit.

6. When forced to stand for long periods, change the supporting leg.

7. Sleep preferably on the side, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy. The use of special pillows for pregnant women allows you to relax and have a good rest. Sleep, or at least lie down, it is highly desirable during the day, especially if you suffer from sleeplessness at night. Do not jump too fast and rapidly from a prone position - slowly turn on your side, sit down and only then get up.

8. To provoke a sharp pain in the lower back during pregnancy can improper lifting of objects. It is not necessary to bend down in order to pick something up from the floor, it is much better to do it, slightly sitting down.

9. If possible, try to avoid taking analgesics, in extreme cases it is permissible to use painkillers in the form of creams or ointments, but only with the consent of the doctor.

These tips are more likely to prevent, but they help to avoid such unpleasant feelings as back pain during pregnancy. In addition, it should be carefully remembered - heavy bags during the carrying of their crumbs are contraindicated. It is also not recommended to lift up the hands of older children, affectionately explain to them that it is dangerous for a brother or sister. If there is such an opportunity - use the help of relatives or housemaids.

The closest attention, if the backache hurts during pregnancy, should be given proper nutrition. Meat, nuts, herbs, cheese and cottage cheese, yogurt should certainly be present in the menu of the future mother. If necessary, the doctor prescribes drugs containing calcium. Excellent help to strengthen the muscles swimming, special gymnastics, leisurely walks. From the second half, if you pull the lower back during pregnancy, you can use a special bandage. Its use is especially important if you have to be on your feet for a long time. By the way, high heels will have to be abandoned. It is better to give preference to comfortable shoes on a small wedge, and while resting on a bed, place your feet a little above head level.

There are many groups that offer classes for pregnant women - remedial gymnastics, yoga. Especially well relaxes muscles and eliminates back pain during pregnancy swimming. However, before you take a subscription to the pool, consult your doctor. Do not forget to consult with him and about visiting a massage therapist. Lightly massaging the back and lower back relieves tension and helps to relax, but only an experienced specialist should conduct it, and if there are no objections from the doctor.

If you pull the lower back during pregnancy, try performing special exercises developed by specialists for expectant mothers and effectively allowing you to get rid of unpleasant pain:

1. Go down on the gym mat, leaning your arms and knees. The back is level, the head should be in a straight line with the spine. Take a deep breath, arching your back and drawing your belly in, and linger for a few seconds in that position. On the exhale, relax and return the back straight position.

2. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Slowly inhale, straining your gluteal and abdominal muscles, then exhale while relaxing.

3. Stand on the mat, arms lowered along the body. Slowly inhale, raising your arms up and closing them above your head, to stretch. Watch your posture! Then exhale, lowering the arms and relaxing all the muscles.

Each exercise or, if desired, one of them, should be performed daily 5-10 times. Choose the time for gymnastics not earlier than an hour after eating, otherwise belching or heartburn may occur. Be sure to drink water to regain lost fluid during exercise. If during gymnastics you have any discomfort or pain, stop - maybe this exercise does not suit you and it is better to replace it with another.

Pregnancy is a beautiful state of mind and body. Enjoy the feeling of happiness, self-worth and the expectation of a miracle - the birth of a little man. Let you and the baby be cozy and comfortable, and lower back pain during pregnancy, like other troubles, will be bypassed!


Watch the video: Preventing Back and Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy (June 2024).