Starch instead of botox? We make the best masks from starch against wrinkles at home.


Women rejuvenate in different ways.

Some virgins prefer to return youth radically - with injections of beauty, others act more conservatively - put masks of starch on their faces, etc. What to choose?

Even if your financial situation allows you to rejuvenate with the help of botulinum toxin, then at first try to remove wrinkles with starch and evaluate their effect.

How are masks from starch better than Botox?

Starch masks are not only less expensive - they are much safer. In fact, starch does not cause any harm to lovers of homemade anti-aging remedies. But botulinum toxin smoothes wrinkles by blocking neuromuscular transmissions. That is, it blocks the signals between the motor nerves and the muscles involved in the formation of wrinkles.

It turns out that wrinkles are smoothed only because of the weakening of the activity of the practically paralyzed muscles. It is clear that there is nothing good in turning them off. Thanks to botulinum toxin injections, a woman for a time says goodbye not only to wrinkles, but also to natural facial expressions, and sometimes even to her mature beauty.

Whoever chooses starch instead of Botox will surely get unpleasant pain and may get face asymmetry, swelling, stiffness of the upper lip, eyelid reversal, lower blink rate, ptosis, diplopia, ecchymosis, weakness, etc. Besides, the American Academy of Dermatology has not registered one dozen human deaths that were caused by injections of botulinum neurotoxin.

And the use of botulinum toxin injections has a number of contraindications. So, use starch instead of Botox is at least in order not to disfigure themselves or die.

What can face masks from starch

Many experts are confident that the masks from starch support the youth of the skin, make it taut, they increase cell regeneration, normalize the function of the glands that produce greasy secretion, moisturize, cleanse, smooth facial wrinkles, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Women who used starch for making masks confirm their effectiveness. Without hesitation, they would choose starch instead of Botox.

Ladies include starch masks as universal procedures that are suitable for all skin types. The starch masks tested by them for dry skin eliminated the feeling of tightness and flaking, for oily skin they narrowed the pores, eliminated greasy luster. Starch also cares for sensitive skin, protects it from the effects of aggressive environment. The skin becomes soft, silky, pass irritation.

In addition, 83% of women out of 100 who decided to use starch instead of Botox, were convinced that it really reduces the number of shallow facial wrinkles, tightens the skin, makes it elastic, velvety.

How to cook starch for a mask at home

Starch is found in many foods: in corn, potatoes, rice, wheat. He is in bread and pasta. To check for the presence of starch in the product, simply put iodine on a piece of the sample. If it turns blue, starch is present. Most often, this tasteless powder is used to thicken sauces, jelly. You can use purchased starch for the preparation of refills, but for a mask it is worth trying to prepare it with your own hands.

Attention: for making anti-aging masks, use potato starch.

To make starch, you need potatoes, water, grater and gauze. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater. Put gruel in cheesecloth. The latter must be tied in a knot. Place the cheesecloth with the potatoes in a glass bowl of cold water. Now we are going to actively crush our potatoes with our hands, squeezing it, pushing it. After five minutes you can drain the water. At the bottom of the bowl you will have a white precipitate - this is starch.

However, the finished product is unlikely to be unsafe, so you can not bother with the extraction of starch from potatoes, and immediately begin to prepare the mask.

Starch facial mask with botox effect

To prepare the most popular mask, which has proved to many that not only can you use starch instead of Botox, but you also need it, you will need:

1. Potato starch - one tablespoon.

2. Fat homemade sour cream - one tablespoon.

3. Natural carrot juice - five tablespoons.

4. Boiled water - half a liter.

Important: no need to make a mask of starch with purchased juice - you need to get it yourself.

The method of obtaining carrot juice: take one juicy carrots and rub the fleshy root crop on a fine grater, collect the mush in gauze and squeeze.

To prepare a mask with botox effect, you first need to make a paste from starch. A tablespoon of starch is diluted in 100 ml of warm boiled water. After that, pour the homogeneous liquid into the container. Add there another 400 ml of water and place the bowl on the tile. While heating water with starch, constantly stir the liquid until it thickens.

Attention: starch can not be brought to a boil.

You will need to select five tablespoons of starch. The remaining paste can be put in the fridge and used to prepare the next mask. When the selected starch has cooled, pour into it four tbsp. tablespoons of carrot juice, one - sour cream and mix thoroughly. The mask is applied to the skin in three layers. After the last layer has been spread, wait 30 minutes and wash off the mask with warm water.

Women claim they did not regret it by applying starch instead of Botox. Having made starch masks every other day, in a course of ten procedures, they noticed how the skin tightened, became tender, fine wrinkles smoothed out, peeling passed.

Anti-wrinkle starch masks for oily skin

Products for smoothing and cleansing oily skin can be made from the same starch paste, the method of preparation of which is described in the previous mask, competing with Botox. To it is added a teaspoon of oatmeal and whipped protein. This mixture also narrows the pores well. Exposure time means - 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

If you have oily, fading skin and an uneven complexion, then make a mask of starch, salt and liquid honey. Each of the ingredients will need only one tsp. The mask cleans well, rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles, brightens the skin, makes the tone of the face even. The first thing you need to mix the starch with honey to obtain a homogeneous creamy mass. After in the mask add fine salt (it is best to use sea).

Tip: To make sea salt shallow, pass it through a coffee grinder.

You need to smear the entire mixture, so there may be several layers. Such a means is washed off first with warm and then with cold water (contrast washing) 25 minutes after the last layer of the mask has been distributed.

Whitening starch based mask

To enhance the whitening properties of anti-aging starch, mix it with lemon juice in equal proportions. This mass is applied to the cleansed face. The mask should be washed off after 15 minutes. You will see the effect after the first procedure. The face will look fresh, bright pigment spots will turn pale, mild - may disappear altogether.

Warning: use one lemon juice is undesirable, because it can cause skin irritation. In addition, without starch, you will not be able to prepare a truly effective and safe skin-smoothing anti-aging products.

Rejuvenating mask with starch for dry skin

Women with dry skin need to think not only about how to smooth wrinkles, but also how to moisturize the face. They are suitable anti-aging products, has a calming, moisturizing action and nourishes the skin. It can be made from starch, fresh homemade milk and vegetable oil. Components are selected in equal amounts. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour. Wash - warm water.

Attention: Vegetable oil for the manufacture of skin moisturizing masks are often replaced by essential. For rejuvenation, nutrition of dry skin almond oil or wheat germ oil are well suited.

Starch mask for problem skin

The latest starch wrinkle mask recipe is suitable for women with problem skin, with pimples, redness, etc. So let's talk about how to make anti-aging, anti-inflammatory starch remedy. You will need protein, starch and tea tree oil.

First, combine three drops of butter with foamed protein, then begin to pour the starch, constantly stirring the mixture. It will be necessary so much starch that the mask would resemble sour cream of medium thickness. When 15 minutes have elapsed after the distribution of the starch-protein mass, wash your face and, after treating it with tonic, lubricate with cream for problem skin.

Using starch instead of Botox, you can be sure that you use a safe, non-debilitating method of smoothing wrinkles. But, despite the fact that starch masks rarely cause allergic reactions, they should be done in a course of 5 to 12 procedures, with a break of three to four months. The number of treatments depends on the severity of wrinkles and skin condition.


Watch the video: Cornstarch Face Mask With Botox Effect - The Results Are Fabulous! (July 2024).