Masks for dry skin - nourish and moisturize at home


Constant dryness of the skin of the face can bring discomfort, unpleasant and even painful sensations to a woman at any time of the year.

The owners of this type of skin are in the eternal search for a way to help moisturize the skin and relieve it from flaking and feeling of some kind of tightness.

For some reason, the fair sex think that it is impossible to make a good and, importantly, an effective face mask at home. They find this process laborious and time consuming. And then it may also turn out that all efforts were wasted. Time passes, but no change for the better is observed.

So, I hasten to please our dear readers with a selection of the most unpretentious, but effective masks for dry skin, which are not difficult to prepare in your own kitchen. Each of the ingredients can be freely bought on the market. Or maybe they are even already in your fridge.

Curd-banana mask to moisturize dry skin

Since childhood, we are forced to eat cottage cheese. But few people realize that it is useful for the body, not only if you have it. You can make good and really effective face masks from cottage cheese. It will have a positive effect on the skin of any type. The difference is that for oily skin it is necessary to use a completely skim cottage cheese, and for dry skin you need to buy one that has a higher percentage of fat.

It is better not to add to the mask cottage cheese purchased in the store in a pack. If the skin is too sensitive, acne and rashes can appear on it. Natural homemade product has no additives, so do not be afraid to use it.

To make a curd-banana mask at home, take one small ripe banana and mash it. To one spoon of banana add the same spoon of pre-grated curd. Dilute the gruel with two tablespoons of milk and apply on the neck and face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask should be washed off. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin with currants

Everyone knows that black currant is a real storehouse of minerals and useful vitamins that will help moisturize dry face skin, slightly refresh it and make some skin defects less noticeable. There is no more berry that would be as useful in cosmetology as currants.

The advantages of currant as the main component of a dry type skin mask are obvious: these berries are available for everyone and if they are frozen, even after defrosting they will not lose their healing properties.

To prepare such a mask at home, you will have to take some currant juice, mineral water and olive oil. These ingredients need to be poured into a single container, keeping the proportions 4: 4: 1. If everything is done correctly, then you will get a thin mass, which, for greater convenience, it is better to pour into a bottle or jar, because before applying this magic mask on the skin, it will have to be shaken well.

The mask should be kept on the skin for no more than a quarter of an hour. After this time it is necessary to wash it off. The rinsing process will be easier if you use a cotton swab for this. It will be great if in a few minutes you apply a moisturizing nourishing cream on your face.

Tomato-based mask for dry skin

In tomatoes, there are many vitamins that come to fight against dry skin, its flaking, the appearance of various inflammations and acne, which can even frighten the mood for a whole day even for the most cheerful girl.

Some of the vitamins can enhance the cell's ability to regenerate, rejuvenate the skin, soothe it and give a feeling of freshness.

Tips for those who decided to try a tomato mask:

1. It is necessary to prepare a mask only from fresh and ripe tomatoes, which are grown without the use of various types of chemicals.

2. Tomato mask is allowed to be done once in 7-10 days.

3. If your skin is too sensitive, then it is better to choose a mask for yourself, which will not include tomatoes.

To make your own mask for dry skin type from tomatoes, you need to take one medium-sized tomato and knead it so that a thick gruel is formed. To the tomato, add one small spoonful of oatmeal, previously crushed them well before that. Now break one egg and separate the yolk from the protein. Yolk should be added to cereal and tomato, mix thoroughly.

If the mask turned out too thick and does not lay down evenly thin layer on the face, then add to it as much milk as needed to change the consistency.

Avocado Mask for Fading and Dry Skin

This exotic fruit is popular not only in the field of cooking, but also in cosmetology. From it you can make excellent effective masks for any skin. Recipes of masks using it are quite simple, but effective.

The fruit is able to have a healing effect on dry and flaky skin of the face, making it soft, velvety and removing some flaws. The composition of this atypical product includes nutrients, including minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, which dry skin cells so need.

From one avocado fruit you will have the opportunity to prepare several masks. Do not worry, it will not deteriorate in the refrigerator, because it can be stored for a long time without becoming a useless product. Why is the cosmetic power of this fruit so great? It is very easy to explain. Avocado pulp is a little bit fat because of the oil, which has a special composition, and the skin cells of the face perfectly assimilate it.

To make an avocado mask for dry skin, you must take an avocado and grind its flesh. Rub a small carrot on the finest grater and add one tablespoon of avocado to it. In this mixture, you will need to add one yolk, some fatty liquid cream and one teaspoon of sweet honey. Mixing it all up well, you will get a not too thick gruel, which should be thinly spread on the skin and left there for 15 minutes. After this mask you will be able to feel how your skin grows taut and silky.

Gray clay mask for moisturizing facial skin

Gray clay is very popular among cosmetologists. They are well aware of all its beneficial properties and boldly recommend this clay to its customers who complain of dry skin and peeling.

Making regular masks of gray clay, you can increase skin elasticity, its elasticity and increase the ability of cells to regenerate. As you know, dead skin cells need to be removed so that it becomes more tender and soft. Here you will also be helped by gray clay.

The recipe for face masks based on gray clay is very simple: you need one spoon of clay, to which you need to add cool milk to get a not too thick gruel. If the mixture turns out to be very thick, then add more milk, because the thick mask does not lay down evenly on the face and hardens too quickly.

Now, with light massage movements, apply the mask on the face, avoiding the delicate areas near the eyes, and on the neck. Hold on the skin for 15 minutes and wash off with a soft sponge, slightly wetting the mask before rinsing. So it will soften a little and be removed without any effort.

Lemon-herbal mask for dry skin

Lemon is a fruit with which people have learned from ancient times to cure colds of any complexity. Even in the modern developed world, it is not inferior to any medicine. As soon as the throat starts to hurt, for example, we run to the kitchen and brew tea for ourselves, add a few pieces of lemon and squeeze out its juice so that the tea becomes rather sour. Lemon is saturated with a variety of vitamins and organic acids. It is difficult to overestimate its medicinal properties.

This wonderful fruit has been used in the field of cosmetology. It has become one of the main ingredients of many masks for all skin types. There is one effective recipe for masks with lemon and herbs, which will help moisturize dry skin and restore beauty and freshness to it. Such a mask any of you can easily cook at home. You just need to make sure that at hand are all the necessary ingredients for it.

It is necessary to take one large lemon and carefully squeeze all the juice out of it into a small container. Put another teaspoon of such herbs as chamomile, hops, St. John's wort, and yarrow into another container. Fill the herbs with hot boiled water and cover with something. Leave aside for a couple of minutes, so they infused. As soon as it takes 20-30 minutes, the infusion should be drained and add one spoon of honey and lemon to the herbs, the sour juice of which is already waiting for you in a plate. All this must be thoroughly mixed and applied in a small amount on the face no more than 2-3 times a week.

We must remember that lemon has a whitening property, so if in the summer you don’t like being in the role of Snow White, then choose a different mask recipe for yourself.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin of berries

Summer is a time when at every corner you can buy a variety of fruits and berries. Some of them grow right in your garden, so masks from the berries do not require any special costs from you. When making berry masks, you will receive no less benefit from the berries than if you take them inside.

Take some strawberries and squeeze the juice out of it to make 2 cups. Add lanolin to the strawberry juice, dissolving it in the water bath beforehand. Use the blender and chop some oatmeal and beat it with strawberry juice and lanolin.

If you apply such a mask on the skin a couple of times a week, then soon you will notice how it will begin to transform. The skin will no longer be so dry, and will no longer peel off. She will be tender and velvety, pleasant to the touch.

In conclusion:

Modern cosmetology is well developed. It can help anyone solve the problem of dry skin without taking a lot of time and effort. Shops are full of tonics, creams, masks and other means. But do not forget that even the most expensive means can not be compared for anything with face masks made from natural products prepared at home.


Watch the video: 4 Ways to Deal with Dry Skin. UPMC HealthBeat (July 2024).