Why did hyaluronic acid have balls after lip augmentation?


Lip augmentation is a long-standing trend in contour plastics, thanks to which thousands of girls have acquired the cherished shape of lips. An increase in hyaluronic acid is considered a safe procedure. Nevertheless, there are not rare cases when, for a number of reasons, complications arise that are difficult to get rid of. One of these side effects is the formation of beads and seals in the skin of the lips.

Causes of balls

Every girl dreams of the perfect shape of the lips. Increasing hyaluronic acid is a popular procedure that has several attractive benefits.

Hyaluronic acid Included in the epithelium, connective tissue and skin. With a shortage of substance, the dermis begins to age. Scientists have come up with a way to restore the level of acid in the body - to deliver from the outside.

Acid is no longer extracted from cockerel scallops or fish eyes. In the last century, it was learned to receive it artificially, which expanded its scope.

Hyaluronic acid injections can not only increase the lips, but also smooth out wrinkles and moisturize the skin.

Before lip augmentation, it is better to be examined by a doctor for contraindications. Many do not follow this rule, receiving in return lumps and balls in the skin. If there are wounds, scratches or herpes on the lips, the beautician himself will say that the procedure should be postponed. If you have an infectious disease, menstrual cycle, or pregnancy, you must report it yourself. Otherwise, complications may occur.

There are different causes of balls in lips after increase. These include:

  • Superficial injection. Insufficient depth of gel injection can cause compaction. Also, the reason may be the special structure of the lips, which did not allow the acid to descend to a sufficient depth;
  • Rejection of the drug. Each organism reacts differently to fillers. In rare cases, rejection may occur;
  • Wrong care. Often, clients ignore the recommendations of a specialist, and then try to shift their guilt. It is important to ensure the proper care of the skin “before” and “after” the procedure, as well as forget about bad habits for a short time;
  • Poor quality remedy. Even if a vial of hyaluronic acid is opened in front of the client, this does not guarantee its 100% quality. Sometimes, in expensive beauty salons, drugs can be fake;
  • Anesthetics. In order to make the procedure painless, the skin is treated with an anesthetic before injection. There is also a painkiller in the filler itself. In the presence of individual intolerance to the composition of the anesthetic, an allergic reaction may occur;
  • Medication. Some medicines can have an unpleasant effect, so it’s best to tell the beautician about the medicines you are taking.

You can get rid of lumps using professional and homemade methods. Before you begin treatment, you should consult with your cosmetologist. Only he can determine the cause of the balls and give good advice on how to eliminate them.

How to get rid of lumps?

You can get rid of lumps in the lips in different ways. With home method It is possible to get rid of seals within 7-10 days. Usually, if after one or two weeks the side effect does not disappear, then you need to contact a professional who will advise the desired method.

At home, get rid of the balls will massage and gymnastics. Hardening aimed at a uniform distribution of hyaluronic acid in the skin. They are simple and do not require much time.

In severe cases, gymnastics and massage is not enough, so you have to use more radical measures. The cosmetologist may advise you to get rid of the filler with a surgical, injection method or using ultrasound.

Home methods

If you notice that after 5-6 days after lip augmentation the side effects do not fall off and the balls remain in place, then it's time to go to a specialist. The first thing he advises you - massage and gymnastics.

Gymnastics for lips is designed to evenly distribute the administered drug over the area of ​​the lips and restore shape. This method includes three exercises:

  • First: for doing this, you need to close your lips gently and move them to the right and left;
  • Second: you need to clearly pronounce the vowel sounds, while maximally moving your lips;
  • Third: you need to get more air into the lungs and blow it out by folding your lips together.

Exercise should be performed 1-2 minutes several times a day. The more often you do, the sooner the result will come.

If gymnastics is not enough, then resort to massage. It is made using different objects. You can use your own toothbrush, ice or fingers. It is best to use all three methods, alternating between them:

  • Rub lips with a soft brush. This will be an additional help in the distribution of hyaluronic acid. Also, light massage will increase blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Ice is a great helper during rehabilitation after an increase. Freeze a decoction of chamomile, sage or calendula and rub their lips 2 times a day;
  • Apply pressure to the lips to distribute the localized surplus. Remember that lip massage can not be done a few days after the increase, especially in the first 24 hours. Even a weak physical impact on the lips in the first days can lead to migration and deformation of the filler;

If pain begins to appear during a massage, the procedure is performed incorrectly. Movement should be soft and smooth and not cause discomfort. With the correct implementation of the recommendations without complications, the balls disappear in 7-10 days.

Professional methods

Most often the balls disappear after homegymnastics and massage, otherwise it is the turn to deal with the problem of a beautician. It is best to contact the master who performed the increase, as he can determine the specific cause.

TO professional methods remove balls after magnification include:

  • The use of hardware cosmetology. With the help of ultrasound and Darsonval, metabolic processes can be significantly accelerated, which will make it possible to quickly remove the clots of the gel. This method is prescribed if there is no inflammation, fibrosis or hemorrhage on the skin;
  • Additional installation of the filler. This method has a masking character and is effective with a small lip asymmetry. There is a risk of pushing the gel to the surface with the formation of new clots;
  • Anti-rubbed enzymes. The introduction of these enzymes contributes to the resorption of lumps and balls. The method is used if the clots were formed due to the reaction of the immune system to the entry of a foreign body. Preparations are used to correct cicatricial or connective defects, for example, Lidaza, Longidaza, etc .;
  • Plastic surgery. The method is used in case of complications in the form of nodes or cysts. A small incision is made from the side of the mucous membrane of the mouth, then the ball is surgically removed;
  • Hyaluronidase Injection. This drug allows you to dissolve hyaluronic filler in a few days. Hyaluronidase is a protein enzyme that has a resolving effect.

If you do not take care of removing the lumps and balls from the connective tissue, they will turn into hard knots that can only be removed surgically. In order not to bring the skin of the lips to cosmetic methods of dealing with complications, it is better to carry out preventive measures.


The success of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, first of all, depends on the choice of a specialist. The cosmetologist must have a great deal of experience that will help you confidently perform the procedure. The drug used must be from a quality manufacturer that is in demand and has good feedback from experts.

Before the procedure you need to make sure that you do not have any contraindications. A few days before lip augmentation is needed give up:

  • Alcoholic beverages. 3-4 days before the procedure, alcohol should be completely excluded from use, as it leads to dehydration and swelling. Alcohol also dilates blood vessels, which can cause hemorrhages and bruises;
  • Eating foods that cause allergies and irritation. You need to stop eating salty, spicy pepper, and also reduce the consumption of sweets;
  • Mechanical impact. Rough peeling, scrubs damage the sensitive skin of the lips. Therefore, in order not to infect the infection with an increase, they must be abandoned for a couple of days;
  • A week before the lip augmentation should stop taking medicines that thin the blood. For example, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, etc.

During recovery after lip augmentation, you need to eat as many vitamins as possible to enhance immunity.

If the body is weakened after an illness or exhausted from stress, then inflammation may occur against such a background.

After lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid following limit yourself to the following actions:

  • Smoking. You can not smoke in the first 24 hours after the procedure. It is very dry lips, and also provokes the formation of balls and lumps in the lips;
  • Kisses Passionate kisses damage sensitive skin. Therefore, the first time it is better to suffer;
  • Alcohol. Do not drink alcohol is important not only before the procedure, but also after. The first 4-5 days of drinking is strictly prohibited. The exact date when you can again indulge in alcohol, only your specialist will say;
  • The position of the body in a dream. In the first days after the increase, it is better to sleep on your side or with your back to the bed, on a high pillow. Improper position during sleep can lead to migration of the filler;
  • Thermal exposure. 4-5 days after the procedure is forbidden to visit the sauna, bath or solarium. Also, you can not eat hot food and take a bath. High temperature leads to irritation and resorption of hyaluronic acid in the lips;
  • Physical exercise. Exercise can cause injury and migration of hyaluronic acid. Also, physical activity involves active sweating. Sweat can get into open wounds.

After the procedure it is necessary to provide special care for lips. This will shorten the rehabilitation period and prevent balls from appearing in the lips. To do this, it is important to perform the following procedures:

  • Moisturizing. This is the main aspect of lip care after augmentation. It is necessary to make nourishing masks, use lip balms or creams. Masks can be purchased or cooked at home. The main thing is that in the selected tool was the maximum amount of natural ingredients. It is recommended to add fresh chicken eggs, honey, juice or fruit pulp to the mask. When small hematomas appear, the use of special ointments is allowed, for example, Arnica, TraumelS, etc .;
  • Lip massage. The procedure can be carried out while brushing your teeth with a brush. The massage should be soft and gentle so as not to damage the sensitive skin of the lips;
  • After 10-14 days it is recommended to perform more comprehensive care, which includes three stages: cleansing, moisturizing, protection.
  • Water balance in the body. During rehabilitation it is necessary drink 1.5-2 liters of water in a day.

If you follow all the preventive actions, then after a lip augmentation, only positive impressions will remain.


Watch the video: Bumps after Lip Augmentation - Dissolving Filler in a Small, Focused Area (June 2024).