Pumpkin puree soup is a bright mood at any time of the year. Step by step recipe with photo: pumpkin soup, different options


Pumpkin soup is a hit of the autumn vegetable season, because it is popular on any continent in the world.

Pumpkin soup puree is eaten even in Africa - the range of its culinary charm is so wide! What prevents us from enjoying the languid taste and juicy orange look of this first dish made from those pumpkins that have grown on our land.

By the way, puree soups are mainly prepared from this vegetable, but the pieces of pumpkin in the soup also look just fine. You are free to add any ingredients to the classic soup recipe, since pumpkin is such a versatile product that it gets along well with any vegetables, additives and spices!

For one serving of orange first course you will need:

- 250 g of peeled pumpkin;

- 1 clove of garlic;

- 2-3 pinch of salt;

- 2 pinches of seasoning "Provencal herbs";

- 150 ml of hot water;

- 1-2 bay leaves;

- greens to taste.

Delicate, spicy and incredibly fragrant soup puree will be enjoyed even by children, especially if you guess when buying a pumpkin. It is necessary to choose it carefully so that the vegetable turns out to be with sweet and ripe pulp inside. Some say that the pumpkin, like its melon counterparts: watermelon and melon, smell even outside when ripe.

That is why it is recommended that you first smell the pumpkin when buying. if you feel a light melon sweetness - feel free to take it. By the way, you do not need to immediately use the pumpkin pulp for its intended purpose - you can cut it into pieces and freeze in portioned packets in the freezer. Thus, all the vitamins and minerals in it are perfectly preserved.

So, peeled and rinsed in water slices of pumpkin pulp, place in a saucepan or pan, pour hot water.

Add there a few bay leaves - to give a spicy aroma, and salt.

Many cooks at this stage add chopped carrots, onions and even potatoes to the soup, but this recipe is classic, so we prepare the first directly from one vegetable - pumpkin!

Cook the pumpkin for about 8-10 minutes if you chopped it not too large. You will learn about the readiness of this vegetable by its softness. Insert a fork or knife into the pulp: it pierces effortlessly - it's time to remove the soup from the stove.

Peel the garlic clove and rinse it in water.

Pour the pumpkin pulp soup into a bowl with high sides and compress the garlic clove there. Puree with a blender to a uniform orange mass - it will emit a charming garlic aroma.

Pour the soup into portioned dishes and garnish with a pinch of seasoning and green leaves. Have a nice day!

Agree that this soup puree looks attractive in spring, especially in comparison with other soups! Now let's calculate how much the preparation of this dazzling orange first will result:

- 250 g of peeled pumpkin - 5 rubles .;

- 1 clove of garlic - 2 rubles .;

- 2 pinches of Provencal herbs seasoning and bay leaf - 2 rubles.

Total: a portion of the classic pumpkin soup puree does not even reach 10 rubles and this despite the fact that this vegetable grows literally in every garden in a private house! This is an elementary example of savings, because in a restaurant you would pay at least 50-60 rubles for such a first course. Therefore, get a pumpkin, cook a prescription soup on our website and save your money by spending it on other pleasures!

And if you want to experiment - choose any other option from those proposed below.

Pumpkin Puree Soup


500 g of pumpkin;

20 ml olive oil;

100 g of celery stalks;

salt and freshly ground pepper;

150 g of onions;

500 ml of boiling water;

2 cloves of garlic;

150 g of tomatoes.

Cooking method

1. Chop finely peeled onions, garlic and celery. We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds and cut into large pieces.

2. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, remove the peel and scrub the seeds with a teaspoon. Dice the pulp.

3. Heat the oil in a thick-walled pan, put chopped celery, garlic and onions. Stuff, stirring, until soft. Then add the pumpkin and continue to simmer for about five minutes. Put the tomatoes, you can add a little chili pepper. Stir and simmer over moderate heat for ten minutes.

4. Pour boiling water so that the liquid slightly covers the vegetables. Stew until soft pumpkins.

5. Drain the broth from the vegetables, cool them and send to a blender. Grind everything until smooth. Strain the broth.

6. Combine the pumpkin puree with the broth. Adjust the amount of broth depending on what consistency you want. Salt and warm over low heat. Pour the soup into plates and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper.

Creamy Pumpkin Soup


450 g pumpkin;

celery stalk;

200 g carrots;


kitchen salt;

60 ml of olive oil;


Cooking method

1. Peel the onion. Put celery and onions in a pot of water, put on a slow fire, and cook the vegetable broth.

2. Put the stewpan on the fire, heat olive oil in it. Chop onion not too finely peeled. Cut the peeled carrots sufficiently large into cubes. Put the prepared vegetables in a saucepan and simmer until the onions are transparent.

3. Peel the seeds and peel the pumpkin. Cut it into cubes too. Put the pumpkin over the fried vegetables, mix and fry. Then cover and simmer all the vegetables for another quarter hour to make the pumpkin soft.

4. Pour the hot vegetable broth to the vegetables to cover them. Cover and simmer over the fire for about 15 minutes. Then, using a dip blender, mashed vegetables, salt. If necessary, add the broth. Warm up the soup and serve.

Pumpkin Puree with Potatoes


450 g pumpkin;

25 g of sugar;

800 g of potatoes;

15 g of salt;

55 g ghee;

250 ml of milk;

150 g of white crackers.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potatoes and pumpkin, rinse and cut into small, thin slices.

2. Boil the water in the kettle. We spread the vegetables in a deep saucepan, and pour them with boiling water. Salt, sweeten, and put a spoonful of ghee. Cook over low heat until vegetables are tender.

3. Put three handfuls of crackers in the soup, stir and boil. Using a submersible blender, puree the soup and bring the required consistency to hot milk. Put a piece of butter, warm the soup and turn it off.

Cream Cheese Pumpkin Soup


a pound of pumpkin;

parsley - greens;

150 g of onions;

salt and ground red and black pepper;

150 g carrots;

half a glass of cream;

200 g of potatoes;

75 g of soft cream cheese.

Cooking method

1. Peel, rinse and chop the pumpkin finely. Sauté the vegetables in hot oil until soft.

2. Peel the potato, cut into small pieces, put in a boiling broth and cook for 20 minutes.

3. Add the vegetable fry to the broth and cook until tender. Using a blender, grind pumpkin soup with a submersible blender.

4. Freeze processed cheese, grate it and add to soup. Pepper, put the grated garlic, salt, and pour in the cream. Stir until the cheese is completely dispersed.

Pumpkin Puree with Apple


2 shallots;

30 g butter;

500 g pumpkin;

7 g of salt;

3 cloves of garlic;

60 ml olive oil;

large apple;


a stalk of celery.

Cooking method

1. Free from husks onions and garlic. We cut the garlic into plates, chop the onion in large cubes, cut the celery into pieces. Coarsely chopped pumpkin pulp, peeled from skin and seeds.

2. Heat the oil in a thick-walled pan, and fry celery, onions and garlic in it. We spread the pumpkin and fry for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3. Peel the apple and cut it into cubes. Send it to the vegetables and fry for another three minutes.

4. Pour everything with boiling water and cook until the pumpkin softens. Then we pour the broth into a separate plate, salt and puree everything with a submersible blender. We put the butter, pour in a little broth and continue to whisk, achieving the necessary consistency. Warm up, pour on plates, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, and serve.

French Pumpkin Puree Soup


350 g of potatoes;

hl ginger

500 g pumpkin;

ground pepper and sea salt;

large onion;

one and a half Art. milk;

40 g celery root;

50 mo rast. oils;

wheat crackers - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash the vegetables and celery root. At the pumpkin, remove the pulp and seeds, cut it into pieces. Also cut the potatoes. Shred onion finely.

2. Heat oil in a cauldron and passer onion in it, about three minutes until transparent.

3. Add the remaining vegetables to the onion, pour boiling water so that it completely covers them. Salt, twist the fire and cook until soft for 20 minutes.

4. Drain the broth, and transfer the vegetables to a blender bowl. Beat them to a puree state.

5. Return the vegetables to the pan, dilute the mashed potatoes with warmed milk. Pour it in until you get the desired density. Warm over moderate heat for about ten minutes. Pepper, put the grated ginger and mix. Serve sprinkled with wheat crackers.

Pumpkin and Potato Soup


incomplete glass of 20% cream;

raw smoked bacon - 200 g;

a pound of pumpkin;


500 g of potatoes;

olive oil;

70 g of parmesan;

vegetable broth - one and a half liters;

parsley and green onions;


cheese - 120 g.

Cooking method

1. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. We will do the same with potatoes.

2. Cut the bacon into the noodles. Put it in a thick-walled pan, and drown the fat. Put the fried bacon on a plate. In the melted fat, put the chopped onion, add a little oil and fry it until golden brown.

3. Put potatoes and pumpkins in a pan, and lightly fry.

4. Pour all the hot broth so that it completely covers the vegetables. Close the lid and cook for 20 minutes. Turn off the fire. Using a submersible blender we turn the soup into mashed potatoes. Pour the cream and mix well.

5. Rinse parsley and green onions. Finely cover them. Grind the cheese into large chips.

6. Pour soup into a plate, put the fried bacon and crackers. Sprinkle everything with herbs and cheese chips.

Pumpkin soup with apples


apples - 400 g;

coarse pepper and salt;

a pound of pumpkin;

25 g savory;

400 g of vegetable broth;

225 ml cream;

60 ml rust oils;

onion head.

Cooking method

1. Peel and finely chop the onion.

2. Peel the peel from the apples, cut each into quarters and remove the core. We chop an apple with two centimeter cubes.

3. Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the peel and remove the seeds. Cut it in the same slices as apples.

4. Put the cauldron on a moderate fire, heat the oil in it and pass the chopped onion in it until soft. Season with pepper and salt, add the broth.

5. Place the pumpkin and apples in the cauldron. Bring to a boil over high heat. Then we twist the fire, cover the cauldron with a lid and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin softens.

6. Pour a third of the soup into the blender bowl and chop. Pour the pureed soup into a bowl. Grind the rest of the vegetables using a hand blender.

7. Wash the cauldron and pour the pureed soup into it. Pour the cream and warm the soup puree over moderate heat, not bringing to a boil.

Pumpkin soup with tomatoes and blue cheese


120 ml sour cream;

500 g of pumpkin;

60 g of blue cheese;

300 g of potatoes;

250 g of tomato;

100 g carrots;

20 ml olive oil;

100 g of onions;

garlic - clove.

Cooking method

1. Grind the peeled pumpkin and potatoes for soup. Pour the vegetables with water, salt and cook for 20 minutes until soft.

2. Finely chop the garlic and onion. Grind peeled carrots into large chips. Put the carrots, onions and garlic in a preheated oil pan and fry until cooked.

3. Put the vegetable frying in a pan with vegetables. Bring to a boil.

4. Mash the soup with a hand blender. If necessary, add a little boiling water to achieve the required density. Bring to a boil again.

5. Pour soup into a bowl, pour a little tomato. Put pieces of blue cheese and sour cream in the middle.

Pumpkin soup with hunting sausages and beans


hunting sausages - 100 g;

a pinch of black pepper, cinnamon and caraway seeds;

50 ml of olive oil;

lemon juice - 30 ml;

3 cloves of garlic;

a slice of chili pepper;

300 g pumpkin;

half a glass of beans.

Cooking method

1. Boiled soaked overnight beans until cooked. Throw in a colander, and pour the broth into a separate bowl.

2. While the beans are being prepared, we will take care of the pumpkin. We clean it, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces.

3. We chop the onion in half rings. Cut the garlic into thin slices. Hunting sausages in small pieces.

4. Put in a pan, where we will cook soup, sausages and fry, without adding oil. Put them on a plate.

5. Pour in the olive oil and saute the garlic and onions over low heat. Then add small pieces of chili pepper and fry for another three minutes. Season with cinnamon, caraway seeds and pepper, mix and fry for another minute.

6. Spread slices of pumpkin, pour water to cover it, and bring to a boil over low heat. Continue to simmer, lidding for about 25 minutes.

7. Add half the beans to the pumpkin and mash everything with a blender. Top up the bean broth in the process until we get the necessary consistency. Salt, pepper and add lemon juice. Stir and put the rest of the beans and sauteed sausages. Stir again and infuse the soup for ten minutes.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with Mary. July 20, 2019 (July 2024).