India is dangerous. Especially for women


Arriving in India, you will encounter wealth and shocking poverty, the luxury of palaces and mud houses, bright and beautiful actresses, and moral and ethical standards of behavior of women - all this can be found only in this amazing country. So what does a tourist need to do to avoid being in an unpleasant situation?

About appearance

In your wardrobe should not be tight, translucent and open things. In many parts of the country, a woman can not wear a swimsuit, learn about it from your guide. You can use a cotton shirt and long or short sleeves as clothing. If you want to look like Indian beauties, get yourself a sari.

About behavior

You should take into account that India is very different from many countries, especially European ones. You should not talk to strangers and consider them too intently, it may seem to them that you are flirting with them. If you are asked about a personal one, do not respond. Do not stay together with Indian men, even if they are taxi drivers or shop sellers. Make sure that there are no men in your room, even if it’s a hotel clerk, do not allow anyone to go in there. If you are not against a night with a foreigner, then note that in India, every fifth person is a carrier of AIDS.

Also look after your money and things. Due to the high poverty in the country there are many thieves. Watch your bags, better if they are fastened to each other. Try to keep money in a hotel safe, in your pocket or bag. Do not forget about checking accounts, because if you do not take this into account, then you will definitely be deceived.

About vehicles

It is best if you go by bus, because they are the safest and most convenient transport in this country. Best if you get a bag on wheels. If you carry a lot of bags with you, you will surely attract the attention of thieves. Consider that it is better not to wear jewelry and clothing, again, to avoid attracting attention.

We assure you that if you listen to these tips, your vacation in this amazing country will not spoil anything.


Watch the video: India is a dangerous place to be a woman (June 2024).