Star fever


Only 8% of the Earth’s inhabitants are born rich, and the famous ones are not at all. If over-provision can be a generous gift of fate for the first birthday, then fame is always a result of the efforts made, and often of overcoming yourself, your weaknesses, fears or diseases.

Albert Einstein

Iron sarcasm of the last argument "I, too, found Einstein!" It is built on a comparison of the mental abilities of an opponent with the outstanding intellect of a great scientist. But few people know that the parents of a genius seriously feared for his future: in childhood he was a backward, slowed down and extremely shy child.

Reading the father of modern physics with great difficulty learned only to the second class, but in exact sciences a couple of years ahead of all his peers. Going to school, little Albert preferred his homework, devoted to intensive study of books on natural science and geometry.

Most biographers of an eminent thinker believe that dyslexia, a violation of the ability to master reading skills, was the cause of learning difficulties. But a careful study of the memoirs of Einstein’s contemporaries, including his closest relatives, suggests that the “culprit” of the children's ills of future talent, rather, Asperger syndrome is one of the forms of autism.

Anyway, the everyday eccentricity of the creator of the theory of relativity did not prevent him from becoming one of the most famous personalities of the twentieth century. Perhaps all because his main rule of life was the complete absence of any rules.

Tom Cruise

But in the diagnosis of one of the brightest movie stars of our time there is no doubt. In childhood, the "full-time missionary" of Hollywood literally suffered from dyslexia. The idiot label was invariably hung on Cruise in each of the 15 schools that were replaced during 14 years of study. Even the long-suffering of the monks of the seminary of St. Francis didn’t have enough to study with a teenager confused in letters and words. In the Catholic school, he lasted only a year. It was the verdict of the holy fathers that was the last straw - Tom decided to by all means prove to everyone, and most importantly - to himself that he was worth something.

The successful experience of participating in school theater productions inspired him to storm the Hollywood heights. And he was not mistaken. Three times the most beautiful man in the world (according to People magazine), the third one in a hundred stars for the entire existence of cinema (Empire magazine) still reads enviable contracts by syllables now.

Bruce willis

Acting helped to cope with the unpleasant problem and the main savior of all times and peoples. Up to 20 years Die Hard stuttered strongly, despite the best efforts of speech therapists. Only his own recipe turned out to be effective: to make others laugh, so that they would not notice his painful hesitations in speech. Fortunately, Willis did not stutter a long time ago, but the sense of humor, which developed as a defensive reaction, did not disappear anywhere.

John kennedy

For about 20 years he hid his serious illness - Addison. When this disease produces an insufficient amount of adrenaline, which significantly reduces the efficiency and affects the ability to be upright. In other words, Kennedy was sentenced to bed rest. The diagnosis became public only after the politician was elected head of state. But even then, and after so many years, even the most vehement of his critics cannot and cannot accuse the most beloved president of the United States of America for his inadequate performance of duties due to poor health.

Mark Wahlberg

Now an exemplary family man and father of four children in his youth had huge problems with drugs and not only. 25 police transfers for antisocial behavior (vandalism, violence, racism) ended with a two-year prison sentence for attempted murder. Under the influence of phencyclidine, 16-year-old Wahlberg robbed a pharmacy and nearly killed two Vietnamese people. He preferred to serve his sentence in a colony for adult criminals, counting on early release. And so it happened - after a month and a half he was free.

Then in one of his interviews, Mark admitted that in “Deer Island” he realized that prison was not at all what he wanted, and we must learn to follow the correct path. In the end, he did it all, because the main thing is to want it.


Watch the video: WizKid - Fever Official Video (June 2024).