We strengthen the immune system of the baby after a year


The principle of formation of the immune system in humans is a very complex and lengthy process. It is noticed that its main component originates with the child during the entire prenatal development. In the first minutes of the infant's life, colostrum feeding plays an enormous role in the formation of immunity. According to numerous medical studies, it has been proven that colostrum in its composition gives the newborn the greatest protection against various viruses and bacteria. It is this product of feeding that performs the function of a natural intestinal filter, preventing its colonization with various parasites and infections.

The question of how to strengthen the immunity of the child will always be relevant for each mother. Since the children's body reacts differently to external stimuli, the system of immunity is special. It depends on the age of the child. Thus, the immunity of a one-year-old baby, thanks to mother's milk and milk mixtures, is strong enough to protect against various infections. Considerable health care can be obtained from various natural factors. Sunbathing, water treatments, regular walks in the fresh air will be useful for the child. Do not forget that the systematized inoculation will be able to protect the baby from diseases of various kinds.

Of course, the immunity of a two-year-old child and its effective functioning requires proper attention from parents. At this age, the process of breastfeeding is partially or fully completed, which means that the supply of nutrients to prevent the activity of viruses stops. Therefore, to determine the level of immunity of a two-year-old child, it is necessary to take into account his general physical condition, appetite, mood. The presence of enlarged lymph nodes, signs of allergy and general irritability of the child can serve as significant indicators of the immunodeficiency of the baby. In identifying a low level of functioning of the immune system, a number of measures should be taken to increase it:

- balanced diet;

- use of vitamins;

- physical exercise;

- airing the room in which the child is located; regular walks;

- healthy and full sleep.

According to the results of scientific research, at the age of two factors appear that can negatively affect the child’s immune system. During this period, contacts with other children are increasing and a rich process of familiarization with the outside world takes place. Therefore, in order to avoid the entry of new infections into the body of a baby, it is necessary to limit its contact with other children to a minimum. When running and complex infectious diseases should be resorted to vaccination and the use of various immune-strengthening means of plant origin. Get more detailed and instructive information on the use and dosage of drugs, each mother can consult an immunologist.

There is a direct dependence of the child’s immunity on the following facts and indicators:

- genetic heredity;

- difficult course of pregnancy;

- The health of the parents of the baby;

- the presence of any infections in the womb;

- level of gestation;

- the emotional state of the mother.

Thus, it is possible to maintain strong immunity in the children's body when organizing proper breastfeeding of a child from the first days of life. At the stages of growing up, special attention should be paid to the living conditions of the baby. Quality nutrition, emotional state, the health of internal organs, exercise are the main components of a strong immune system of the child.


Watch the video: The Immune System (July 2024).