7 mistakes in applying sunscreen and how it can harm your skin


Sunscreen is one of the best inventions of mankind to protect the skin. It can prevent burns, minimize wrinkles and other signs of aging, and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Specialists usually recommend choosing a waterproof sunscreen with a wide spectrum of action and an SPF of 30 and above.

For daily use, a mineral product with zinc and titanium is best suited. Mineral (or physical) sunscreens protect the skin from sunlight, they do not irritate it, but, on the contrary, actively moisturize, unlike chemical sunscreens, which absorb rays and convert them to heat. By the way, please note: the researchers found that exposure to ultraviolet light causes about 80% of the visible signs of aging on the face. So what do you need to know? Even the best sunscreen will not work properly if you apply it incorrectly.

  1. You apply cream only when you have already reached the beach

If you smear a product on yourself, already under the scorching sun, then you risk returning home as boiled cancer. Apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before going outside, as your skin needs time to absorb protective ingredients. Rub the cream as evenly as possible, and then begin to dress for the exit.

  1. You greed by applying cream

To achieve maximum effect, you should not skimp in terms of applying cream to the body. Most people use it sparingly and punctually, which can leave streaks and not provide the necessary protection for the skin. Experts advise to completely cover your body with at least 30 g of cream (an incomplete glass) on hot sunny days.

  1. You skip important parts of the body

It is important to apply the product to all areas exposed to the sun, although there are several places that people usually skip. They do not put it on forever, and, frankly, do not even suspect that this must be done. The fact is that the skin of the eyelids has the highest incidence of cancer. Lips are another often overlooked area, and they do not contain much melanin, which is a protective pigment. Moreover, lip gloss under the sun is harmful. The more hydrated your lips, the easier it is for ultraviolet rays to penetrate deeper into unprotected skin.

  1. You do not consider it necessary to reapply sunscreen

People really are not aware that the cream layer should be updated from time to time. This is not a magic potion that will protect you forever. The golden rule: apply sunscreen at least once every two hours, and even more often if you sweat a lot or bathe. Even the most water-resistant products retain their SPF properties only for an hour and a half. Repeated application of the cream will also help you achieve a more even distribution.

  1. You apply the cream unevenly

When applying the cream unevenly, you cannot rely on its protection indicated on the label. Rub heavily on exposed areas of the body to maximize coverage. In this case, you can use sprays that lie more evenly on the skin - just be careful when applying. Sprays are really convenient, but it can be difficult for you to understand if you have covered all open areas. Continue spraying until the skin shines.

  1. You ignore sunscreen on cloudy days

Even when the sun is cloudy, 80% of its ultraviolet rays reach your skin. Agree that almost no one uses sunscreen in cloudy weather - and this is very risky! Therefore, apply the cream anytime you go outside, regardless of cloud cover. People have a misconception about how the sun affects them. They do not understand that the danger of its rays is present not only on the beach. Doctors even advise putting sunscreen next to toothpaste to remind yourself of the need for its use.

  1. You do not pay attention to the expiration date

Do you use the same bottle of cream year after year? Then you risk it! The shelf life of this product is a maximum of three years. After that, he will no longer provide you with the necessary level of protection. If you do not see this date on the container itself, then by default, consider that the action ends three years after the date of purchase.


Watch the video: 11 Common Mistakes About Sunscreen And How To Choose The Best One (July 2024).