The most conflicting and non-conflicting zodiac signs in a relationship


The ability to resolve conflicts peacefully is an important and vital skill in personal relationships. And are you able to not aggravate the contradictions, but to look for ways to compromise and understanding? After all, sometimes what seems like an absolute trifle can completely ruin a relationship. How do different signs of the zodiac know (or do not know how) to cope with such situations?

  1. Aries

Aries is an active and busy person. He understands that a long protracted discussion will not help in resolving the dispute. This sign prefers to plan a discussion and set a clear time limit for it: a maximum of 10 minutes. Aries will not survive more, and then he will lose his temper, will come into a state of extreme rage and explode.

  1. Taurus

With an angry Taurus, it is better not to enter into a discussion. Before starting peace negotiations, Taurus takes a break to restore internal balance: he thinks for a long time how to come to a reasonable decision, but he is not going to make concessions, since he considers himself right. Do not even think to customize Taurus in his thoughts.

  1. Twins

Conflict resolution of any kind, and especially in a relationship, is a special gift from Gemini. Reconciliation talks are what this zodiac sign can do at the level of innate instincts. Gemini always express their point of view honestly, openly and without malice, but they do it tactfully and in a friendly manner.

  1. Crayfish

Cancer has no desire to hurt anyone, so he tries to solve the problems with an open and sincere dialogue. He is well aware that understatement and accumulated grievances will eat him from the inside and will not allow him to live in peace. Cancer will always take a step towards the first, in order to quickly end any skirmishes and quarrels.

  1. a lion

Lions are amazing and talented communicators. To achieve peace in a relationship, they take full responsibility for their actions, emotions and words. However, the Lions use their strategy so skillfully and masterfully turn everything in their favor so that their partner does not feel hurt or loser. But Leo is always on top and looks like a brilliant peacemaker.

  1. Virgo

This sign knows a lot about the quick end to any conflict. Virgo are very logical and successful in resolving contentious issues in any relationship, including personal. They will not go on the rampage, scream and scandal. Their method is persuasion and methodical imposition of their opinions, and then quiet reconciliation. Virgo knows how to achieve the desired effect!

  1. Libra

Libra is a completely non-conflict zodiac sign. Moreover, they are afraid of fire like quarrels and scandals. But if the problem is already ripe, Libra is trying to immediately clarify the situation, and not close his eyes for painful moments and put off the decision in the long box. Libra prefers everything to be fair and honest.

  1. Scorpio

Scorpios are distinguished by their intelligence and judgment. They always delve into the depths of the problem before taking any decisive steps or incorporating strong emotions that can aggravate the situation. This sign will aggressively seek a solution that will benefit both parties. Scorpio appreciates peace and tranquility in a relationship.

  1. Sagittarius

Sagittarius does not tolerate conflicts, and his first desire will be to escape away from any explosive situation. But if relations are dear to him, Sagittarius will certainly begin to seek a way out through peaceful and honest negotiations. He does not like to hush up problems, be offended, wear a stone in his bosom, and he wants understanding, harmony and stability.

  1. Capricorn

Capricorn has clearly set all priorities. He is convinced that preserving a bad world is more important than winning at any cost in a dispute or quarrel. Therefore, Capricorn will offer the most effective options to reconcile with the opponent and establish a normal dialogue. He will not aggravate relations and will prefer a compromise acceptable to both parties.

  1. Aquarius

Aquarians are able to maintain clarity of thought and calm in resolving a conflict with their partner. They do not use comparisons, do not follow the opinion of others, do not try to blame their other half or, on the contrary, to justify themselves. Controlling emotions helps them find the right way out and make the most prudent decision.

  1. Fish

When Pisces tries to agree on a peace in their relations, the first thing that is important for them to find out is whether there is still love between two people. And if feelings have disappeared, then there is no point in resolving the situation. Pisces is not at all difficult to apologize and admit their wrong. They strive with all their might to ensure that their partner does not feel hurt or offended.
