True separation: women under what signs of the zodiac couples should be afraid


A representative of absolutely any sign can become a homemaker, but under certain constellations they occur much more often than others. The woman is in a hurry to live, she does not want to spend time living together with a man from a young age, overcoming family difficulties, it is easier for her to take someone else's and ready-made. Under their sights are successful married men who are financially secure, loaded with work. Such representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, do not need to wash shirts, cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, give birth to children. These matters are handled by a legal spouse.

The task of the separation: to attract the attention of an enviable man, to pull him out of the family, to support him several times in difficult times, but only in moral terms. As a rule, a long and fruitful relationship with a love woman does not work out, she is quickly saturated with a trophy and goes in search of a new victim. Such women are very insidious, beautiful, smart. Protecting your beloved from her charms is possible only by limiting communication with such a subject. What signs of the zodiac should be most feared?


Among the representatives of this zodiac sign of lovebirds there is a very large number. On their own, these women are successful, hardworking, beautiful and attractive. They often run successful businesses and reach heights in their careers. Next to them they see the same successful man. But males rarely achieve financial independence at age 20, do not run an empire at an early age. Therefore, Pisces women choose older companions and preferably married. Married men usually lead a measured life, do not rush anywhere and sometimes they don’t have enough peppercorns that a new woman can give. This is what Pisces uses. They attract men with their intelligence, beauty, and are able to communicate with the opposite sex on equal terms.

Women Pisces will stop at nothing to achieve the desired effect. Even if a man is married and happy in marriage, they will be able to circumvent this fact. They do not value the happiness of others, the main thing is to build your own. The fact is certainly deplorable, but it has a place to be in our society. Pisces do not even hesitate to take personal from his girlfriend, there are such cases.

Fishes are able to show their best side and also dodge well if the situation plays against them. Pisces like hunting and fighting for the trophy itself.


Representatives of this sign are far from the skills and abilities of Pisces, but nevertheless belong to the category of female warriors. Twin women are very active, positive and entrepreneurial. They do their job tirelessly, go to the intended goal.

Twins are considered successful in work, in school, they are very friendly and always strive to be in the spotlight. For this reason, they are always surrounded by a large number of friends and acquaintances. In terms of love, what matters to them is not the struggle and competition with another woman, but the short-term enjoyment of their victory. The twins are quite windy and fickle. They are so persistent in achieving their goal, but enjoy victory in a very short time.


Aries women are real fighters. They are attracted to what is inaccessible, forbidden, and elusive. A married man is just a forbidden fruit that you really want to try.

Loyal wives are obtained from Aries, but this is only on condition that a strong and promising man can keep her. If a successful male looms on the horizon, she will be able to forget about moral principles. She comes to grips with an enviable share of adventurism and pressure. Married men often forget that life can be not only quiet and calm, but also turbulent, funny and cheeky. Aries understand this and begin open actions on the object of adoration.

It is possible to resist this lovebird only in this way, load it with the difficulties and problems associated with family life. She quickly gets tired of the routine and loses interest in the subject of adoration.


Among Capricorns, there are the least number of female warriors, but basically they only take disliked and stale goods. They are able to discern the potential in any man and help him to rise. If they managed to consider it, then the wives should think and beware. Capricorns are very stubborn and know what a man needs: sex, love, support and adoration. They will give all this in full and even more.

In this situation, a man may not regret that he abandoned his family and went over to Capricorn, because a representative of this sign can improve his life and give much more than his legal spouse. The rest of the Capricorn women are very respectful of marriage, family ties and the hearth. They will not go ahead if they see a full bowl in the family. In a sense, their actions can even be considered noble.


Watch the video: Zodiac Signs That Would Make The Perfect Couples (July 2024).