What will it be for you on April 14: a unique horoscope of druids and a "danger index" for all zodiac signs


A weekend in April simply cannot be tracing paper from any other day. This is a unique 24 hours, during which the life of all the symbols of the horoscope of the Druids takes a completely amazing and entertaining turn.

Each of them will find in this horoscope indications of what is likely to be waiting for him on April 14, and there will also be tips in the horoscope on how to spend the day better.

But in order for the picture of this day to become clear, like a cloudless sky, you need to add to the predictions a “hazard index”, which can be found at the end of the article - it is possible to find out from it what degree of caution is recommended to you today.


Apple tree: No matter how you plan this day, everything will go wrong and you will be disappointed. But this is only the beginning of the saying about lemons, from which fate gives a chance to make lemonade. Take a look around, trust your intuition and use the remaining opportunities of the day - in the evening you can bloom from self-satisfaction.


Fir: Despite the day off, do not slow down the pace in matters relating to improving your home and health. But give up thoughtless risks, not because it doesn’t work out, but because if you are overly lucky today, become unlucky next week.


Elm: Someone close to you will cause you to have a frank conversation about love, but uses all that has been said below to manipulate you. And in principle, only in private with you today can you count on peace of mind. Allow half an hour of meditation, make from clay, in a word, unload the nervous system ... And so that there are no boring impressions of the day, you can tighten the cooking of a new dish in the evening. Today, meat and spices are useful to you, exotic like Indian cuisine.


Cypress: Try not to spoil the life of your household with your mood swings - they are not to blame that this spring is a little difficult for you ... Perhaps this is vitamin deficiency. And maybe - the unrealized potential is crushing, because you are really talented.

Small everyday joys, like a cup of tea with cookies, a hot shower, and your favorite music, will help to relieve the atmosphere.


Poplar: It’s a good day to go shopping, but keep an eye on the balance of funds - discounts can mesmerize you better than singing sirens. If ideas about your business come, write down so as not to forget, these are really valuable thoughts. You can go on a visit - the hosts will welcome you very warmly, but do not forget something sweet for tea - they may not have this.


Cedar: On this day, your intellectual potential is as powerful as ever, so do not lie idly on the couch. Perhaps you analytically find a way out of a problem. Or successfully start learning a foreign language. You can even write poems for the second half - it will be appreciated.


Pine: Stop tormenting yourself with thoughts of your final failure. If you are optimistic and impudent - correct everything next week. In the meantime, do household chores - spring requires cleanliness and order. As for personal life, then avoid talking on problematic topics - you may be misunderstood and offended.


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Willow: You need an energy reboot from financial worries, so do not wander for a long time in the store, it is better to return home and read a book about self-development. To find a way out of a difficult situation, it is useful to turn to the experience of other people. And do not forget about the current season - even if fresh vegetables are abundant on the table ... if today you start a garden of greens on the windowsill - with great probability everything will grow rapidly and quickly.


Linden: On this day, it seems that the whole essence of the world is changing for your prosperity and greatness. You will be surrounded by faithful helpers, bathe in praise and be able to do whatever you want. But be careful - spend the opportunity of luck on the important, because investing in worthless things can later turn against you.


Oak: The events of this day will show the way to improving the financial situation, but you will probably have to postpone the planned big expenses until better times. But instead of being sad, think about the possibility that you may not yet fully manage what you have.


Hazel: A good day to go on a trip or just take a long trip. Also today you are distinguished by increased sensitivity, so keep an eye on the information field around so as not to be upset. By evening, free time is free, which it is advisable to spend on caring for your body, but do not experiment with your appearance - this April, in principle, you do not feel too good about your style.


Rowan: Beware of physical overload - health damaged in April can be restored until the fall. But your mind will withstand everything, so if you need to enter into a dispute with someone or resolve a conflict, you act and don’t know the compromises in ensuring well-being for yourself and your closest, loved ones.


Maple: Harmonious, easy day, sweet in impressions, like maple syrup. Try to do in it what you are usually accustomed to, consciously protect yourself from the new and the unfamiliar. It can be said that this is the best moment of spring to feel and appreciate all the charm of a measured, quiet everyday life.


Nut: Today you can feel what spring is with love, from which the heart stops and dizzy. And be sure - it will be mutual feelings. But just do not plan serious for a long time - after all, this is, in fact, only a spring adventure and you and this person will cool off peacefully with love by the summer.


Jasmine: You will have a unique chance to refute the truth that you cannot run away from yourself. This spring, you can become the best version of yourself - if you don’t focus on the little things, take time for the main thing. And also think about the cottage - the upcoming season runs the risk of turning into a conquest of the jungle if you do not optimize your planting.


Chestnut: Be curious and greedy for information, absorb it as the roots of trees drink water - much of what is learned today can be compared to seeds from which something useful for you can grow ... In the field of labor, health, psychology. But beware if invited to visit - there you can meet an old foe.


Ash: Today the spirit of rivalry will turn you round, but be nobler in this confrontation than your opponent. And by the way, keep in mind - any said lie on this day will inevitably accelerate. You are also encouraged to look at things in a new way - this will bring diversity to life and show the right path in diverse development.


Hornbeam: Try not to fulfill the wishes of others today and do only what is beneficial to you - a fraction of egoism will result in the preservation of nerves and resources. Also, there is a high probability of a certain situation that will require you to quickly and non-standard solutions, simply shocking others. But be calm - success is on your side.


Figs: A promising day in which the pros and cons are equally divided. But still it may seem that something is going wrong. Leave the philosophy to the sages, and focus on the practical issues of everyday life - its comfort is an "investment" in the prosperity of all your other areas of life.


Birch tree: In order not to be in a stupid situation, pacify your pride and listen and observe more than you speak and act. It will be revealed to you which of your friends is closer to you than others, but if you are not sensitive enough, they may doubt your comradely feelings. In a word, this day is very neat and full of wisdom, like a birch in spring juices.


Olive: You have to find out that even joyful events can squeeze strength out of a person, like juice from grapefruit. Let it go by chance - so that everything good will not depreciate. But do not step aside - then someone else will take the initiative and take the fruits of your success for yourself, and you, what good, will find yourself in the position of Cinderella.


Beech: It’s a good day to tell fortunes on plants or just talk frankly about this phenomenon with a person who cares about you. You also need a good, strong and healthy sleep this spring, which means at least plan this weekend with this condition.


"Danger Index" for the signs of the horoscope of the Druids on Sunday, April 14, 2019



1-2 points:It might be safer for you to tease a tyrannosaurus today, but you have to deal with what is. Be careful and do not be afraid to miss something - the risk of getting a negative shining with a black hole is much greater.

3 points: Stick to the middle ground and the system of wisdom - no matter what is done, everything is for the best. Do not expose yourself to danger where there are other options, albeit more complex or less profitable.

4-5 points: Not always a person is in such safety in the Universe as you are today. Do not miss the chance and be brave, but, of course, dispose of the welfare of this day wisely, just as you would carefully manage gold coins.


Your mark: Apple tree: 3.7 Fir: 4.2 Elm: 2.2 Cypress: 5.0 Poplar: 4.5 Cedar: 3.1 Pine: 2.8 Willow: 4.0 Linden: 3.9 Oak: 3.3 Hazel: 2.4 Mountain ash: 5.0 Maple: 3.6 Walnut: 3.8 Jasmine: 3.6 Chestnut: 4.2 Ash: 4.7 Hornbeam: 4.5 Figs: 3.3 Birch: 5.0 Olive: 4.9 Beech: 2.4

Bottom line: Not the easiest day, but it is worth remembering that in the spring not only the sun is baking, but also frosts occur, how it should become better. All signs of the horoscope of the Druids today have to make decisions or learn something new about themselves and the world around them. Many of the events of this April Sunday have significance only here and now, but this is partly the unique importance of this day.


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