What will it be for you on April 13: a unique horoscope of druids and a "danger index" for all zodiac signs


On this April weekend, the sun warms even brighter, and spring more and more decisively takes over its rights to own nature and the whole world. The peculiar changes of the season also cover representatives of one of the oldest horoscopes in the world - the horoscope of the Druids. Their life today will be unusual in many different areas, we can say that for everyone the thirteenth of April will become one of the key points of the whole spring.

But for the sake of completeness, it is also strongly recommended to add the predictions for trees with the “hazard index” at the end of the article. Thanks to him, it is easy to understand how much caution or courage and confidence in invincibility are required on this day.


Apple tree: A sense of misunderstanding and elusive things are quite natural for this day - calm down, you just need to survive it, and then it will become easier. It’s not bad to support yourself with sweets. But in the evening - your subconscious mind will want to relax, so dump the usual routine at home - let them express their love with practical care.


Fir: It's time to admit that you are a little lazy and because of this you have not achieved possible success. But in spring all nature awakens, so you have a chance. Especially if you stop looking at the failures of the past, it’s better to get involved in the present.


Elm: Finance today behaves strangely - if they arrived, then there will be inevitable expenses, and if not enough, it means that you will soon become rich. But do not let material values ​​drown out the warmth that you can give to your family.


Cypress: Release your imagination and spend your day off compiling a “wish card”. And think about whether your workloads are related to the remuneration received - if not, then when, if not in the spring, decisively change the situation? The source of income, by the way, can be found in a business that gives you pleasure.


Poplar: From an energy point of view, it’s very useful today to clean the house. And it’s useful to take care of peace of mind - turn off the phone and social networks. Call friends in the evening for live communication and ask about plans for the summer - perhaps it will be incredibly exciting to combine vacations.


Cedar: Representatives of the opposite sex will show you signs of attention, but this will not result in anything serious. But this is for the better - you are too vulnerable to manipulate them. But everything is fixable, if from this day you begin to raise self-esteem and add selfishness and self-centeredness to the person.


Pine: Do not give free rein to emotions today - this will lead you into the jungle of misunderstanding and disappointment. Be consistent and stubborn - then win what is dear to you. And also - be careful in dealing with sharp objects and hot surfaces - there is a risk of personal injury.


Willow: Do not hesitate to ask for help in business - this will improve the result, hone your communication skills and bring incomparable pleasure in teamwork. But in a personal relationship with family it is better to take a short break - lately, emotional tension has reached a dangerous limit.


Linden: Something that belongs to you is ready to slip into the wrong hands, but to save this you will have to make a sacrifice, for sure - free time and a lot of nerves. Think about whether it’s worth it. Another important task for this April day - not to be tempted by fast food - your body is worth more than this dubious feeding.


Oak: It is time for reconciliation and compromise. At work, you will need all the skills and mastery, but be sure - you will be highly appreciated and set as an example to others. Various others, by the way, can today beat you with requests harmful to your wallet.


Hazel: You are encouraged to optimize the areas of everyday life to save time and resources, because both of them - there is where to spend this spring. But in the hustle and bustle of worries, do not forget to catch the bright moments of life, so that one day you do not feel spiritual emptiness and disappointment.


Rowan: You will have a rare chance to find a wise teacher and patron, if you can consider it. But also on the way you can meet immediately noticeable adversary who has chosen tactics ... imitation of your qualities and talents. Keep yourself in control - someone from those whose opinion is important to you can learn about the events of this day in full detail.


Maple: Try to saturate this day with new, unusual activities - then it will be a small adventure warming your heart. And be sure to involve in all the activities of the person with whom you want to establish communication - this will allow you to get to know each other from a new, unexpected and very encouraging side.


Nut: Due to the risk of personally causing your failures, be restrained even if feelings of a storm attract you to strong reactions. Try to look into the essence of things - with the spring awakening of the world, you will be able to clarify a lot that worried the unknown.


Jasmine: Sometimes in order to win, you need to show weakness. And sometimes not. This day is likely to give you the opportunity to try these truths. But around noon, a surprise may occur that blocks any negative. In addition, you will have the chance to show one of your talents to help relatives.


Chestnut: Pay attention to the home environment - only when you feel comfortable, you can gain strength and maintain peace of mind. Of other areas, work is curious - someone influential will try to annoy you, but it will come out that will help.


Ash: Do not be tempted by fatty foods and hot rooms - your health today is more fragile than the first bunch of lilies of the valley in the forest. However, your wallet also needs attention - a little more and the crisis will come, but the opportunity to save money is literally under your nose, imposed stereotypes prevent you from seeing it.


Hornbeam: Perhaps the relatives will actively intervene in your personal life, but even their best advice is useless to you - as they are based on a completely different life experience. Listen to your heart and give your loved one another chance. And get ready to receive a small gift or good news from afar.


Figs: Look for helpers for a shallow routine, and take care of yourself that in the future will help relieve summer from worries. Do not be embarrassed by the unexpected - they will not be uncommon this spring. But most importantly - look around, as fate itself gives you signs.


Birch tree: If you want to get what you want, today you will make tidbits. The wisdom of the ancients also advises you to devote this day to thinking about the meaning of life personally for yourself and a clear understanding of what is really important to you in it. It is also useful to plan a small risk if it improves something.


Olive: Your ingenuity and optimism today will serve you well. It’s useful to build work plans, but don’t accept sending on a business trip - changing seats this spring is not for you. And here are new acquaintances, among which even a person romantically disposed to you will surely come to light - your element for April.


Beech: Do not be so frank with others - they do not need to know your secrets and weaknesses. And to become stronger - do not succumb to jealousy, especially since a little later it will become known that there are no reasons for it at all. You may be praised, but be careful - someone just needs something from you and the person acts through flattery.


"Danger Index" for the signs of the horoscope of the Druids on Saturday, April 13, 2019



1-2 points:The danger of this day can be imagined as a clawed predator behind your back - one wrong breath and it will rush. Therefore, do not be afraid of one thing - be careful. And then you will have not entirely illusory chances to spend this day without harming yourself, even with benefit and pleasure.

3 points: It is known that unfamiliar bright berries are not necessarily as tasty and generally edible as they may seem. Roughly this is the day. So, you just need to behave wisely and then there will be no problems.

4-5 points: The rare opportunity to be a fearless hero is the essence of this day. You can destroy obstacles, avoid the intrigues of enemies and generally use at your discretion dizzying luck and a sweet sense of security.


Your mark: Apple tree: 3.1 Fir: Elm: 4.0 Cypress: 4.2 Poplar: 3.9 Cedar: 5.0 Pine: 4.3 Willow: 4.5 Linden: 3.0 Oak: 3.5 Hazelnut: 3.8 Rowan: 4.8 Maple: 5.0 Walnut: 3.0 Jasmine: 4.4 Chestnut: 4.7 Ash: 4.6 Hornbeam: 3.3 Figs: 3.8 Birch: 3.5 Olive: 4.7 Beech: 4.


Total: We can say that this day is like a stained-glass window skillfully crafted - there is a general picture, but consisting of many details in its paint. Many horoscope signs should focus on their emotions. For others, the material component of reality is no less important. But each of them, without a doubt, can draw its conclusions from the thirteenth of April. In general, this day is not dangerous, rather - sometimes for some it is a little wary.



Watch the video: Weekly Reading March 28-April 3, 2016 -- DRUID CRAFT TAROT (July 2024).