Does Caesarean section affect the development of the newborn?


The number of caesarean sections has doubled over the past 10 years around the world. The "unnatural" birth of a child has both advantages and disadvantages. A recent study found that cesarean section is associated with long-term effects mainly in children.

What results were obtained in the studies?

Caesarean section is much less likely to cause problems with the pelvic floor or urinary incontinence than vaginal delivery. However, a surgical procedure increases the risk of death, miscarriage, diabetes and obesity. The result of the study was published by the journal PLOS Medicine.

As part of the scientific work, 79 studies were conducted in which nearly 30 million women participated. The long-term physical effects of caesarean section were compared with natural childbirth.

Many women are so afraid of physiological birth that they prefer not to give birth naturally. Most people prefer to have a cesarean section as intended in the operating room.

There are many medical reasons for the planned procedure. If pelvic presentation is present or the fetus is too large, surgery may be required.

However, the question of cesarean section or natural birth, according to doctors, is too often decided in favor of surgical intervention. For many clinics in Russia, the operational procedure is a profitable business.

Little is known about long-term effects.

Caesarean section causes serious complications. The immediate risks are infection, thrombosis and circulatory disorders. According to the authors of the study, most women are aware of these dangers. However, only a few are aware of the possible long-term consequences.

In previous systematic reviews, individual effects of Caesarean section were considered. Scientists have not been able to find published reviews that summarize evidence of all the long-term risks and benefits of unnatural births.

There is no documented evidence of medium- and long-term complications in women and children.

Benefit: reduced risk of urinary incontinence

According to experts in a scientific analysis, cesarean section in mothers was associated with a low risk of urinary incontinence in the long term. Weakening of the pelvic floor is also less common, which can cause prolapse of the uterus or vagina.

However, in women after cesarean section, the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth increases during repeated pregnancy. Long-term effects on children born in Caesarean section have also been investigated.

The effect of caesarean section on the future health of the child

For about 20 years, scientists have been discussing the possible risks of caesarean section for the future health of the child. In children born by caesarean section, in the following years, diseases associated with the immune system are more common - asthma, gastrointestinal infections and joint inflammation. There are also some observations that children born with Caesarean section later become more prone to overweight or autism.

One suggestion is that babies are exposed to maternal germs during natural birth.

Microflora prepares and strengthens the baby’s immune system.

Children born with Caesarean section are more likely to suffer from obesity. A study conducted by Israeli researchers also found that unnatural births increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Possible emotional consequences

Even if a cesarean section was planned, a sense of loss may arise later. While uterine contractions have not yet begun, the "body and soul" are often not ready for birth.

For a child, there is a clear difference from vaginal delivery in that a cesarean section is performed externally and very suddenly.

The child is taken out of the familiar environment unprepared.

A small study showed that children born with Caesarean section are more likely to suffer from depression. However, a clear causal relationship could not be established.

Skeptics warn: results should be interpreted with caution

According to the portal Medical Xpress, the results of the current study were based on observational data. A causal relationship cannot be deduced, so the results should be interpreted with caution.

The authors of the study were not able to analyze the data after a planned or emergency caesarean section. Further studies will show how much caesarean section affects the development of the child and the physical well-being of the mother.


Watch the video: C-section cesarean section - CHI Health (July 2024).