Reasons for excess weight: based on the zodiac sign


The causes of excess weight are always a hot topic of contention among nutritionists and scientists.

A correct understanding of it is of great importance for choosing a program for losing weight, as well as for keeping its result in the norm of everyday life. And partly astrology can help here.

After all, each zodiac sign has its own characteristics in the field of increasing excess grams. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a matter of excess according to medical standards or what makes the sign less attractive in the eyes of the representative of the mark itself.



In principle, Aries tries to eat properly, but this only applies to the range. He may skip breakfast and overeat at dinner. More importantly, he forgets about the drinking regimen. Coffee, juice from the bag, soda - but not clean water. At the same time - he is a lover of spicy, salty food. Its constant enemy is fast pasta carbohydrates and everything starchy (including carrots and potatoes). Extra pounds often come due to dehydration, an excess of salt.



This sign diligently goes through diets several times a year and tries to be physically active. But often important things overtake him, and then in the fast pace of life, he begins to have a bite on the go. Fast food, coffee, a bar and, of course, an apple. Because vitamins are also beneficial. Taurus sincerely thinks that small flaws should not affect the overall correct style. The most harmful sign foods are fatty foods.



The problem with this sign is extremes. He either can’t refuse himself anything, or is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of harmony. A complete rejection of carbohydrates or fats? Maybe. Exclusion of protein or mono diet on celery? Interesting. At first this brings the result, but then, of course, a complete metabolic disturbance is possible. So the main food enemy of the sign is monotony.



Often this sign naturally has an excellent physique, however, to maintain it, you need some little things that elude Cancer's attention. Due to commonplace ignorance (for example, a partial allergy to milk proteins, which can be overlooked for years, attributed to other disorders). Either the opinion that this is difficult (for example, helps to keep in shape swimming, but such a hassle with a pool). For the sign, weight gain is possible in connection with violations of the internal microflora. Distressed foods are sweet fruits like bananas, grapes, and mangoes.


a lion

This sign is a real gourmet and cannot deny itself the best. So quite often graceful novelties of cakes from a fashionable confectionery and “serious” occasions become a loss of form. For example, chocolate is good for nerves, cheese is good for the heart. With great difficulty, Leo is given and following the recommendations after completing the diet. In his view, this is the greatest injustice in the world, that the “torment” that has been passed is not satisfied with the result. The most dangerous food for Leo is desserts. It is also possible for Leo to recover from a malfunctioning hormonal background.



More often than other signs, he finds diets that are impressive in result, which, however, will soon depreciate. Virgo puts on the fact that once an improved form should be maintained regardless of further nutrition and lifestyle. When in fact, the sign could support the desired weight, provided that it is even smaller than the diet, but stable changes in the diet. For example, sometimes carbohydrates from cereals can contribute to weight gain, which means that they should be eliminated altogether. Products that are rich in artificial additives can also damage the sign - all this violates the metabolism. Weight gain due to impaired functioning of the liver or kidneys is possible.



This zodiac sign belongs to those for whom almost everything of value equals individuality. It is not enough for him to know the average for his age, weight and lifestyle of the BJU. He does not fit a simple diet. His food can always be tasty and practically contain no restrictions, if you find a framework for him. Indicated, in particular, by the presence of an allergy sign, features of the composition of the blood and other "details" of the body. After all, even the perception of complex carbohydrates can be different. But what exactly is not good for Libra is simple sugar, instead of it, anything is recommended - dried fruits, chocolate, honey.



The representative of this sign is more often than others prone to the habit of "seizing stress", as well as denying himself sleep and rest due to workload. As a result, there is a violation of insulin levels and even greater fatigue and a lack of good appetite in calm times. Unsuitable for Scorpio can be called all high-calorie, but as if inconspicuous. For example, nuts (for comparison, celery can be eaten as much as you like, but almost no calories will come).



A story often happens with this sign, when it seems to him that there is excess weight, but the medical data "shout" the opposite - he is normal. If the problem really is present, then it often comes from a holiday. Weekends, triumphs, holidays - reasons to pamper yourself when the body is corny can not cope with the load. In other words, excellent appetite often harms Sagittarius. And it happens that no. Depends on what he plays out. Say, wonderful, if for seasonal watermelons and Greek salad.



Often not the best eating habits of this sign are formed from childhood - first, parents teach them to eat everything on a plate, then they teach that it is indecent to visit people not to try everything on the table, and they also give the guests who have moved to their house Capricorn. Accustomed to eating thoroughly, Capricorn does not understand how you can ruin your world in such a way as to change everything. Therefore, often the most that he is capable of is long non-strict diets. For example, Mediterranean for three months. And then ... Everything will return to square one. If you do not completely change the diet. The greatest harm to the sign is done by home-made, good-quality food like borsch, meatballs with mashed potatoes and salads dressed with mayonnaise. Also, a frequent cause of weight gain is a violation of the digestive tract.



It has an amazing variety. At one time, the weight “scares off” the sport and you can eat anything, but in another year, full of overloads and colds, your favorite clothes from simple cereals on the water do not fasten. In a word, for Aquarius weight loss is a real lottery. And the main thing for him is to carefully monitor the state of his body, not to rely only on what once helped and try new things.



Striving to achieve the ideal, Pisces can ignore the needs of their own body. For example, often their weight loss is a commonplace depletion of the body. Consequently, weight gain is a "desperate" attempt to recover, gain strength, albeit "in reserve", before its owner begins new experiments. Moreover, exhaustion is possible with excess weight. For example - vitamin deficiency, deficiency of minerals, amino acids. So it’s not specific products that are harmful to this sign, but extremes.


Watch the video: Astrology diets 12 signs (July 2024).