Dog horoscope: the puppy’s birth date will help you understand how he will grow


Some representatives of dogs are too mobile, the second gravitate to exhibition work, the third - the watchman, the fourth - mischievous.

For the sake of curiosity, read what their horoscope shows. Does the character of the friend fit the description?


The dog is playful and cheerful. If he gets angry and growls, then no longer than a minute, and then he will turn around and forget what drove him crazy. Aries likes to run, play and eat all kinds of rubbish on the street. The dog will become depressed with insufficient physical activity.
Expect her to remain a puppy even at an advanced age. Her life slogan is "If it didn’t work out immediately, then I will try again!". Due to restlessness and activity, Aries can earn several scars on the face.


The dog is stubborn, and this quality will develop over time. When the dog determines the problem, the decision will be final. Often there is a situation when Taurus is "the owner of his master." You can’t break this sign, you can grow it for yourself. Therefore, early education is what is needed for Taurus. The owner needs the help of professionals in teaching basic instructions.

A calm dog from birth will be very angry if he feels that the owner is threatened. Loving and affectionate, Taurus require a lot of attention for complete happiness. In certain individuals, this need causes the dog to become too faithful.


The pet needs constant encouragement and games. Doggies can even learn to imitate individual sounds that they often hear. Verbal support works well with this sign, and you will get a response by talking to your pet.

The dog is very resourceful to evade what he does not want to do. In addition, the twins are predisposed to cunning. She, with uncomprehending eyes on an honest face, will look around the spaced-out room and will begin to search with the owner for the disappeared sausage. They have a conscience, but an impudent mind and activity make them forget about it.

The pet needs to be in the spotlight and yelp a lot. Her slogan is "I bark talentedly and sing a little." Lack of education for a long time will be a problem. The mood of the dog is changeable, so training periods should be short and distributed throughout the day.


This is a true four-legged friend who is easy to train to carry a grocery bag and to babysit babies. They feed their foundlings and orphans with their milk.

Crayfish love water, and swimming is a favorite pastime. Yes there, they just enjoy the water.

Lack of attention is damaging to the animal. Do not leave them alone for long. During moments of melancholy attacks, the dog begins to howl, even to the moon. The dog does not even know how to be offended if he is scolded. He knows how to love and adore his master like no other.

a lion

The proud lion is a sight to behold. Great show dog, even if it's stupid. He has an unlimited sense of greatness, royal manners, and on the face it says "I am the boss."

You just can’t ignore a lion - it should always be in the spotlight. If left unattended, the dog may become depressed. And then additional attention will be required to compensate for its flaw: special gifts and approval, as compensation. After that, a friend may do something for you.


The calmest and quietest dog of the entire zodiac. She is a born healer who will carefully take care of you when you feel bad. Excellent ability to work as a therapeutic dog.

Virgo will enjoy living in a clean house. She will also be happy with weekly baths. However, you will notice that sometimes the dog looks disapprovingly. The pet expects perfection from you in all respects, and if you do not see it, it will definitely make it clear.


A dog is happy when it is loved and showered with attention. And hates to be alone. If the work schedule does not allow you to devote much time to the pet, then let some other animal live with it. The scales get along with everyone and will be nice to other pets in the family.

This sign has a strong need for care and attention. The dog, when he gets confused, will sit and look with a strange expression on his face "What decision to make?" You must patiently explain and show what you expect from him in this situation.

Remember to tell the dog that you love it several times a day. This sweetheart physically needs hugs and kisses.


The dog will give his life for the owner. This is the protector. A very intuitive animal and anticipates if something is wrong. As a warning, it may whine, bark and bite. She is a strong psychic and will find her way home even from the North Pole.

In a family where there are other animals and children, Scorpio must be introduced as a puppy. Otherwise, problems may arise and without special preparation it will be difficult. Because this sign is a leader - he loves to win and win against everyone.


The dog looks like an elegant champion, but instantly turns into a clown. He will suffocate, but he will still do tricks, dance and jump to the delight of the public.

Sagittarius is a friend who will go camping with pleasure. Are you ready to go And then he is already waiting. When traveling by car, this is the happiest puppy on the planet. An outgoing dog likes to wander on his own, if given the opportunity.


The dog is a real family friend. Expect the animal to demand the attention of guests when they arrive on a visit. The dog considers himself an equal member of the family.

Capricorns enjoy the best things, require delicious food and special attention. If you decide to take such a dog, then prepare the best place in the house for sleeping, even if this is your new expensive sofa. Look for a rich and elegant collar for him, made of natural materials. A dog will never respond to something cheap.


An independent and freedom-loving dog prefers to roam alone. Friendly Aquarius will require personal space and time to reflect. I wonder what dogs are thinking about. It will seem to you that the dog is not thinking about anything, and then he will do something amazing for everyone. An isolated wanderer will become a buffoon in an instant and a vanishing wizard the next moment.

Because of natural curiosity, dogs often get into trouble. The slogan of Aquarius: "I must know how it works."
The dog is unstable in behavior, and he will need substantial preparation to overcome stubbornness and frequent mood swings.


Friendly and loyal puppy. Warmth and affection are bread and butter of a pet. You will create a special connection with your friend if you allow him to enter your world. The fish will look for ways to please and attract attention, and the hope of encouragement will be reflected in the eyes of Pisces.

This is an intuitive sign, the dog will know that you are leaving before you tell your spouse about it. A dog can be a wonderful partner for those who work in magic. He will listen for hours and act as if he knows what they are told.


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